General Pokemon Discussion

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Allstargamer, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    hey just popping in. Hey pplz how many pokemon do you have registered on ur pokedex? I have 450 (including arceus, shaymin and darkrai)
  2. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    I only just started, I have only 18....

    I need to find some way to get arceus and shaymin lol...
  3. Allstargamer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 10, 2008
    15 degrees off Cool.
    over achiever.

    Probably from the colapse of the previous universe, IMO.
  4. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Damn, now you have me thinking of even more possibilites xD. *contemplates the epic pokemon that could collapse a universe*
  5. Allstargamer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 10, 2008
    15 degrees off Cool.
    It's possible that the last universe didn't even have pokemon. Hell, maybe Arcreaus is the end result of a super genetic experiment that destroyed the last one.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    *still showing off my shiny* hehe...all these Godly pokemon make me the **** do you capture one with a pokeball? That's just weird...
  7. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Well the new movie is coming out in Japan soon. It'll explain alot about Giratina and the other legendaries. And appearently the Origin form is "the form Giratina takes when it travels between dimensions". And Giratina lives in some Reverse world that was disturbed when all that battling happened in Rise of Darkrai. They also hinted at a possibility of them showing a new pokemon from the next generation. Those lucky *******s get a lvl. 50 Shaymin and a special lvl. 100 Regigigas that activates an event that makes the 3 regi's appear by downloading it from the wifi in the theatre.
  8. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    is that a new regi pokemon?? O_O

    random note: I jsut saw the lucario movie for the first time im now obsessed with getting me one of them asap XDD!...why are the movies so much better than the series? That move was INTENSE!!
  9. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Well it is new as in it was in the most recent Diamond and Pearl versions. I think you needed to get all 3 regis to have him appear though *wishes he hadnt lost his sapphire*.

    And yeah, the animation and the battles make the movies so awesome even for those that have stopped watching the series on TV. It's a shame Ash never got that cool outfit in the games though.
  10. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    Yeah, it'd be cool to have a future series, see how Ash evolves as a trainer, being an adult....see if he becomes like Aaron or not ^_^, that movie REALLY sparked my interest, since it seemed way more spiritual/metaphysical than the rest of them.....I might start writing a little something...who knows... the rest of my pokemon to be around my starter's level is getting boring >.<
  11. Hummingbird Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 16, 2007
    Since nobody explained IVs yet, I'll try explaining the basics and keeping it simple:

    IVs (short for Individual Values) are a hidden value each Pokémon possesses. Unlike EVs, IVs cannot be changed without the use of a cheating device. A normal wild Pokémon has randomly generated IVs ranging from 0 to 31. At level 100, each IV point will raise the stat by one - at lower levels, IVs have a smaller impact. However, while breeding, two stats from each parent will be passed down to the baby. If the same stat is chosen from both parents, I believe it will be random which parent's IV is passed down. I'll use my current breeding project as an example. My goal is to breed an Adamant Magikarp with the following IVs: 30 - 31 HP, 29 - 31 Attack, 28 - 31 Defense, 28 - 31 Special Defense and 31 Speed. Obviously catching such a Magikarp in the wild would be extremely hard, but with the right breeding parents, my chances are significantly higher. I have one parent with 31 HP, 30 Defense and 31 Speed and another one with 29 Attack, 30 Defense, 31 Speed and 31 Special Defense. Thanks to these "genes", my chances of obtaining that ideal Gyarados are much higher. In a good scenario, the mother (the first one) would pass on its HP and either its Speed or Defense stat whereas the father would pass on its Attack stat and its Speed or Defense (depending on which one the mother passed) or its Special Defense, leaving only one of the desired stats to the random number generator. Naturally, my babies will have a higher chance of obtaining the desired Speed or Defense stat due to both parents having it, whereas Attack, HP and Special Defense are less likely to be inherited because only one of the parents possesses a desired IV in one of these stats.

    Bleh, got a little carried away and got a bit into IV breeding here, but the basics of IV breeding are good to know if you ever intend to play competitively. (and you won't really need to know about EVs unless you do)
    Not quite right. A level 1 Pokémon will not gain 63 points in one stat after level up just because its EVs in a stat have been maxed out. The +1 boost in a stat for every 4 EV points applies only to level 100 Pokémon.
  12. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Don't feel dumb, mate. I used to be the same way.

    Basically, EV points (effort values) are used to gain extra points for stats. Now, before I teach you want they are, I'd also like to tell you that you should always know what your pokemon's base stats (IVs) are. Which I will go over.

    EVs = Effort Values

    Essentially what you'll be doing with these is working to battle (from a low level like level 20) certain pokemon with certain "boosts" in EV that benefit your pokemon.

    For example, Suppose you want to raise a super-high defense Skarmory (which rock). Just fight a ton of Geodudes/Gravelers/Onyx until you max out your EVs for that particular stat.

    Because Skarmory specializes in defense, you can get a LOT of defense from battling a TON of gravelers. Gravelers give you 2 Defense EV points. Which means you can still have another 254 to gain. Also, you can pile up special items like Macho Brace to amplify this to as much as 8 at a time.

    Now, each pokemon can only gain a total of 512 EV points. As a result, only 1 stat can hold 256 or so. However most of the time they don't count the last four because you can only get 3 on the last part. Every 4 EV points you can get, you get 1+ on that stat when you level up (depending on which stat the pokemon you just defeated boosts in terms of EV).

    So basically... fight a lot of a certain type of pokemon that specializes in a certain stat to gain more stat points in the stat you want.

    I can help you more over MSN if you want. I am like, half asleep so this probably sounds like gibberish.
  13. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    alright so from what I gathered last night, zubat/golbat specialize in SPEED, so if I wanted a super FAST pokemon, I'd fight a bunch of zubats and golbats, right?
  14. Allstargamer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 10, 2008
    15 degrees off Cool.
    That or bunch of ponyta or rapidsh.
  15. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Yes. Exactly. =)

    Try to fight more Golbats, though. Because they're the 2nd evolution, they give off 2 EV points instead of the 1 that Zubats give off.

    Also, go to the Battle Tower and use battle points to get those special "Power Anklet", "Power Lense," "Power Bracer", etc, items. They multiply what you get by 4 every time when you get EV points (I'm pretty sure).

    Also, if I were you I'd get some kind of DS action reply device to help along with the leveling up process... You don't HAVE to do it, but it helps and saves days of playing time. lol

    Try to keep track of how many EV points you are gaining, as well. That way you don't fight too many of the same guy and waste time, etc, and get unneeded EV points (but you can always get rid of unneeded ones with Berries).

  16. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    hey out of curiousity, what do I have to do to be able to get that deoxys from gamestop? Do I need anything special or what?
  17. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Not sure. I think it's a mystery gift thing?

    I was thinking of calling gamestop myself, since I'm not really sure. lol
  18. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Neku: To get Deoxys, take your DS or lite to gamestop with the pokemon game inserted. When you enter, turn on your ds, open pokemon and a window will pop up either right at the opening screen or at the menu and will say something like you've recieved a message (can't remember), then go through the steps it says and click get wirelessly. When it says the transfer is complete load the game like regular (DONT TURN IT OFF) and head to a pokemart with an empty slot and BAM, you've got a level 50 Deoxys.

    at least...that's what i did to get mine. You may just want to ask someone, it might be different depending on state but i doubt it.

    Hope it helps.
  19. Allstargamer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 10, 2008
    15 degrees off Cool.
    Just go to gamestop. For starters, you need the mystery gift function available and you need to have acquired the pokedex. Getting the dex is a simple enough task, but to activate the mysterygift function, you need to do a few things.

    To activate it, go to the Jubilife TV Center.on the second floor, there is a man who accepts sayings from you. Tell him the following; "EVERYONE HAPPY" & "WI-FI CONNECTION" and he shall say he can pull some strings and get your Mystery Gift. Save your game and reset. It'll be there in the start screen. From there, you just go to a gamestop, select The mystery gift function, and then select 'get via wireless' You'll get a message about a gift from space and Deoxys will be downloaded onto the DS. From there, just go to any pokemart and pick him up from the guy in green. Be sure to have a space in your party for him and to save afterwords.

    I should know, it's my second time downloading it.

    Edit: Take a look at this. It's a flier detailing what you should do.
  20. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    whys the flyer say "This spectacular Darkrai includes:" on it? lol