Gay Marriage: Should it be allowed

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Nuff' Said, May 2, 2009.

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  1. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    yes allow gay marriage...then allow marriage between humans and animals....and why not give rights to child molestors too?

    being homosexual is unnatural....if it wasn' would have female genitals and women would have male genitals
  2. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Gay marriage, bestiality, and child molesters are not one and the same. Gay marriage is between two willing partners, and the others are well, just abuse to other people or animals. Comparing gay marriage to those examples is sick, and really shows your discriminatory view of it.

    It really is astounding that the majority let something like Prop 8 pass. If the U.S. always gave whatever the majority wanted, you can bet we would still have slavery.

    Be kind and give rights, not take them away. Our president is for gay marriage after all.
  3. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    We've been over the unnaturalness of homosexuality. It is not unnatural, there are gay animals and homosexuality is a normal happening.
    I like this argument, but it would be a lot more effective without our president being involved. I'm all for him but there are more people who aren't, you know.
  4. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008
    I agree with this as well, let them have their rights too, I'm all for them doing whatever they want and it doesn't bother me even though I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, but I would just keep the president out of it, as Dalk said.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Gay marriage - two consenting, of age adults that are gay choose to get married and be legitimate about their relationship. They are committing to one another, which means they aren't hiding out that they are gay, they aren't posing under marriage with straight people, leading fake lives so that they can have their relationship kept secret. They are not cheating, lying, being disrespectful to one another. It's marriage that is straight up with no games attached. The only thing -wrong- with gay marriage is that it has 'gay' attached to it. If two people love each other, want to be married, and live life together, no one has a problem with any other type of marriage now except for stupid rednecks that hate interracial marriages.

    Bestiality - Sex with animals. Animals don't have a say. There's quite a difference here, dont'cha think? Especially when some are bound up and all? Animals aren't going to want sex from humans without humans obviously being a catalyst and starting that creepy behavior out. Also, it's obvious that animals are not -sentient- and cannot confirm they'd want to be married to someone. This would not ever be allowed and it doesn't relate at all to gay marriage or even gay behavior.

    Child Molesters - molesting suggests that the child is -not- willing. Even if the child were willing, it'd be because the kid trusts the adult to not hurt him or her. Unfortunately, that's not the case, is it? By the way, many child molesters happen to be relatives of the kids. Also, they can be straight or gay and there's nothing suggesting that there are more gays than straight guys who molest kids. If anything, it's the other way around, particularly because there are more straight guys in the first place.

    Wake up and get over prejudice caused by faulty beliefs and closed-mindedness. It's a shame people who feel like this won't get over themselves. Gay marriage hurts absolutely no one and if anything, one would think religious sorts with the issues of it would actually see how much gay marriage benefits them. No longer would gays be -hiding- who they are or masquerading as straight men and women while having elusive affairs on the side. They'd be honest because they aren't going to be threatened, beaten on or risk even death in some places. Seriously, I'd think religious zealots would be glad because families would no longer be hurt. If that's how you have to think of it, do. I'd rather think of it as two people who are in love can be honest and reap the benefits that are abused by some married straight couples who just are together out of convenience.

    P.S. 'is unnatural'... you should really explore your world more and understand it definitely is a part of nature. That argument should no longer be allowed to be used by people who don't even study animals and nature at all.

    Also, seems to be some confusion before this person said this crap. You do not need to marry in a church to have marriage made official. A church recognized marriage is nothing. The marriage must be officiated in front of a judge, which is an easy process and you get your paperwork there at the court house. After, or before that, you can have whatever righteous ceremonies you want. In the end, churches have no say, but at the same time, if they refuse to do gay marriage services, that is also their right.
  6. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    I'm all for gay marriage considering if I want a marriage with someone special it'd be this way.

    But in the UK we already have this or something similar...Civil Partnerships I think...

    As a unusual extra fact my two gay friends already have their wedding idea thought of [well i know one of them has thought about it form a convo]. They're having a wiccan ceremony called a handfasting or handtieing. It's basically a union but the twist is that they're tied to each other by the hand and it can't be untied until they make love.

    Unusual? Yes.
    But is it my two friends type of marriage? Yep XD.
  7. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    lol I just got derepped for stating my opinion...isn't that nice....and I stay with my arguement....>.>

    U can't shut me up!! lawl

    Back on topic: IS unnatural....actually I think it MAY be something mental...U are who U are...U were made like that for a should be with woman...and woman with men....and animals with their own species O__o
  8. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    Did you not read Repliku's post about how bestiality is not the same thing as homosexuality? Bestiality is not the subject here, so get over it.
    Also we already went over how common homo/bisexuality is in nature, so in all respects it is natural.
    And yes homosexual men minds are set up in a similar fashion to how woman's brains are set up, and homosexual women's minds are set up like men's minds. It is something that happens in the persons mind during their mother’s pregnancy.
    P.S. If you think someone has derepped you unfairly you take to the mods, not everyone else.
  9. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    I don't mind the derepping....I just stated that some people are being mean to other people who have different opinions...

    I believe homosexuality is unnatural....cause men were made to be with woman and woman with men..

    as for marriage....marriage is a bond between a man and a woman because that's what (oh I know whats coming *puts on helmet*) the bible says...and I know a lot of people don't believe in the bible (but I do) and the reason I believe in the bible its because it makes sense....the bible tells U what is right and wrong...
  10. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Homphobia/any form of intolerance or discrimination is not a view nor an opinion. It is ignorance.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    The bible says a lot of things. I'm Christian, and I'm not saying homosexuality is wrong because the "bible says so". The bible makes sense? Are you serious? Doesn't the bible say you can NOT eat shellfish? Doesn't the bible say you can sell your daughter? I believe the bible is like the constitution. It needs amendments to change as time goes by. The bible was written in way primitive times. Maybe we've all strayed off God's path, but I stand by that belief. The government tries to focus on what's RIGHT. Religion focuses on a narrow-minded excuse on what's GOOD. What's right is not always good, and the government's biggest mistake is being influenced by religion.
    The government needs to legalize it because it's right. It starts everyone off with equal rights and freedom.
    I'm sigging that.
  12. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    First off I could care less about the bible. I read, and studied when I was younger, but now I simply see it as a story book, with some knowledge, but also a lot of bigotry too.
    The bible is not law, it is just a book.

    Next not everyone agrees with creationism, so your argument that it is unnatural is pretty useless to this debate; which by the way is getting pretty old.
    Also who are you to tell someone that they can't get married?
    Why can't homosexuals have this bond that you call marriage? Don't they deserve happiness?
  13. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Homosexuality. In. Animals.
    Seriously, stop clinging to arguments that have been refuted numerous times already. That is exactly the kind of thick-headedness that gets you derepped.
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Correct. The bible tells you what is right or wrong. The bible is law. That is right.

    At least, it was when the bible was written. The bible was the opinion of the society that wrote it. Instead of clinging to societies long past, move to the present. Walk forward with your head up. Feel free to take your belief with you, by temper the belief with knowledge from present times. Think for yourself, don't let a 2000 year old tome dictate what you should think or do.

    The bible makes no sense. Within the first few pages, we're already using metaphors to try to bring the bible in line with what we know. Go in further and we get gems such as "Thou shall not kill" and "An eye for an eye". We get told that murder is bad and cannot be forgiven, then there are stories told about heroes who kill others. We are told god is benevolent and is morally superior to other gods because he doesn't demand human sacrifice, then he drops the equivalent of a few nukes on Egypt. Jesus seems happy to cure people of disease, but he doesn't think to remove sickness entirely. America claims to be a country of god, then it bombs Iran. The bible makes no sense, and should be taken as having as much moral guidance as the stories by the Grimm brothers.

    By the way, I am fine with people having sex with ducks. As long as they exercise basic prudence, I advocate it. What's wrong with it, provided the animals give "consent"?

    Marriage is no longer a ceremony of Christianity. Marriage is now a staple of society. Today's society is a supporter of equal rights. Gay marriage fits in with our reforming society. The bible is outdated. We can craft our own way and make our own choices and our own morals.
  15. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    First of....I'm not homophobic...and it IS an opinion...what? my opinion has to be gay is right in order to be not ignorant?
    I'm sorry but I'm not discriminating....I only said being gay is unnatural....I NEVER said "Gay people should get out of my country"

    and I NEVER used any slang offending words either....and I haven't derepped any of how can U say its a discrimination?

    First, do U have any proof what U said about shellfish and selling daughters?

    Secondly, I believe in the bible for my own personal reasons...not because someone told me to listen to it...and yes it makes sense...have U ever thought what is the TRUE justice in the world...U know...what is TRULY right?

    The make a somewhat good job, trying to make everyone happy HOWEVER, they make the rules of what THEY think is what THEY think it's right might not be the same as other people think is right...

    I don't see god as an old geezer in the sky that is waiting till he takes Ur soul....
    I see god as the TRUE meaning of justice...

    Actually I believe...that the bible was written by god....and it DOES make sense...U see things change in time..."An eye for an eye" was totally changed when Jesus was around....he said "Love your enemies"

    Now the stories of heroes killing "others" lets take the example of David and Goliath...David fought...but he didn't fight with hate or just because he wanted to kill Goliath...he did it to protect his there's a BIG difference between protecting and murder

    Egypt,(yes, another interesting story)...something I gotta tell U about god first...he is a caring and generous god...but he's also impatient
    Didn't U read that god sent moses to tell the pharoah to let his people go...and the pharaoh says no..
    so the only way god could get his people back would be to send some plauges...he sent the first the plaugue of blood in the river...and the Pharoah ignore it and said he sent 8 more plauges and the pharaoh said no...God sent 9 warnings and the pharaoh had said he had no choice but to do the last plaugue...where the first sons of egypt died....and finally after that one the pharaoh told them to leave.

    JESUS...he cured many diseases,yes that's true but he also brought teachings....however there was a problem...people liked jesus because he cured but they didn't care for his why would jesus cure all the diseases in the world?....If U were Jesus...would YOU cure every disease in the world if people only cared for your great power but didn't care for Ur teachings?
  16. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    In the bible it says that Jesus said, "We do not follow in the footsteps of our forefathers any longer". That pretty much negates everything in the old testament, including the idea that homosexuality is bad.
  17. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    Excuse me...I didn't explain right....they might not be the same thing...but their similar

    Ok so gay people want to marry because they think it's their right. So they get that right.

    Then Child molestors (or NAMBLA) think that they were born like that and demand their right to get married with children.

    So then People who love animals (or PETA) say the same things as them and demand their right to get married with animals.

    U see? its a huge chain reaction.
  18. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
  19. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    I like how Lexamus tattled on me. Very cute, as well as telling us his bible stories as he can't think of any other arguement besides demanding "Have you read this yadda yadda".
    Marriage with a child causes harm to the child, in a way of which I do not need to describe.
    Bestiality harms the animal, as well as the fact that the animal has no say in it (good GOD, I can't believe I have to type that).
    What does gay marriage harm? Noone.
  20. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    First I want proof, and wrong the new testament talks about homosexuality

    Romans 1:26-27

    In this book, it talks about how men did bad things to god...and so God sent to men Embarrassing Passions...changing them against the natural way...

    So god sent homosexuality as a curse....err...that sounds a bit mean but that's how it says...I'm sorry

    Well...I was using examples from the bible to defend my arguement...I would also like to note that it is like 5 people against a 13-year old and his bible...I know it sounds funny
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