Congrats. Have fun wiping your tongue over you teeth in front of a mirror again and again like I did. Feels so good, man.
I never got braces. My teeth fixed themselves apparently. Whenever I go to the dentist he always comments on how my orthodontist did so well, which is funny because I never went. My sister on the other hand desperately needs them. The dentist always says that we should take her to see the same orthodontist that I went to, which we always laugh at because that means we shouldn't take her to any. Anyway, congrats tho. Enjoy it.
Haha, thank you all so much. Feels like I made the thread about getting them yesterday, but it's been over a year. Where does the time gooooo?
I think braces are cute in a kind of dorky way. Not, "I'd date you," cute, though; more like, "You could be my little sister," cute.
They're not cute when they cut into your mouth mid-sentence. ; ; On the bright side, I have prem pink rubber bands. I guess that's cute in a sad sort of way(?)[DOUBLEPOST=1366763023][/DOUBLEPOST] omg my two fav guilty pleasures might just go to the movies and celebrate <3