Going for a while

Discussion in 'Departure Hall' started by Korosu, Jun 16, 2011.

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  1. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Title pretty much says it, hopefully not leaving forever but meh, we shall see. I need to get my ****ing act together and need to learn to stop being so dependent on people, being clingy, too 'emo' etc etc. Sorting stuff out basically. To those few who have me on msn or any other site I don't plan on being too active, so yep guess this is goodbye for a bit. As for Voxli meh that depends.

    Anyhow;even though it may sound silly or stupid or whatever,I'm going to put 'shout outs' or leave just general messages to people who I sort of care about on here or just general 'shout outs' don't like it? don't read, make fun all you bloody wish because I really don't give a crap any more. kthx. :

    Adam - Oh you, nobody understands your horrid spelling expect me. Fail spellers4ever, dood. I shall drop you an email explaining things possibly since I haven't spoken to you in ages D: You've helped me a heck of alot and well you know the rest, must stop before I get all silly and sad. Take care, 'best friend' <33

    Sakura - Listen/read this, missy! No matter what you tell yourself or what others tell you; you're amazing, nice, friendly and everything else that sounds positively lovely and that's descriptive Chin up, stay strong and please take care. If you need to talk or vent, I'm just an email away.

    Machi/meap/meat/stalker - Bonnie wee lad! Your stalker skills shall decrease rapidly now! 8| You've made me laugh so much, more times then I would like to mention, also helped me when we had 'deep' conversations once or twice. I shall miss your creepy Borat voice! I bet you're going to miss my fookin' amazing singing of Christmas songs Keeping smiling the pedo smile and stuff. I hope the attic is alright, I shall cook you some Belgian waffles too. Meap! I shall miss you, good luck with the volley ball stuff/school work etc. I would write more but alas; I'm a lazy *****. c: <3

    Chris - ihu, you too, risk. but I suppose, somewhere, deep down and as much as i hate to admit it ilu even though you annoy me to the point where I want to smash my laptop to pieces. ¬¬ take care Hate you for life. From,

    Midny - Thanks for trying to cheer me up all the time even though you 70% of the time failed. You're really nice and stuff. Good luck with the exams -if you still have them- I shall miss you and your reading out of stories. Take care.

    Sammich baby/Andrew - I hope you're feeling better now or starting to feel better. Sorry I haven't talked to you recently. You're so sweet it's unbelievable. D:< Hope all is well. Take care~

    ff- Bye bai, ex-husband. Take care, I shall miss you and your fluffiness/'hugs'

    Ienzo - Keep an eye on lp2p along side Midny, I do hope the madness don't increase. >8| Also; please stop spying on me while I shower. kthx.

    Feenie - Yes, I still laugh when I think about the trick me and Chris pulled on voxli for April fools even though it was like 20-something days late I suppose I should say 'take care' or something nice but we both know I'm not that kind. Bye bye.

    Nate - Dildo. 'Enuf said.

    FKB - Even though you've sort of left but oh well, I type this with hope that you may still lurk as a guest. Sorry for the times we teased you in voxli, we all love you really but I guess you already know that. Take care and good luck with your studies and stuff.

    Cat<3Sora - Since you've ignored my previous messages, I think. Sammich babe is mine and mine forever <3 kthxbye. c:

    P - Y'know all them times I said you was right? I was lying.

    Luxord - I miss the shipping of people we did. *insert a fkb paring here*. Even though I've hardly spoken to you expect for on voxli and stuff, take care. Also to all the other voxli regulars, 'sup.

    Daxa - Snapex/snapexaxel4ever

    Welp. I would write more but I'm too lazy.

    To all others of khv who may or may not be reading this, bye bye and hopefully see you soon.
  2. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    My baby is sweet, and if it makes you feel any better, you can borrow him whenever you need him, but he's still forever my baby. :3

    Just take as much time as you need to get that act together, because the show won't go on without you. :3

    I wish you luck, and if you ever wanna come back to talk, i'm here for you friend. (:
  3. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    We'll all be right here where you left us when you get back, sweetie. Good luck with everything. <3
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Good luck in your search for change and improvement, wanting to change is the first step, and once you have got your mind into that place then the rest is much easier <3 you're a great kid, and I wish you all the best.

    Take whatever time you need, I'm sure we'll all still be here wandering around in our zombie-like states of addiction when you return <3
  5. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    I will miss you Kelly. Best of luck with your life and I will be waiting for your return.
  6. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Bai Bai Little K, hopefully we shall meet again some day!
  7. Blayz Mods Set The World A Blayz

    Feb 20, 2010
    Washington State
    best of luck kelly, hope you get all of your priority's figured out, we'll all be waiting for your return.^ ^
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Well... Until our paths cross again Kelly. Until our paths cross again...
  9. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    gjchris, not noticing this until now. I just want to say, ihu2. But I also think that you're pretty rad and I adore thou.

    Good luck with real life issues! I suppose I shall aid you through any of them you need any aid with, using the tool that is MSN. You should come back to KHV soon-ish though, but real life comes first of course. I wish you the best of luck with everything, much love,
  10. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    Oh hun,hope you come back soon!!
    Snape x Axel forever and ever <3
  11. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Not my Jelleh~ :'c

    I hope everything works out for you and I'll miss you my kidnap bby. <3

    We'll be here when you come back, take as much time as you need.

    Take care. <3
  12. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Ohai all,thank you for the goodbyes. I think I have most things under control now, still have some things to do and people to see so I may or may not be a little inactive. Staff can lock or do whatever they do now <3
  13. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Welcome back.

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