Okay, At the end of this year, there are 3 games that I am looking forward to, but I can only get 2. The games are as follows: Gears of War 3 Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Sonic Generations I say I can only get 2 because I can only get one for Christmas and the other I can earn money for (I don't get paid frequently enough to be able to pay for more than one out of my own money.) So, what are your opinions? Which one should I pay for on release date, which one should I get for Christmas and which one should I just hold off on? Any and all opinions are appreciated.
Definately get Gears of War as soon as possible. You could probably wait on Halo, but I don't think you should get Sonic. Lately those games have gotten very bad
Get Sonic and then whatever one you want most out of the other two. The reason I say this is because gears of war and halo are kinda similar in a way, where as sonic isn't like the others, variety is nice.
Gears and Halo, definitely. I disagree with below, the two games are FPS, which is why they might seem a little similar, but they are two different games bigtime. Gears of War 3 is the third game (duh) in a great series. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is going to be great. Actually, it's gonna be awesome. Sonic generations will be a game of lower quality, just because both Epic and 343 are amazing game developers. SEGA... well, as far as they are good developers, it's not up my alley.
Sonic Generations and Gears of War 3. The lesser of two and a half evils. Sonic is a pretty interesting game and sounds like it'll be entertaining for any Sonic fans, so if you're into Sonic I recommend you get it. I'm not into Gears or Halo (in fact I don't like them at all) but Gears of War 3 is a better game than Halo infinitely.
First off, let me just say thank you all for giving your opinions on this matter, it's helped me make the decision. I've come to the decision that it'll go this was Gears 3 will be bought with my own ca$h when it releases, and Sonic Generations will be the Christmas option. The main reason I didn't go with Halo at all yet it mainly because none of my close friends are buying it immediately. Again, thanks for all the opinions, they have helped alot. :)