Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Mirai, Aug 13, 2007.

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  1. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...

    you mean God! not god, God.
    And if you believe in jesus and let him into your heart. and you will go to heaven.
    hell was made for satin and his demons not for people.
  2. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    It's simply required that we accept him as the son of God? That's it?
  3. Repliku Chaser

    His name is Yahweh. If people don't want to capitalize a 3 letter term for any deity of worship, that is their choice. Also, I find it ironic you try to force someone to use a capital G, but you can't capitalize or spell Satan right.
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    So what you are saying is, no matter what you do in life you will be forgiven as long as you mean it when you ask? That sickens me. That sucks all the value out of having morals. Who cares what I do, as long as I truly and honestly as for forgiveness I'll get it. I don't see the point in being good then. But oh wait, I have something called a moral code/compass and I've never been to church with my family and I am agnostic. Having religion/faith does not make you a good person.
    Heaven should be for the genuinely good, faith shouldn't factor in, after all, are we all not supposedly equal in Gods eyes? Therefore we should all start off at the same level whether we believe or not, then we move up or down according to the goodness and validity/genuinity of our deeds.

    And anyway, it's a choice between eternal boredom or eternal suffering, at least when you are suffering something is happening.
  5. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    ummm..."heaven was made for satin and his demons not for people" WTF?! NO!!!!!!!!!!!
    heaven was made for GOD's! followers (but if you dont belive in God i think you be fine if your not like evil)i belive that if u belive in GOD! and live a life of peace and dont do anything really bad and the stuff you do that is bad you repent for them you will go to HEAVEN! not HELL! THATS!!! WERE THE DEMONS AND SATIN IS! in HELL!!

    thank you...
  6. Repliku Chaser

    Not to be redundant here but it's Satan, not satin. Satin is a cloth. Satan is the evil bad fallen angel Lucifer that fell from grace and all. I sleep with Satin every night. If I sleep with Satan, we have some issues, don't we?

    Another thing I'd point out is that there are so many divisions of Christianity because people want to take one thing one way and others take it another. So what you say is true from your perspective and what the other said was from his teachings and perspective. I do agree with your point though that if the monotheistic deity God is supposed to be benevolent and loving, even if you don't believe in the person, if your deeds in life are sound, I'd hope you'd go to the proper more positive place instead of burning in another for all eternity. If I were to believe in Christianity, it is what I would hope for and what side of the line I would sit on. However, there is enough evidence to the contrary for those who search the pages of the Bible, and the fact in itself makes things contradictory. I suppose in the end, you interpret it as you will and I'd always assume to go for the more peaceful thing usually.
  7. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    OOPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :stupid:
    spelling error

    Yes thats it!!:)

    i feel bad now
  8. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    See, I would've thought that the message and teachings he gave to people were more important. In the bible himself, Jesus never paraded any hint of divinity around in public. He was simply putting across the idea that it's not bad if you forgive people sometimes and be nice to them. Even until the end with direct confrontation, he never said "I am God's son believe in me", he simply asked his accusers who they "thought" he was.

    With that in mind, there in lies one of the greatest misconceptions that people are making about Christianity. As opposed to taking a face value in the actual good of Christ's message, people lose the actual point in all the mythos. I highly doubt, that someone like Christ, who was usually one to discourage the superficial, would even care about whether or not you truly accept him as the son of a higher power. I think he'd be much happier if, regardless of what you believe, that you understood where his message was coming from and did your best to simply be nice to people. I think getting the message is more important then who actually sends it.
  9. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau

    One of the things that was bothering me with the whole religion thing is, if God loves us all equally no matter what, then shouldn't he have the kind heart to respect our decision of living our life away from a church? If he's so cold hearted as to not let us live a life of what we want, wouldn't that also make him selfish to his own desires?

    I'm not name calling, for the record. I'm distinctly using certain words here. No flaming plz.
  10. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    first of all - WHAT'S WITH THE BURNING IN HELL STUFF - kinda creepy

    and i believe that God is too busy damming people - because he has the whole world to take care of - he's nice not evil
  11. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I believe that God (of the Christian faith) looks more upon man's actions than his belief in God.
  12. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    i stick with Advent_Of_Apocolypse. but also you go to heaven if you choose to follow gods path (christian way) or you spend etenety in hell, but i belive that you will be a ghost to make up your faults for the reason you go to hell. that is what i think and someone is probally going to chew me out for saying this in a few minutes.
  13. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    Those who deserve to go to heaven are those who do actions that are good. It is an injustice for a criminal who believes in God to be able to commit illicit acts and still be admitted into heaven.

    I believe that non-Christians still deserve to be admitted into 'heaven' so long as they are good people at heart.
  14. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Heaven, Hell , God , Satan.... All non existing scapegoats used to reassure one's beliefs and provide an ominous
    bliss for those who fear death and what lies beyond.... These are my ideals and the foundation of what i live by. When you die, thats it.Eternal sleep in the deepest abyss... I am an Atheist and there is nothing anyone can do to change my thoughts. Those with different or conflicting beliefs should try their best to coexist and live in harmony. Those are my thoughts.
  15. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    i kinda dont like what he just said about god, satan, heaven, hell are fake. but also everyone has a different religion, so it is a bland topic. you can belive in god and go to heaven and follow his path ( christian)
    but also you can belive in what you want and go to heaven.
    there are many types of religion.
    hinduism where when you are able to become one with brahman which is their main god and go to nirvana and which is basicaly heaven. heaven is used in many religions and is called many things.
  16. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Believe what you want... That is the main structure for which i live and i'll stick by it no matter what. I mean, most religions make no sense if you get right down to it! example with christianity: how could ANYONE believe that a "ALMIGHTY MAGIC MAN" created humans and animals!? Its already been proven that animals and humans all evolved from the primordial creatures that inhabited this planet from he start of the Big Bang and the materialization of the Earth!
  17. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Careful now. Evolution is still a theory, which by definition remains an inference to the best possible explanation. Just because we can acquire evidence to reject the possibility of a creator it doesn't mean that we can refute it. We can reject that there are no such things as rainbow coloured goats but we can't prove it.

    @ {vindicated}: there is merit in calling faith an illusion. Any form of it is really a dressing to an actual way of life that simply promotes the betterment of humankind. in most cases the mythos surrounding the message results in it being misconstrued. You yourself are constantly referring to "god's path", but what makes makes it "god's path" to begin with? You've simply associated the way of life that most modern faiths preach at their very core with the notion of a big guy in the sky that's watching down on you. Again it's not about knowing the who's behind it all, it's about knowing the general message. Knowledge about the former does nothing for you.
  18. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    And yet this apparantly happens all the time in the Catholic faith. Confession allows the committing of sins without consequence. A criminal who believes in God and follows the Catholic path can go to confession, ask for forgiveness and still enter heaven.

    Whereas someone who is a non-Catholic christian or does not follow any religion containing a heaven/hell structure may go their entire lives committing no crimes or sins and be treated the same if not worse.

    Defeats the prupose of being good IMO.

    Please correct me if I am wrong, I hope to use these debates to better and improve my views on topics such as religion x]
  19. lostheart Merlin's Housekeeper

    Ok. I've been reading this quiz, postponing my shower time to answer this thread. Boy, I'm dedicated!
    In my short beautiful life, i've come to a conclusion that there is a higher being of power,deity,etc. which I simply choose to call God because it's short and sweet. And easy to remember.:]
    I also believe in Heaven and Hell. Yet i believe God looks at your morals and decides where you go. Hitler was an evil man who commited man-slughter of millions of people, and Gandhi was a man who spread his opinion of peace to the Indian people.
    We all know murder is wrong. It's in our brains form the moment we are born to the day we kick the bucket. There is nothing wrong with being peaceful. In fact, life would be better if we were all that way.
  20. Zeftnon - The Superior Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 12, 2006
    Press Ctrl+W to find out...
    Not everybody is Christian. "Believe or you'll burn in hell"? Even without statistics, you could be saying that half the world's population is going to hell. It's not necessarily believing in God that will get you to Heaven, it's the things that you do that counts. Your belief in God is a great reminder to do good. A reminder that someone loves you and believes that you can get to Heaven. You need to prove that you truly believe in him to yourself here on Earth.
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