girl gamers

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by dragonkid_ofhearts, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. RikusLight Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2010
    My Reality
    I think that's more of an opinion. I've never heard that there is a difference. Since I was a kid I've always called myself a girl gamer and I never used my sex to get attention or anything of the sort.
  2. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    I feel like that's more opinion than anything. I've considered myself a girl gamer, but I'm not exactly jumping on PSN going "lol hai guys im open....:D" My opinion? A girl that was going to do just that would find an easier way of, erm, advertising herself.
  3. SquallLeonhart Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 9, 2009
    Texas, oh yeah i didnt joke about it! >.>
    I am a avid PS3 Call of Duty gamer. I could recognize females in MW2 because they would use girly titles. If they had a mic i would comment on their succes and nothing more. I have in fact heard male gamers insulting a female. I reported them instantly and told the girl it was ok. I completly agree with this post
  4. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Eh... That's why I don't play LIVE and if I do, do I REALLY have to announce my gender? No. It's more of an attention grabber I suppose. Most of the time girls could just be mistaken for a boy whose voice hasn't changed and you really don't have to talk in LIVE and other games. Most of all it should just be taken as a joke. They say that to fit the stereotype she should be in the kitchen making me a sandwich etc. It shouldn't be taken seriously.
  5. xemnasfan King's Apprentice

    May 21, 2007
    adrian, PA A.K.A the black hole
    i'm a girl gamer, i never play online, every online experiance i've ever had was horrible, that and i'm not the best in the world at games in fact i think kh kh2 and kh2 final mix were the only i've ever been able to play at the highest difficulty with some restrictions to make it harder. but most gamers are guys and the gaming market is tailored to the male side of things more then the female side and most guys don't think a girl should play games [that is most not all] so they hound us till we break. i'm not sure if this is off topic, but i know of something like your story that happened in WoW, i was traveling or running a dungeon or something, and this one guy was cutting down this one girl saying girls can't play as good as most guys. of course he shot his mouth off till another one told him she was basicly a pro and one of the best tanks on the server.

    also when i played conquer and online game for the longest time everyone assumed regardless that i was a guy, and when i finally told them otherwise their judgement of me completely change from a sort of acceptence to ruthlessly hunting me on daily basis.

    but for the most i don't play online cause it's a social thing and so no one can critic my skills or lack there of.
  6. kingdomhearts123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 27, 2008
    The World That Never Was But Soon To Be
    I like playing COD Modern Warfare with my step brother and we heard that a girl was playing, she was actually pretty good, we talked to her and made "pals" with her. Girls who play games are pretty cool actually. As long as you know what you're doing when you play online games :P
  7. Machazo Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 10, 2010
    I was playing some online game (not specifiing) when a girl popped up. I was like "OMG U R A GIRL" Yeah" "Good for you we really need more girl gamers"
    The other guys playing started killing me like hell... It doesn't matter, having met a girl gamer was awsome.
  8. Starlight Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 23, 2007
    In your pocket
    I'm a girl gamer, and I tend to end up making friends in higher places first before I start gaming for real. I normally hang out with higher levels or more advanced players till I get to a decent level or skill. So that way when, I do get harrassed I have no problem sticking up for myself. My normal harrassment on online gaming is sexual. In the gaming world so many girls stay hidden with male avatars, because the don't want to deal with the harrassment. Online gaming has been adn still is sexist, and I have been accused of being super overweight online by guys, because I was better at the game then them. I will admit I am chubby, but I am definately no obess and have no blowing the rude non-respectful players off.
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I don' t really have an opinion on girl gamers. They're just girls who like games. Yeah, it's irritating if they think being a girl means guys worship the ground they walk on, but that's not exclusive to gamer girls in the slightest.

    Gamer girls get treated badly online, definitely. But the online community of video games isn't known for its good manners towards anyone. If a girl goes online, they'll be insulted for being a girl. If someone with an accent goes on, they'll be attacked for their accent. If someone who's bad at the game goes on, they'll be criticised for their low skill. If someone goes on and owns, they'll be flamed for being good. It doesn't matter who or what you are, you'll still be insulted. It just so happens that gender is the most obvious difference for girls, so the plebeian masses always use it.
  10. axel-chanviii Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 4, 2008
    In Hawkeye's closet
    I'm a girl gamer and even though I don't play online since I mainly play RPGs or PS2 games, I have shocked some of my male friends with my choices of games.
    Somehow, most of the male population that I've been exposed to think girls only like romantic storylines, while this is partially true for me as my favourite game is Final Fantasy VIII, I also play Resident Evil, Unreal Tournament and other games targeted more towards males.
    Most of my friends already know what games I like, so don't kick up a fuss, although I do know that some male gamers can be sexist when playing online. I see this as them attempting to mark their "territory" from something that they're not used to. For instance, once I was watching my brother play CoD online and this woman was on there, so a load of people started shouting "Get back to the f****ing kitchen, b***h!" and making sexual remarks about her, implying that she was only playing it because nobody would sleep with her. It was really horrible, but she got her own back by killing everyone. A lot of the males who did this, when I witnessed it, were approximately around the ages of 12 to 17. I don't think we need to wait for games to stop being more male-orientated, I think we need a large portion of the male community to stop being so immature.
  11. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I agree with Axel, I know a lot of my male friends find it strange for girls to play games but they would never go as far as proper sexism. I tend to find a lot of girls anyway when I play online, and I've never witnessed anything major like that but one of my friends did have an experience similar to that.

    Isn't it true (I forget the reals statistics) that most gamers are actually girls? I don't know though, this could just be a myth and I know that many men fear hurting women or being beaten by them, as that hurts their pride.
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I'm extremely sceptical. Perhaps most girls have played/play video games, but there's no way they outnumber the male population. Or if they do, it's in offline games, as opposed to games that get a large amount of recognition in the community.
  13. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    Its Sad Really

    I don't see why its so bad for girls to play video games. That's also dumb to think that Video Games is only for guys. And yet a lot of the games guys play have girl characters that makes the game a lot more fun. And even in MidNight Club LA I was playing with some girls and a lot of guys. So they were all laughing cause I got all the girls on my tem for capture the flag. And they stopped cause we killed them 10 to 0. And they were surprised at the fact I didn't say anything wrong to them. And they asked me if I were gay. And I tend to see that a lot. Why is it that if your nice to girl gamers they think your gay? Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with it. That's just not the lifestyle I choose for myself. But besides that I find girl gamers a lot more challanging in vidoe games then guys. Cause if I play Halo, Cod, Or any racing games its the girls that usualy beat me. And I suck at Cod so that's one reason. I'm nasty nice at Halo, but sniping is not my strength. That's how I lose in that. For racing I've beaten game moderators, got banned cause I got too many complaints that I'm too good. And they told me to take it easy. But I lose to girls cause I feel they have more passion for the game then I do. They already are put down so they try a lot harder then I do. That's why I have so much respect and learn from Girl Gamers. So if your a girl and you game. DO YOUR THANG~_^ KICKS ASS!!!
  14. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Quite a few of my friends are girl gamers, and they're awesome. I have no problems with them; why should video games just be a guy thing? :/
  15. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    Ahh, I am a girl gamer, and yes I enjoy shooters and stuff. I think it's okay for girls to play things like that, I mean, if we like it, why not. And its not bad to play things like COD with guys, its actually funny... And well, yes maybe we play games a bit different... but does it matter? I dont believe in guys or girls things....
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I think i've only ever heard a couple of women (not girl, that has implications of innocence, which multiplayer gamers are not, god, the language they use...) online in the whole time i've been gaming online in the last two years. That or some high-pitched ten year old boys who sing Bieber songs during a match... But at any rate, I didn't really pay attention to them unless they were helping me or shooting me.
    I don't see a great difference between the two, but I do admit that I would love to see more women online, they usually have a bit more immagination and planning in their gaming. Whilst blokes will rush in guns blazing, women will flank and us pincer formations to do the most damage which is always with a brilliant result of the opposing team shouting 'What the F??' down the mic.
    No man llikes to get beaten by a female, but it's sure as hell funny! ^^
  17. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    Ugh, I hate when dudes try and mess with chicks online. They make the gamer community look bad in the sense that the only place they can get it is in a chatbox online >_>

    I personally love when ever there's a girl to play against online. It's so much more often to see a guy then a girl playing, and the fact is, things are always going to be interesting whether its taunts or behaviors. Though anyone who has played me before will probably know that chances are if you diss a girl, dont be surprised if im the one constantly killing ya. Sexism is not meant for the online community -.-
  18. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    I'm not a girl gamer (contrary to popular belief), but my mom plays video games far more than I do (she can't go a single day without playing Left 4 Dead, or forcing me to play Conker's Bad Fur Day for her to watch).
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    You're a girl? o.0 I was certain you were a guy.
  20. Of Pride And Other Things Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 30, 2010
    Albuquerque. :/
    The one girl gamer I know is...
    Hardcore, to say the least.
    My mother, as well, can't go a single day without playing Left 4 Dead, and my friend can whoop all of her guy friends on any game she chooses.