You'll be fine they said. Heat, murder, dying. I am Scottish, I shouldn't have to deal with this sunlight crap.
Push, and it isnt a lot of land, just a back garden and front garden of a general sized house, the only annoying part was it had been raining for a month straight so it was long and thick as all get out and me and sun don't get along. Really im just whining for the sake of whining.
I have 2.5 acres. It takes around two hours with a riding mower, maybe more... I never do it when it's hot out, I refuse.
You yanks and your riding mowers, it's very uncommon at least in my small town for someone other than a council worker or a farmer. to have a rider, even then it's very rare.
you live with two other people, get one of them to do it. Or be a real woman and promise your bf sexual favours if he does it.
I was going to say how manly you were doing manly man work like mowing the grass. But then I saw the whining part. So I will just nope away.