Gaza Strip War

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by jafar, Jan 11, 2009.


Who's to blame?

  1. Only Israel.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Only Hamas.

    11 vote(s)
  3. Both of them.

    24 vote(s)
  1. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    As many of you should know, there is currently a war occuring in the Gaza Strip between Hamas and Israel. Hamas has been firing rockets into citizen living loctions for about 7-8 years. Even during cease-fires, Hamas has fired several rockets into Israeli territory. Recently, Israel decided to counter-attack because there is no true cease-fire and enough is enough. There was an 18 minute cease-fire at one point, but Hamas broke it by firing even more rockets into Israel. Now, it is true that Israel is firing into civillian territories in Gaza, such as schools and mosques, but Hamas is operating in mosques and schools, so they make phone calls and send leaflets to warn the population of the attack so they can evacuate. Hamas has also been using human shields to defend themselves, as well as increase the body count.

    Israels current goal is to eradicate the terrorist group, Hamas and to regain control over the Gaza Strip.
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    I don't honestly get it, but I have a friend over there, and everyday I wonder if I am gonna be able to talk to him again. I just want this to be over, and these two groups to live in peace.
  3. T A F F Y シ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 9, 2008
    France, Marseille
    I wonder
    Were the Children of Gaza throwing bombs at Israel for 8 years?
    Guess Not!
    Israel Children were not killed as severely as Gaza's
    That is not Israel's Goal
    If Israel wanted to get rid of Hamas
    they should use their Technology to FIND them
    Not just pick a school/Mosque and say "Oh Hamas Might be Hiding their"
    To be Honest Hamas is doing a good thing
    Its their Home
    Their Land
    Israel is just using Hamas as an excuse to bomb more schools and Mosques
    This is so Uncivilized
    Innocent Children are dieing
    The War has to Stop
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I was forced to know this because we only had one English speaking channel in Spain, CNN. So my thoughts on it are that Hamas should just stop firing rockets at Israel and Israel should not go over the top to protect their citizens by killing innocents as well as terrorists in Gaza. To be honest I think the whole things ridiculous.
  5. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    This whole matter is really absurd, but here's how I see it:

    1) Hamas is a terrorist organization. Get that out of the way first.
    2) Israel has gotten crap for decades, whether it's because of blatant anti-Semitism or from neighboring Arab/Muslim countries who deny Israel's right to exist.

    On the other hand...
    1) The civilian death toll in Gaza right now is inexcusable. It almost seems like Israel is firing indiscriminately at whatever buildings they can target.
    2) Both organizations really need to find a way to settle this before this escalates into something involving the rest of the Middle East.
  6. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007

    Wrong. It has lasted 6-8 years. Get your facts straight.

    The reason it is not as severe is because Hamas are using human shields, being the cowards that they are.

    It is not Hamas's land. One, Hamas is a terrorist organization. It doesn't and shouldn't belong to them (although it seems like it). The Jews, way before the State of Israel existed, occupied that land for thousands of years. The Muslims occupied it for much less time. Israel has stated that it will take back the land it has given to the Muslims, the Gaza Strip, because it is a liability to continue to power their houses and give them food, water, and healthcare since we are always going to be bombed.

    Israel also is not doing this as an excuse to bomb schools and mosques. They have NEVER done this before until now because rockets have been coming for years, into populated areas where there are innocent civilians. One even hit an, fortunately, empty playground. However, that is where Hamas is hiding rockets. In the schools and mosques. What do you want Israel to do? Put down it's weapons so we can get blown up. Israel is doing this purely in self-defense. Give us a break.
  7. Vex123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2006
    Of course, Israel does have the right to protect itself from what it views as a threat. However, that is no reason to bomb wherever the heck they suspect bombs to be stored, without warning. And, Gaza probably thought they were doing the right thing, electing Hamas. They wanted someone to be able to project their authority as a government. Hamas, though, has gone too far. Whim-caused bombing, terrorist acts, and evrything else he did helped to hurt the people of Palestine. Now its come to this, Israel bombing Palestine and Hamas getting angry and bombing back. Why no one is acting like an adult, forming the more than necessary negotiations to stop these innocent deaths escapes me.
  8. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    They have sent numerous warnings. They have sent phone calls to every place they are planning to bomb, so they can evacuate. They even send leaflets. Recently, they dropped thousands of leaflets from the sky to warn that they will fight deeper into central Gaza. Israel is not there to kill innocent people, only to regain the land to prevent further attacks from that area.
  9. Vex123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2006
    Oh, I see. However, I never said Israel was their to kill innocent people, only that the majority of the deaths on both sides were innocent. Also, though this may be partial of me, perhaps if Israel allowed Gaza to freely exist on the condition that Hamas is arrested, his group disbanded, and a new, peaceful leader elected, probably one approved by Israel. Even though Isreal might not have its land back, at least fighting could be avoided.
  10. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Sorry. Just trying to make a strong point.

    And that is not a good idea. Most of the world doesn't want Israel to exist, so if it appoints somebody to lead that Arab "nation," then the world will cry out saying that it is blasphemous and so forth. Really, I just think Israel should take it back. I mean, we gave electricity, food, water to the community, and the community attacks us with with guns blazing.
  11. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    As far as I'm considered, Israel has free reign to do whatever they damn well please. Hamas is, as has been stated, a terrorist organisation with no right to demand anything. Israel has been under siege from virtually all of its neighbours since its formation and they have followed international laws and respected ceasefires while the other side has continued to fire rockets at them. Israel is simply defending its land and people from terrorist attack.

    As for all of the ignorant comments stating that Israel is "bombing schools and mosques at random", they aren't. Every target has been identified by intelligence gathered and then struck. If Hamas choose to hide in schools and mosques then they will continue to be hit. Not Israels fault if Hamas are cowards and the people of Gaza (so-called "innocents) refuse to co-operate and hand in the terrorists. They are causing their own suffering.
  12. Viscount_of_Stardust Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 22, 2008
    INNOCENTS?! They are innocents. You cannot tarnish an entire country but for the actions of the few.

    Israel is invading. How would you like it If I were to inVade you with my dog?!
  13. Repliku Chaser

    I'll probably tick off any people that are all <3 <3 Israel or 'poor Palestinians' etc and I apologize ahead of time. I feel sympathy for the people and think at this time, both governments ought to be smacked down.

    Israel has caused just as much bloodshed as the Hamas have. With leaders like Netanyahu and Sharon (who has a ton of blood on his hands especially), Israel has been more violent than it has had need to be. The Hamas are also a vigilant group that supports a lot of bloodshed.

    If we though took tallies on who has lost more lives in the past years, the count would go to the Palestinians. Also, they have lost homes for no good reason. They've had tanks rolled over their places of dwelling, soldiers for years have shot people with -rocks-. This is not to say that there are enough cowardly Palestinians looking for their families to get some wealth and so they strap on bombs and go blow up civilian targets on the Israeli side. Hamas sadly gives much money to hospitals and education in that region. Israel is not handling matters right and in the end, should not because the territory should not be theirs to begin with. There were lines drawn in the past and Netanyahu has disobeyed them, Sharon has made things much worse and now Netanyahu again. *sigh* It is seriously time to make both Israel and the Palestinians follow an agreement that should have been settled years ago. Neither can honor lines that should not be crossed. Neither leaderships will stop encouraging violence and as long as Israel keeps insisting on assigning bloody killers as Prime Ministers and as long as Palestinians keep feeling that Hamas is helping them, there's not much anyone can do but sit and watch apparently.

    Those who say Israel is innocent simply do not know the facts. Those who say the Palestinians are innocent are also blinded. In the end, the people who suffer are the civilians that are caught in the landslide on BOTH sides and right now, Israel is out of line and going to extremes which happens to be causing a ton of casualties in comparison to their significantly less numbered lives lost. They are hated by Arab countries, sure, but they are making themselves mistrusted and questioned by others now and the leadership does not care. There are people IN Israel protesting this pointless violence. That should say something that not all of Israel is for this ridiculous bloodshed that the leaders are committing. I believe Jews definitely have their right to their own country, but they really need to understand that the Palestinians do too and stop acting like they are clean of any violent charges themselves. Hamas does need dealt with...but so do the awful leaders the Israelis have been picking for their Prime Ministers.
  14. T A F F Y シ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 9, 2008
    France, Marseille
    Not as Severe!
    If you weren’t watching the news lately
    935 people died
    280 of them were children and 100 of them were women
    4293 people got injured
    and you say that’s not severe
    Were all of them helping Hamas hiding the rockets huh?
    Was that how many Israel Civilians Died?
    Human Shields!
    Are you saying that all of those people died because Hamas used them as human shields!
    That fact is WRONG. There is no way they would do that.
    Hamas are Cowards?
    Let me tell you something
    Before Israel attacked Gaza
    Israel knew they had no chance against Hamas
    They made them starve
    No food, water and Electricity
    They let them be like that for months
    Even their Government didn’t care
    Those people lived like animals
    Compare how Gaza are living and how Israel are living

    Israel knew Hamas would be too weak to fight them
    But they were wrong
    After Israel began to Attack [ By Air ]
    Bombing them
    Bombs with Poisonous Gases
    They wanted to kill everyone
    Not just Hamas
    Israel are the cowards
    They just come inside Gaza Everyday
    Kill alot of people and leave unharmed
    they just bomb and leave
    and after all what Gaza has been through
    Gaza is still waiting
    Hamas are still fighting
    That’s what I call Hero’s
    Oh and just to point out something
    Israel Bombed School’s and Mosques we know that
    and If Hamas was hiding rockets in school’s and Mosques
    that would have resulted in a big explosion don’t you think?
    They’re tring to get rid of the rockets only
    But the truth is that they are bombing children

    Hamas are People who live in Gaza
    Born in Gaza
    Its their home weather you like it or not
    The truth is that Israel has no Home
    They took Gaza by force
    and don’t tell me about the past
    that’s the past
    Israel doesn’t have a TRUE home
    Israel People in London and other places say they can go and live with them
    They can live there in peace
    One hit an empty Playground … Now that’s serious
    If it wasn’t for Hamas
    Gaza could have been wiped out
    Israel hates Arab
    and their goal is to get rid of them all
    But every time they try
    they fail
    Like the war in Lebanon
    and No messy
    Give Gaza a Break
    Hamas well win this Battle
    Believe it

  15. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007

    You said that Hamas was not hiding weapons in Mosques. Take a look:

  16. T A F F Y シ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 9, 2008
    France, Marseille
    I think i asked you more questions then this
    This Video did not change my thoughts at all
    and i hope that wasn't you aim
    They may have found rockets in a Mosque
    But that still dose not mean that there are Rockets hidden Everywhere
    Also i hope you have heard the news recently
    Israel has just bombed a grave in Gaza
    Now don't tell me that Hamas buried Rockets with the dead people!
    This is just disgusting
    Israel has caused so much bloodshed
    MORE then Hamas
    There is no Point of this Thread
  17. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I'm not going to lock this, because if I locked threads every time someone had a different point of view then there would never be any threads left open for posting.

    However I am just going to say one thing; not everyone will always agree with each other, especially with an issue such as this. No side is right and no side is wrong because really this is all down to personal belief and opinion, fighting each other on here wont solve or end the conflict.

    I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but please at least respect that other people have theirs too.

    I am not aiming this at anyone specific, more the thread in general.
  18. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    It is very possible, the IRA hid weapons and ammo caches all over Northern Ireland. Many of them were buried in the middle of nowhere and I wouldn't be surprised if they used graveyards either. Last place anyone would look.

    And even if there was nothing there, all of their attacks are based on intelligence which they have gathered. They wouldn't be the first country to act on false information, now would they ;)
  19. Serbkiller Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 21, 2008
    Hamas, Israel, Hezbollah and all those other terrorist organizations need to go to hell.
  20. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Israel isn't a terrorist organization. It's a country.