This is not a joke THIS IS REAL LIFE I don't give a **** enough to talk about how special I am because I do something that millions of other people do on a daily basis
....No it wasn't. But anyway most of the grlz I come across don't act like this, they just chillax and play like all the dudes.
See, the high pitched voices on LIVE are not girls, they're high pitched annoying 11 year olds. Which is why I am also a PC gamer. You know, where the percentage of toddlers is low.
"Oh look. Kitty posted in that one thread about female gamers. This will be insightf-" Yep. Insightful.
...I'm guessing on purpose. Anyway, yeah, the girl gamers I know would honestly never do that (thank God otherwise I'd have German suplexed them into the sun)
I spend most of my time worried I'll come across as one of /those/ girl gamers when I try to make conversation about video games. :c