I saw the first God of War, in it's original cover not the silly budget priced one for a few pounds, at my local Tesco on Saturday, so decided to pick it up. I absolutely loved it, n' finished it off today. I hate to say this but i did like the violence in it, n' the whole seeking revenge against a God was very cool . But it was a bit on the short side. Nevertheless i loved it. So I went back to my local Tesco's today & picked up the second one. I haven't tried it yet as i've only just got in but i can't wait to play it. Anyone else played it?
Yeah God of War is a pretty sick game. Just found the Ares battle not as epic as the other 3 boss battles. The second on is even better than the first one. I like how they included more boss battles in the second one.
Yeah, God of War was tight....but there was one part that was.....disturbing that i shouldn't mention.....but the game was tight!
Oh, I finished God Of War 2 a few days ago. Pretty amazing game! Oi and the ending...well I won't say anything. Plus they're making a God of War game on the PSP...problem is I don't have a PSP!
It's an OK game. It won't win any awards for voice acting, or scripting, but it's not like it's horrendous or anything. I guess Prince of Persia, and it's acting set a pretty high standard for voice acting. The succeeds where it's meant to: To be bloody, and open for various fighting. My only major problems are minor things, which, if anything, take a death or two to figure out before hand. Which, contrary to many games, is fine, since you always respawn just outside of where you died, generally. The things that bother me most are when you get into a boss fight, and you kind of have no idea what to do, or what to hit. I mean, the first major battle in GoW2 had me all over the place, before I realized that to finish the first part was to destroy the hand that WASN'T moving, rather than focus on the mobile one. Some boss fights just require a little too much thought, which you generally don't have time for, since you have to focus mostly on avoiding all the spam attacks some of the bosses can perform. The other little issue are the moves. The special attacks are flashy, at best, and nothing more. They don't provide any extra damage, and often lock you into a series of movements that make you more vulnerable than anything. They work wonders when enemies surround you, but often you'll be in the middle of the attack, and enemy characters will stop running through damage animations, and attack you, all while taking no damage from the flurry of attacks. The only one that I've found that always works is the lightning ball, and that does some pretty weak damage as it is. It just gets bothersome to upgrade weaponry, and find out that you kill faster, safer, and more efficiently, when you just stick to normal attacks. Kind of makes it pointless to even upgrade anything other than magic to start with.
Well not all people have the same taste. I actually PoP bosses took more time to figure out than God of war. PoP is all about tacticts, not about brute strength, while GoW is all about brute strength (Not counting the puzzles.) And *cough* I think it already won awards. By the way, got this from a site: "God of War II has received overwhelmingly positive reviews. Many critics have stated that the sequel surpasses the original, is one of the PlayStation 2's best games,[9][10] is one of the best action games of all time nd, moreover, one of the best video games ever made. The game is also considered to be the swan song of the PlayStation 2 era, in other words the last great game exclusively for the system" xD. Like I said everybody has his own taste, I think that quote I just posted was a bit exagerated. I REALLY don't think it's the greatest game, but just a great game.
i only got half way into god of war 1 cause my disk is scrashed up but i beat GOW 2 it has to be the best game i have played, maybe better then kingdom hearts.
Which part are ya talking about o.O and I love both games, and saving for a psp so I can get the next one which comes out hopefully if they don't delay it in Fall 2007
yeah i saw an advert of GoW on the PSP on the back of the instructions. I'll probably just play it on my sisters PSP. :D
Now, after having beaten it, I think I can say that some boss fights are insanely simple. The fates, and Clothos? Yeesh, lost hardly any health. Though Zeus, he was okay, until he started spamming those double-lighting attacks. Always did it while I was rolling away, or in the middle of an attack I couldn't get out of. *******. Aside from that, the ending was pretty good, and the emotional range of Kratos did expand from the two previous emotions he had: Angry, and pissed. I'm intrigued at how the next one will turn out, so I suppose I'm slowly warming up to it. The one thing I'm grateful for is the low penalty for death. Unlike other games that restart you at save points, God of War will place you at predetermined check points, often saving you needless stage-roaming to get to a fight you might lose...AGAIN. So that much I'm thankful for. Some enemies I seriously hate. Those Gorgons...yeah...they can go right to hell. Honestly, I can't stand their insta-stone gaze. Sure, you can reflect it back, but you get so used to L1+Square, that when you start it up, you instinctively mash Square, only to find out that the buttons are different, and you're stoned. Which, of course, leads to death, as the second Gorgon (Because there's always two) attacks the exact moment the first starts up that stupid stone-gaze. Hate does not come close to the anguish they've caused me. I mean, seriously, I used high-strength magic, and it takes me four times the spells to defeat them than any other enemy. And Titan-Rage doesn't to much, and it normally takes me a full bar to rid myself of them. At least the rage makes me immune to stoning, so that's a plus I exploit. (IE: Rage, calm, rage, calm, rage, calm) A good game, not something I'm used to, but still good. Still, some of the weapons are pointless in their very existence, as you spend half of the game with Athena's Blades that using anything else is so unnatural, and pretty much pointless to use. Then again, I found anything outside of Athena's Blades, Earth-shake, and Cronos' lighting to be pretty much pointless, after they were maxed, so.....