Anybody got advice? I usually go through about two or so a year and I've got it bad right now. So can anybody help me out of a crush that I swear I'm gonna be the laughing stock of the school if I'm found out?
*head is to one side, confused by the question* You wanna restate the question, so we canunderstand better as to what is going on?
Alright, I've got a crush and every time I have a crush it ends REALLY badly and this year's supposed to be a clean slate for me so I need advice on how to get out of it.
you feel however you feel, is it really a bad thing to like this person? and if it is then why is it bad? because you think its bad or people around you think its a bad thing. and as for the whole every crush ends badly thing, there is no possible way of knowing that, i mean sure its highly unlikely this person is the one for you for now and ever but you can have some fun while it lasts right. V
Well... 1.) He's got a girlfriend 2.) I always just get humiliated cuz I'm so ugly 3.) It's not like I want to like somebody in a more than friends way!
ok heres my reply to that too, 1) if he has a girlfriend its still ok to like him as long as you dont try and do anything to disrupt his happiness. 2) you can never think that youre ugly, never think that yourself and never let anyone else say that to you, beauty is only in the eye of the beholder. 3) if you dont want to like him that way then dont, its only another human emotion. if you try hard enough it can be shut off like everything else, but is it truely what you want or is it what youre trying to fool yourself into thinking.
All right, all right, I'll contribute, Pure Sorrow. And wow...uhhh...hmmm...that's rough...he's got a girlfriend, you get humilated, and you don't want to be humilated in the process...ok, I think I got it, just ignore him if you can, and if you can't, just think of something else, or someone else at least, cause this subject is not my best ones to deal with.
if its not a subject youre food with then dont post at all, i dont want to sound mean but the last thing she needs right now is bad advice. and dont just ignore him, even if he has a girlfriend, then its alright to be around him all you want as long as it makes you happy at the end of the day. but that doesnt mean you should over obsess you just have to know your boundries with the guy. how to know those bounds, tough to tell, really depends on the type of guy he is.
Probably the worst part is I can't get away. We have no classes to gether, which is nice...until you get to the fact that he's got a lot of the same friends as me and is on my bus. And you haven't seen a packed bus till you've seen us trying to make three to a seat! Which means there's always the possibility that I'll have to sit next to him...and that's probably my very greatest fear. For pete's sake, I wrote a darned poem for the little *ucker! I gotta stop but I really need help.
there is no stoping im afraid, i mean sure you can just turn your back on all of this but that wont help in the least now will it. the best you can do as i said is just to ride this out, until something more comes of it, or somebody new that makes you more happy comes along.