Gay Marriage: Should it be allowed

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Nuff' Said, May 2, 2009.

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  1. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    True that brother, true that.
  2. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Yes, it is sad how the world changes, what with people like you running around.
    What does the existence of God have to do with this debate? Nothing. What is your point? You have none that makes any sense. You are in this thread merely to further humiliate yourself with each post. How very depressing for you and other, more intelligent religious folks who are always labeled as being like you.
  3. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    I myself have loved and embraced his teaching for over 7 years of my life, yet only recently have I found a better teaching. You on the other hand have ignored the teaching of how we are all equal.
    I bet you don't believe in evolution either. Am I right?
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Yes, you are. Because you refuse to see the other person's viewpoint. I read a good portion of the bible, and it only gave me more ammo. I'm not converted in the slightest. Surely if your belief is as strong as ours, you should be able to watch a video from our point of view without being "tainted".

    Now for a definition of ignorance:

      /ˈɪgnərənt/ [ig-ner-uhnt]
    1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
    2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
    3. uninformed; unaware.
    4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.

    Let's go over those.

    1. You do have knowledge and training, but not on the topic at hand.
    2. Lacking in knowledge of the way gays work. It occurs in animals too, and is genetics, not a choice, thus natural. You preach it is unnatural.
    3. Unaware that gay could be anything but a choice and a sin.
    4. "Gays are unnatural".

    But now you've been led to water, but are refusing to drink. I think there's a different word for that. Perhaps obstinate?
  5. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    yeah Ur right...I'm getting out of the debate...

    OMG are U serious? I believe in god and I believe in don't think that could ever happen

    all three of U responded to my post....but U did not answer my question...

    oh I forgot to post this too....if U want me to watch the video...fine...I'll watch it
  6. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Because our purpose in life has nothing to do with gay marriage. That is why we did not answer it.
  7. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    ...what the **** did you just say? Are you trying to lecture us on living our lives right when you honestly think two people of the same sex can't love each other because it's "unholy" and you let a book decide what you're supposed to think?

    Read this, everyone:


    Also, Pika, I'll try helpin' you on some things.

    The Bible was pretty OBVIOUSLY written by humans, not God. They wrote the stories that they believed to have happened. Whether they're trustworthy or not is up to faith.

    God's original commandment was not "Thou shalt not kill", but "Thou shalt not murder", AKA: intently killing someone without any justifiable cause. Soldiers aren't convicted of this because there are times when they need to kill in order to preserve their countries' welfare.

    God sent the Holy Spirit to kill the first-born sons of Egypt so that Pharaoh could experience the same heartache that many of the Hebrews had to go through, in hope that this would change his mind.

    Can't explain this one. Life's a bitch, plain and simple. Jesus tries to help us, what with the life-after-death, but its up to us to believe it or not. Can't say I do or don't yet honestly.

    Also, Satan tempted Jesus with ruling the world, destroying free will and democracy. Sound so civil now?
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Why was god there originally? What purpose did he have? We can play the purpose game all day long.

    By the way, I am not grateful for life at all. God may get the mechanics of life right, but if I had a few minutes as an all powerful god, the world would be a far better place. I cannot be grateful to a god that knowingly makes things such as aids, malaria etc.

    My purpose in life genetically is to reproduce and pass on my D.N.A. What's yours?

    Now I have a small request. Can you please type out "You" properly? Not doing so makes you appear ignorant of internet etiquette.
  9. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    Well then you would know all about how homosexuality is common in animals wouldn't you? Your in denile, great denile. And yes I want you to view that movie clip. Did you think I gave it to you just for the fun of it?
  10. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    thanks for explaining...

    but I'm serious (this is my last post) this debate has gone from gay marriage to God vs. Atheists
    so I'm gonna stop posting because I don't like to spam

    back on topic: what I was trying to say is that people have different opinions and I was just saying MY opinion on gay marriage....people should have the liberty of saying what is on their minds without getting told to shut up or told that their embarrasing themselves

    and yes I went far from the topic so I apologize...though I won't apologize for saying that gay is unnatural....that's what I believe....actually I am open-minded...but when it comes to debates like these...I stay strong with my beliefs

    (FINAL FINAL POST SRRY) yes it may be common between animals but WE ARE NOT ANIMALS...thanks and good-bye....I'm gonna go enjoy the rest of my vacation
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    1. Not according to Lexxy, who the rebuttal was aimed at.
    2+3. Soldiers can kill? Fine. But any god that advocates the wholesale slaughter of children for their ruler's sins (pushed on him by god, might I add) is no god that I, or anyone should follow. That's not defending your country.
    3. Except babies die, meaning they don't get the chance at eternal life. Oh well, better luck next time I suppose.
    4. YES! Someone who's intelligent in the bible! Free will? Pah. What a stupid mistake. If we were all ruled by one god in one moment, we all win. No more death, no more disease, nothing. I think that having that forced upon us would be good. Trading away our free will for a cure to all our problems sounds perfect. No more discrimination, no more hate, no more fear. Just love for a lord and fellow man. Assuming, of course, everything that plagues us disappears. But that utopia can not be achieved with free will. We will always have conflict. Free will needs to be removed. Not crushed or bent or broken, but removed. Simply take away the part of us that says yes to greed, selfishness, hate, fear, rage, gluttony, sloth and pride and we have a Utopia. The sins embody free will. They are one in the same. Satan's world sounds a lot better than god's way of slowly destroying cities and ruling by fear, or Jesus' will of slowly converting everyone. A mass removal of sin would be best. And this time god, don't put an apple that destroys it all in the utopia.
  12. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    It wouldn't matter even if it would result in a chain reaction. There is one huge difference, a crazy little thing called consent, that makes these forms of love unacceptable and gay marriage acceptable. Is that so hard to understand? I'm pretty sure even elementary schoolers grasp that concept.
  13. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Glad you're one of the people who actually question the Bible rather than blindly believe it without thinking. Hope my post served to help you, as I intended.

    And to clarify more, the first part of my post was obviously to Lexamus.
  14. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    Lexamus, I know you said that was your last post, but I'm addressing you anyhow. You don't have to respond. The fact that God was going to be brought into this debate was inevitable, because who is the prime group that discriminates against homosexuals? Homophobia is usually associated with hardcore Christians who stand rigidly by the Bible. Of course, I'm not goint to generalize. I believe in God and consider myself Christian (purely because of what the religion is supposed to be about, which is love and forgiveness) and I have a lot of qualms with the Bible. You might have felt like you were backed into a corner because a lot of people were angered by your opinion. This is because people let their emotions leak into their arguments. However, if we take the topic of discussion into consideration, this is understandable. Gay marriage is a very personal topic, because it involves a person's identity and their rights as a human being. Of course people--gay people in particular--are going to get touchy about someone saying that how they feel is "unnatural". How a person truly feels is NEVER unnatural and it is NEVER something they can control. If you feel sad, you feel sad. It's not your fault, and nobody can become angry with you for feeling it. If you feel attracted to a man and you happen to be a man yourself, it is not your fault. If you are a woman attracted to a woman, it is not your fault. The ignorance of society and the unwillingness of some people to accept homosexuality gets in the way of gay people embracing this fact about themselves, and loving themselves despite the fact that some people say what they feel is wrong.

    Also, people have died because of this. Have you seen Milk? It powerfully shows the violence and discrimination against homosexuals and how people's lives have been taken from them because of who they are. It's sick, as sick as anyone getting beaten to death because of the color of their skin.

    You brought God into this discussion by generalizing those that call themselves Christians, which angered a lot of Christians who are against prop 8. Again, it's understandable why their emotions leaked into their posts. The fact is, there are a lot of different types of Christians. There are the typical ones that spring to mind, the ones that attend Church every Sunday and follow every little word the Bible says, and then there are millions of other types.

    Also, the fact that you don't believe that "don't eat shellfish" and "you can sell your daughter" are in the Bible just shows that whole pick-and-choose thing that a lot of people do with the Bible. A lot of people just choose what they like and don't like out of the Bible and go by that, disregarding everything else. That is an arrogant way of saying "everything I believe is right, why don't you believe it also?!" I'm not calling you arrogant, I'm not saying that's what you do, but like you said, everyone has the right to their opinion. It applies to everyone else as well as to you.
  15. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    What verse is that? You seems like you might've taken it out of context a bit.

    Anyway, I think they should be, but only if the church agrees to it before hand. I mean, it's the church's beliefs, right? Only makes sense.
  16. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    honestly who cares
    just allow it and thats it
    i think its nasty for 2 men to be together
    but sure just allow it
  17. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Since when are humans not animals?

    On topic, yes gay marriage should be allowed, it is not unnatural, and there is no difference between two men/women loving each other and a man and a woman loving each other.
  18. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    Well according to this definition we are technically animals:
    1. A multicellular organism of the kingdom Animalia, differing from plants in certain typical characteristics such as capacity for locomotion, nonphotosynthetic metabolism, pronounced response to stimuli, restricted growth, and fixed bodily structure.

    But according to this one we aren’t:
    2. An animal organism other than a human, especially a mammal.

    There are two problems with the second definition.
    1: It uses the word animal to describe the word animal.
    2: Why our other primates considered animals when we aren't?
    I believe we should not cling to the second definition; after all it was made
    second for a reason.
    Now if we want to go with definition number two we would still have to accept that homosexuality is common among humans as well as animals.
  19. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Just let people love who they love.
    You don't have to like it or watch.

    They don't really have a choice anyway.
    I think you should just let people be happy with who they are and not make a big deal about everything,because they don't want to.

    Most gay/lesbian people don't want people to know that they are gay/lesbian...Some exceptions overly confident and happy to be who they are;but honestly:who would want to admit to being gay/lesbian at an early age. The media/public is to blame there.
    They make being gay evil and horrible;when actually I think it's just a way of life.

  20. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    There is nothing inherently Christian about marriage. It happens in almost every single culture in the world, in almost every time period, since long before Christianity was invented. Also, there is a little thing in the US called "separation of church and state" that prevents us from letting the church tell us what to do.
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