Because I spend way too much money on Amazon they've apparently decided I am a "valued PS4 customer" and sent me a $20 off credit for CoD: Ghosts. I have no interest in the game so I thought I'd offer it up to y'all. The discount is a coupon code, valid only on copies shipped and sold by Amazon. I'm pretty sure that means the game has to be new (though if there's a used copy shipped & sold by Amazon have a go at it), so it's essentially $40. Dunno if there are any restrictions or if it'll work on an account other than mine but I don't see why it wouldn't. Code expires Feb 28th. First person to post claiming it gets it~
Not a single post after this one^ Everyone must be mad they didn't get the coupon code. Don't worry all, you're not missing out on much. Ghosts sucks. Like really sucks. The only cool thing about it is you can slide in multiplayer ... wooh? Congrats on being the first post Krowley ^^ (I was just saying all that stuff so the other people wouldn't be jelly anymore. It's actually a pretty good game ;) Extinction is alright but you won't get far without a few people playing in the lobby.) -Nights
Oh, I don't even have a Ps4 yet. In fact, I may not even get that, or the game for some time. I just wanted to claim it so no one else would.
classy as ever Krowley ( the worst part is that I offered this 2 my staff bros before y'all, Krowley only decided to snatch it when he could take it away from the largest number of people )
Amazon likes me too, I don't blame them. I have no interest in ghosts either so.. 2Z9U-FTF3LH-JD47WC Another code if someone wants.
Assuming these codes don't expire for another two years (which is when I'm expecting to get a PS4)... MINE!! EDIT: Just noticed the Feb 28th expiration date. Never mind