I just wanted to make a thread of this game it is great! Like my brother described it 'Monster Hunter on acid!' It's all about humanity being pushed to the brink of extinction by creatures called the Arigami. The Arigami are creatures made up of billions of single celled organisms with one perpose 'Devoring' anything and everything. Your character is a person who is able to fight the using a weapon called a 'God Arc' and people who can use these are called God eaters hence the name of the game... I would post more info but I don't want to blow the whole story lol. Has anyone else played it? what do people think?
How does the gameplay compare in terms of Monster Hunter? Is it as skill-based, or does it fall back on reaction-commands and button mashing?
the gameplay is almost identical to monster hunter, it's all skill based with swords and guns just unlike Monster Hunter you can use them at the same time. The Monsters have the same movement types as Monster hunter such as set attacks and they run away if the attain to much damage causing you to have to run after them ect.
It's beginning to sound promising. If it's for the PSP, I might be tempted to try it out. Is it by Capcom, like Monster Hunter is, or by a different company?
diffrent company and it is on PSP lol let me find you a pic of the main characters Okay so it isn't a pic of the main characters but its a snap shot from the games entrence cinimatic so it shows a person and one of the Arigami this one is called an 'Orgitail'