Well, I'm going to leave for the ER again. The new medicine that my doctor tried to put me on hasn't helped so much and I've been in pain for the past two weeks. My heart has been hardening for the past few months, and it's putting out more adrenaline to keep itself pumping. This time, I'm probably going to be admitted to the actual hospital (what my doctor told me). If I'm in the hospital, I'll be put higher on the heart transplant list, but I'm still not to sure if it's going to happen any time soon. When I went to the ER, there was no wifi but I'm not sure if that's the case for the main hospital (the hospital isn't just one building) so I'm not sure if I'm going to be back on for a while. When they keep me, it's going to be for a long time. This isn't a thread for the Departure Lobby, because, partly, I don't know if where I'm going to be has wifi or not. If it does, then I'll be back on this place, keeping you guys updated. If it doesn't, well, that's just tough luck for me then. It's more of an update for my friends who are on here who have stuck by me thus far. I would like to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for the well wishes, prayers, and laughs. (I'll keep updating on my twitter account. I couldn't retrieve my password for my original one, so I created a new one. @joseluissolo)
Oh man, I hope you'll be okay tummer, you will be missed here but hopefully you will have wifi :3 I will be praying for you and I'll get my church to do the same.
Good luck man. I wish you well. :/ Hope they can do something for ya. Until then, have a cookie to raise your spirits! :)
I've never been too good at the "wishing my prayers" thing, so just take my word for it that I sincerely hope things turn out okay. May God help you.
Thank you everyone. They didn't find anything wrong with me, and they decided to not admit me after all. We were at the hospital all day because they were running tests, and the wifi there were only for the admitted patients and working doctors. Didn't get back until really late last night. Thanks everyone!