Gender Inequality

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by kitty_mckechnie, May 2, 2007.

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  1. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I've been studying this in Sociology & i'm curious as to your thought's on Gender Inequality. How are different genders treated? not just in the work place but in the home, education etc.
    I'm not just talking about women i'm also talking about men.
  2. dandanrevolutionextreme Banned

    Feb 11, 2007
    under the sky so blue....

    sometimes(rare) the teacher will give extra points on a test or something based on gender, looks, race, etc.
  3. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Well in the case of education, I don't see much/don't think there is gender inequality going on. Where I grew up they were very strict on the whole "be fair and equal with everyone and anyone around you" thing.

    I hear it's much more of a bigger problem in the workplace but I have yet to find my first job to really state anything out of experience.
  4. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    It's there in lots of scenarios, but it's too vast to discuss unless it's brought up case by case.

    But for one, some occupations (part-timers, or full) are really biased toward one gender over the other. For example, I don't think any guys will be hired as a waitress at let's say, "Hooters". It's just not going to happen.
  5. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    For education i've seen how boys & girls or men & women are "persuaded" to pick certain subjects. Like men are more likely to study more "prestigious" subjects like maths, physics & computing. Were as women tend to do more "feminine" subjects like home economics, teaching & nursing.
    I don't know what it is like in other countries but here in Scotland these classes are either mostly dominated by boys, with only one or two girls, or mostly girls with one or two boys.
  6. Cloaked-Schemer Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 9, 2007
    Catch The Rain's Closet of Doom and Suffering!!!
    i think that the whole gender inequality issue has swung round to the other side.
    women have gained equality in most areas but in some cases they over compensated and men are losing out eg divorce proccedings, tho i might be wrong
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I think there's countless ways there is gender inequalities. One of the most obvious is respect. Often times males respect women far more than they respect men (at least I think that). Some men see it as completely unfair and intolerable to hit or offend women physically. In a way, that is gender inequality--but in a good way, to some extent.

    I do believe gender inquality exists. In so many different ways, both negative and positive, do we oversee them.
  8. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    There is an enormous amount of in equality in society, but unfortunatly, that is something I think may be unsolvable, people are ignorant. We can give people equal wages, but not equal respect from everyone. Look at racism, we gave people equal rights and equal citizenship, but by no means is racism eraticated from society. Thats just me though, there are people who feel they are superiour to everyone else, and if thats their peronality then oh well nothing we can do about it.
  9. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    Out here, it's a sense. Some of the boys in my school think they're better then girls. I'm pushed around by them a lot, and sometimes when we're talking about the inequality in class, some of them nicker about the pain girls went through. Plus they keep braging.

    But, ya know? I've been thinking. In some ways, it's more unfair for one gender then the other, and vice versa. Some things are only possible by one gender. I don't believe in genders being unequal. We all feel, and we all live. So what's the difference?
  10. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Truthfully, woman have suffered for many years, but in todays society, despite things like political power and economics, women are the dominant gender. Men are disrespected far more then women. Women are all smart and amazing and strong, that's the way they're treated in society. They're also a bit niave at times, as well as sexually attractive. Men however, we are stupid. We go on instinct and sex drive at that's all. That is a very large stereotype that nearly everyone I've ever known has had. There may be more men in charge of the world, but behind every great man is an even greater woman, one that will one day be in charge, because they want more power.

    Men keep thinking that...well...women suffered for so long, it's the least we could do to give them equality. But in some cases, we give them to much. Just like men get to much. There will NEVER be equilaibrium in civilization. As long as humans with personality exist, there will always be sterotypes and inequality. I usually shurg it off and try to look at the good things of all people.
  11. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    That's true woman equality has gotten a lot better over the years.

    But i heard this one story today were an employer wouldn't give a woman a job in a fisher or a fishing boat (something to do with fish) & wouldn't give her the job because she would of had the "killer instincts" needed to kill fish. I mean c'mon i've even killed fish.
  12. SquishyZ3ro Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ohio, United States
    This is funny... I'm actually doing a paper for my Senior Project on " How have women gained an edge in today's society as a whole? "

    Anyone wanna take my poll? xD I still need like 19 guys and 20 girls to take it...

    But yeah, I've always believed that we don't owe the women anything, because it wasn't them that had to suffer.. Well, unless it's the elderly. We do owe them, since they DID suffer. But today's generations didn't have to suffer through the lack of women voting, or the disrespect or segregation. They dont even know what that's like, so why should we give them anything extra? I -wish- women were treated just like men, but in some cases I honestly believe that's impossible...

    Nonetheless, most of the advantages women have over men are due to either their bodies or their femininity (is that a real word? Sounds cool..)

    There is gender unequality in society but it hasn't completely stopped. I mean, girls at our school beat up other people and take drugs. But I don't be sexist. I think that it's wrong.
  14. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    I don't think gender equality can ever stop. Boys pick on girls. Girls pick on boys. It's just natrual. If you're talking about adults...yeah, there is a little bit of gender inequality.
  15. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yea i believe that men have far more negative sterotypes. but i think we should just turn a blind eye for gender AND skin color. and anyone who still treats ppl badly becuz of gender is an IDIOT. that kind of thinking won't get u very far in life, they need to get with the times
  16. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I was taught one gender rule:
    Other guys, I have no problems with.
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