"Gay Exorcism"

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Cin, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
  2. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    it is certainly NOT the same thing, not even close. Growing up around certain mannerisms make you have those mannerisms. if you grow up around two parents who speak with an accent, then you'll have that same accent unless you're taught not to at a relatively early age. It's the same thing.


    and yet you call us biased. Such a ridiculous double standard. People have the right not to like gay people. they also have the right not to believe in evolution. that doesn't make them any more "right" or "wrong" than you are about the subjects, but it's incredibly unfair for you to write people off for having opinions.

    well then, it's not a matter of environment. But there's still no reason to say that it's something you're born with. There's just no research or evidence. The only thing that makes sense to me is that it's a matter of choice, but I know gay people will deny that to the end. I don't really blame them. They just want the judgmental Catholics and Christians (of which I am not) off their backs.
  3. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
  4. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
  5. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    Wow so you are saying you used the exact same source as I did so that you could prove me wrong, and you knew full well that the source was reliable, but when I use it against you then you suddenly think that the source is wrong. I got it! You are in denial!!!!
    Actually there is proof. Watch this.
  6. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I'm not saying the source is unreliable, but the two studies i cited were completely unrelated. One had to do with science, the other had to do with surveying a bunch of homosexuals. no denial there.

    that cute little cartoon of yours is not proof at all.
    their whole point about homosexuality being common in nature doesn't prove anything. I already read about this. "homosexual" animals don't become life partners with each other or anything, they do it to show dominance, kind of like prison rape. that's why homosexual sex in animals usually doesn't happen more than once or twice.

    "When one identical twin is gay, the other one is gay up to seventy percent of the time"

    Once again the matter of homosexuality being a matter of environment comes up. it makes sense. if one identical twin chooses to be gay, then growing up around another gay identical twin would probably make you want to be gay. thats just common sense.
    the only way something like that could be proven with identical twins is if it
    A.) happened 100 percent of the time
    B.) happened even if the twins were seperated from each other since birth.

    otherwise, that doesn't prove anything, and it supports the idea of environmental gayness. it SHOULD happen 100 percent of the time with identical twins if it is a gene. Identical twins have the EXACT. SAME. GENES.

    the whole "more brothers, higher chance you will be gay" thing actually makes perfect sense, and in that case it wouldn't be a choice. but it's still not a GENE.

    I also happen to know a lesbian who has said on occasion that she and her partner have both chosen to be lesbians and could be straight if they wanted to.
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    It's amazing what your mind can make you think.

    I've gotta say, I've heard and seen some odd and oxymoronic things, but this by far nearly takes the cake. Or pie. Whatever is easier to carry.

    EDIT: also, I'm not so sure any information from fox or it's affiliates is... interesting. Then again I dislike most mainstream news sources. lol
  8. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    Both quotes were from the American Physiological Association!!!
    You're in Denial.
    Also who would know better about homosexuality than a homosexual?
    Certainly not a straight person.

    30 percent of the time the twins might be two different genders, so the idea that one is a gay male and one is a straight female would make perfect sense.
    We got a winner!
  9. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    1. It's "you're" not "your"
    2. Yes, they were from the same source, but they were completely different methods of gathering info. One had to do with SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, and the other was most likely a SURVEY.
    3. You aren't understanding. I'm saying that the homosexuals are lying about it, that isn't hard to do.
    4. didn't I JUST say that i KNOW a lesbian who says that she chose to be gay?

    LOL, no. Identical twins can never be different genders, unless one of them mutates, which happens a lot less than 30 percent of the time.
  10. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    It's easier to see the splinter in your neighbor's eyes, than the log in your own.
    The survey was probably done repeatedly to get more accurate results; since they use the scientific method. Besides why would you lie about yourself anyway? I think you can't accept anything other than what your church tells you to do.
    You, good sir have no proof to the claim that all homosexuals are lying, nor have I seen any proof that any of them are lying.
    I believe you are just making up excuses so you don't have to believe documented evidence.
    She could be bisexual, or possibly she could bi-curious, or maybe she is in the state of confusion that all people go through when thinking about their sexuality. But she is defianitly not a real lesbian.

    That is very true.
    The identical twin theory is hard one to grasp, because of its small flaws.
    Some say that if one twin is gay that it would be gay 100% of time. Why they say 70% I don’t know.
  11. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.

    Homophobia is not an opinion, it is ignorance. People with this 'opinion' are always the ones who give gays a hard time and make their lives hell, but thats ok because its 'their personal opinion?'

    They don't even need to be like these 'Excorsists' either, Even a simple 'Ew, your gay? Gross!' can shatter someones self confidence and ruin their life.
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Being gay myself I can say categorically that it was not a choice. I find it insulting when people say it is considering the pain and torment I put myself through (never mind anyone else). When I was growing up I was so confused by the thoughts and feelings I had. When I realised what they meant I hated myself. All I wanted was to be "normal" (as I perceived normal to be). I wanted to be straight, to like girls in that way just to have an easier life. And you know what? After a year or two of trying (including a relationship that went absolutely nowhere) I realised, this is who I am. I am gay. I did not choose it. Both my parents are straight (and neither of them even have even slightly camp mannerisms or tendencies) and when I think about it now I don't know any family members that are. I have also never molested.

    What more do you want? Do you really think I would want to put myself through all of those years of abuse during school? Having to lie to my parents and family members as to why I never had a girlfriend? It breaks my heart every time my grandmother (my only surviving grandparent) asks me when I'm going to get myself another girlfriend and I can't tell her why I don't.

    Don't you talk about it being a choice when you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

    There was also that study that was done on the brain structures of gay and straight men and women which showed that the brains of gay men were more like those of straight women that those of straight men (and vice versa for lesbians). Up bringing does not change brain structure to the point that there is an actual physical difference. If I had the time I would link you to it, but I posted it in a thread on this forum so a quick search should find it for you.

    As for the event that this thread is all about, ignorance and more ignorance. Seems to be all theism is capable of, from my experience anyway.
  13. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Well, there you go, Xakota. Straight from the horse's mouth (no offense intended, Snow. :D). If you're going to be biased against homosexuals, why not put black folks on the back of the bus again as well? Because it doesn't say so in the bible?
  14. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Okay, seriously, I'm going to say this once.
    hear that? I'm not.

    I'm also only going to say this once.
    I believe in what the bible says, and THAT IS IT. I do not go to a church on any kind of basis, nor do I even like the concept of biblical religion.
    I believe that if you are gay, you've committed a sin against God. But I also believe that God can forgive you, and I also believe that I should love my neighbor, I believe that I'm no better than any homosexual, and I believe it isn't my place to judge homosexuals in any way.
    I have not judged homosexuals at all in this thread. All I've said is that I'm getting tired of people saying homosexuality is a choice when there's no evidence for it, but this thread has provided me with ample evidence, and now I'm more than sure that in some situations, it isn't a choice.

    As I've said before, the topic at hand is a horrible display of stupid ignorance, now please, drop it.
  15. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Actually, the majority of our neural pathways and brain functions are created in the first months/years after birth, so upbringing has an effect. Since I'm not a neurologist, I don't know to what extent, or if it can change brain scans that much, but it can probably at least tweak it.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    There's actually a difference between bisexual people, who can like males and females, versus someone who is straight and someone who is gay, who are attracted to the opposite or same gender as themselves. That lesbian friend of yours was playing the field and she's bisexual, which gives her more things she's attracted to from both genders and her 'choice'.

    Someone who is gay is going to not think the same way, nor feel the same way with intimacy of someone of the opposite gender. Sex with the opposite gender does not feel good, right and can even feel disgusting and just wrong to them. So your lesbian friend is either someone that is bisexual or hides her true emotions well enough.

    Uh, ok, so what's this then...

    If you are gay you have committed a sin against God. That's not judgmental? Whether God -can- forgive a person or not, you are still judging that person to be a sinner. By your religious value, God can forgive whoever the hell he wants to. It doesn't mean that you didn't judge him as a sinner.

    You have but point made above. There is evidence to support homosexuality is not a choice. It's called genetics and brain scans, but your religion will not acknowledge that because it's -science-. There are also the words of countless homosexuals and hormonal attraction tests done etc. The understanding of people's sexualities to include heterosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality (which means having no real interest in sex or it disgusts a person), homosexuality etc is not something you can answer with one book and say every other type of 'sexuality' than heterosexuality AFTER you are married (because we all know people shouldn't have sex before marriage or that's a sin too), is a -sin-.

    Really, why the heck does some celestial entity give a crap about someone's sexuality anyway? It would help if more people would sit down and open their minds and just see how stupid that seems. God must be a very bored individual if he actually cares what's going on in people's bedrooms that is condoned between consenting adults.
  17. Yukichin Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 26, 2008

    The fact is, you indeed seem to be biased against homosexuals. You're insisting it's a choice, you're insisting it's wrong; you are indeed biased against them.
    From Merriam-Webster:
    3 a: bent, tendency b: an inclination of temperament or outlook

    Your outlook is that homosexuality is wrong, and a choice. Therefore, you are biased AGAINST homosexuals.

    That being said, I firmly believe it isn't a choice. Yes, I am biased TOWARD homosexuals (because, I myself am one), but... really, I have to ask a question: why would someone put themselves voluntarily through the pain of risking friendships and family, even risking being beaten or even killed, simply to be "different"? I did not wake up one morning and decide, "Oh, I think I feel like being gay!"

    No. Just no. I've never felt attracted to women despite trying to be, I've only had relationships with guys, and despite being insulted and judged by people I call friends, I am still gay. You'd think that after things like that, I'd "choose" to be straight. Except, I cannot. Please, tell me when you chose to be straight.

    You said earlier that people have the right to not like gay people. I completely agree. What they DO NOT have the right to, is to abuse them simply because they're gay.

    Also, another thing you mentioned was that "homosexual animals" don't become life partners; however, there are instances where they indeed HAVE. I've read about several pairs of... penguins? I think. Anyway, I've read about several pairs of penguins who, despite being of the same gender, took in an orphaned egg, hatched it, and begun raising the child together. (I've personally noticed a lot of people say it's "Not natural", but then when you bring up arguments of it happening in nature, they claim it's irrelevant, or that humans are not animals. It's unfair.)

    For the record, I grew up with two straight, married parents. My mother has a bisexual cousin whom I hardly know and do not spend time around, and my father has a gay uncle who, once again, I hardly know and do not spend time around. I did not know about either of these peoples' sexual orientations until around the age of 13 or 14, AFTER I started only having feelings for men. My parents raised me to be straight, mentioning girlfriends and such, without the possibility of me being gay until I came out to them. So, I highly doubt it's a matter of what I've grown up around.
  18. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    xD I wasn't actually sure about that part. I threw it in there in the hope that someone would correct me if I was wrong, which I was :lolface:
  19. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Well that boils me up...What I'm wandering is weather the poor kid had a say in this or weather it was forced...But no matter what it can't have been pleasant...It didn't look like normal shaking...I thought the poor child was in pain! And besides since when was homosexuality a sin? I know a ton of gay Christian's so what the hell is the difference between england and connecticut that causes that kinda stuff to happen?
  20. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Invasion of privacy.

    It's wrong to do that, even to a normal person.




