for the steep price of 900 coins you can get a gold nunchuk similar to the gold wii remote that was bundled with Skyward Sword i just wish the cord attaching to it wasn't white and i wish i had enough coins to get this.
I really do like the concept of these, but they feel way too cheap to be GOLD. When I tried the Skyward Wiimote it felt exactly like any other Wiimote, which was a bit dissapointing. Still, it's nice for the ones that who likes this.
Wait, so they didn't change the cable? Idiots. That's gonna ruin the whole effect for people. They're gonna get it home, and connect them up, then there's gonna be this ugly white cable between their gold WiiMote and Nunchuck, and then they'll realise how stupid they were. But hey, if it's your thing, I won't judge. Also, given that a Black Edition Wii will only net you 160 coins, 900 coins is 5.6 Wii consoles, or 9 DSi's. KH:DDD gets you 40 coins, and DSWare and iiWare things get you, like, 10 coins. Way too expensive.
definitely too expensive. with all my products combined, i only have gotten about 800 coins which i have spent on stuff already.
Um, wow. That's a rip-off. I've been registering all my stuff now to see if I could even get the game and watch game, but i'm nowhere near where i need to be to get it. and that's for a game. a colored nunchuck isn't worth it even.
I bought it. you may think I am dumb for doing so, but I have been waiting for a while for this thing to come out in the US. I literally made 510 coins today. Good thing I keep the items in the game cases for my Wii games and DS games.