Games that make you cry

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Shiki, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Metal Gear Solid 4 - all I can say is microwave
    Mass Effect 1 - 3 - Of joy, sadness, intensity, blah, blah
    The Walking Dead - you know if you played
    Heavy Rain (?) - I think, though that may have been more panic than anything
    Persona 3 - each story is emotional, but the end is inspiringly beautiful

    Maybe Fallout and Red Dead Redemption.... I think...
  2. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
  3. Labrys King's Apprentice

    Jan 12, 2012
    Star Ocean Till End Of Time, The Last Of Us, and Tales of Vesparia

    In Star Ocean, the part when Ameana and Dion died at the same time in front of Fayt. Oh god I cried so hard during that scene. The worst part about it was that it was all fayt's fault for being in their planet, and now he'll be alive knowing that this was all his fault just because he dad put something in him to make him a target .

    The Last Of Us, the part when a certain character turned into a zombie and his brother shot him, then committed suicide. That was just fucked up. It just happened soo fast, it took me awhile to process this. That was too cruel, I cried. Cried hard

    Tales Of Vesparia, one of the party members betrayed everyone and became a boss. I was really shocked who it was, I partially cried while beating the crap out of him. It was terrible I liked him.
  4. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    The Last of Us, Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasy VI, Heavy Rain.
  5. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    i do this too often

    The ending, oh man. After all the characters had to pull themselves together and persevere through the bout with Ikutsuki/Strega/Nyx, it was a moment where they could finally let their guard down and show off that weakness that had lingered for a while. Aigis' speech was really heartwarming and her VA delivered it spectacularly.

    I had a bad feeling through the game regarding Nanako since she was so cheery and brought everyone together at home, but I did not see her dying (even if it was temporary). Dojima missing her last words really hit me hard, and it was worse when he was about to get revenge on Namatame; "Why is he alive when Nanako is dead?! Give me back Nanako, give her back! She's all I have!" I was practically bawling at that point. (Another special mention to Troy Baker, Kanji's VA, for that scream when Dojima was walking away. The emotion there cemented him as one of my favorite VAs).

    LUKE AND TEAR BYE LOL. To be serious, Abyss' character development for everyone was very well balanced, and it showed in each of their struggles with the journey and the gradual change in their world views. I definitely felt the gut punches with most of the main cast, but the moments with Luke and Tear made me tear (haw haw) up, especially the realizations both were dying and the entire ending sequence.

    Also Asch's death and the significance of the last fight he and Asch had on who both of them were fundamentally and going forward was perfect.

    EVERYONE SAYS THIS but really, the ending did me in. Simple and Clean coming on right when their hands left each other's, and the Sora mouthing "I love you" while fading away from the islands was really sad. And then when Kairi is exploring the Secret Place during the second verse of the song ("Wish I could prove I love you...") and then exactly as she finds the picture Sora drew with them and the Paopu fruit as the "And maybe, some things are that simple" line kicked MAN. That was heavy. (and also why sokai is practically undisputed in my mind :b).
  6. Anixe Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 28, 2007
    Dim Sum Palace
    Unfortunately, I'm a big sap and I cry even at the littlest moments. Recently...

    That moment in Kingdom Hearts 3D when you are at Tron's world and you fight Tron as Sora. The moment when he reaches for his hand but barely misses and falls to his supposed death. That moment just somehow got to me and shed a little tear. D:

    However, for the most part nowadays, I rarely cry at the endings, partly because I'm used to the big plot twists or having already cried out all of my emotions from earlier years. I find myself weeping for older games I am close with, purely for the nostalgia or the actual climatic moment, such as Final Fantasy X, Crisis Core, Kingdom Hearts 1, etc. So, I guess mainly the older Squeenix games, lol.

    Regardless, I know that once FFX HD Remaster comes out eventually, I'll def have to have tissues. :c

    I should also mention that the difference between if I feel emotional or not is widely dependent on the game's soundtrack. Again, a lot of the Final Fantasy games fits under this category but I think that the reason why Kingdom Hearts' ending was so prominent in my mind was because of Utada's Simple and Clean. Suteki da ne? also strikes a chord in my heart for the end of Final Fantasy X. So in my mind, good soundtrack is a major aspect of tear-jerking scenes.
  7. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Unfortunately, it takes a lot to make me cry in a game. HOWEVER, the ones that have done it absolutely ruined me...

    Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
    Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Okay I absolutely love Professor Layton games, but what about them made you cry?
  9. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    The endings. They were so perfect and so emotional.
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    You mean when Katia is sitting with her grandfather after finding out everything was an illusion and he was a lot older then he seemed because of the gas. That part was sweet and I really love Katia but personally I didn't find it all that emotional for me. Unless you are referring to a different part. It has been a while since I played the game.
    But Luke leaving at the end of Unwound future rather upset me cause its Luke and he had been with the professor the entire time and he had to leave. I don't really blame you for that it was upsetting cause I mean luke was awesome.
  11. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Xion's death. Seriously, when I first finished 358/2 Days, I spent the whole night crying, and I couldn't even sleep. The only other moments in the franchise that were as close to making me cry were in KH3D when Sora tried to reach Tron's hand as he was falling and Tron's goodbye in KH2. Oh Tron, why are you so good at almost making me cry in KH?
  12. Yukari Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 6, 2014
    I cried when I got Dream Drop Distance for Christmas, so technically it made me cry XD

    I cried at the end of Rhapsody, Prof. Layton and the Curious Village, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks from sheer shock that they were over.

    As for crying from sadness, I cried when NIGHTS was over, cause it told me I didn't have all the ideya, and that made me sad. But seriously, I cried during Rhapsody when
    it's revealed that Koruru was Cornet's dead mother the whole time.

    I cried there too :'(
  13. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    I haven't cried in video games, but one was VERY close. It was very close to breaking me down.

    To The Moon

    Poor Johnny. River's condition, death of his brother, removal of River in Johnny's childhood. Last, but not least, the last scene as they held hands before it flatlined. Oh god how hard I held back trying not to curl up and cry a lake.
  14. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I've played many, many games.... I've played many a Metal Gear, Deus Ex, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, EarthBound, Last of Us, Bioshock... I've played lots of games that think they're being emotional and just don't know what the word means. I say this because I find it important to give gravity to the one game that did move me to shedding an involuntary tear. The game was Lost Odyssey. It wasn't even a cutscene, but it was a visual novel portion of the game- the dream sequences. I remember two of them very vividly and they just... touched me. The first one made me feel like I was balling like a baby even though I only shed a few tears.

    I can't even justify something like that just taking me from the game controls to tell me some story but man did they move me. I just found the experiences so awful that it really connected me to the character, so when you get to the sadder ones it's tough to not be moved.
  15. Yukari Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 6, 2014
    I bet some poor souls have cried over being friend-zoned by Callum (Pokemon X/Y)
  16. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    Rule of Rose. For a survival horror, the gameplay was TERRIBLE and clunky as hell, but thank god Punchline at least got to make a great story for the game before they ran out of funding.

    The musical score is also easily one of the very best I've heard in a video game. As well as the dark story, the music was so beautiful and bleak that it was emotionally draining just listening to it.

    The story is much too complicated to explain, and I feel that I would be here for ages trying to, but it's sad from start to finish and is an incredibly underrated game that I'm guessing hardly anyone will know of/have played.
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII
  18. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    This is another moment that made me pretty effing sad.

  19. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    Ultimate ninja storm 3..I don't even need to explain myself if you've played this game just...especially full burst with itachi..and..;_; it's the only game to make me cry multiple times within a single play through along with crying every time I see some of the scenes..
  20. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Ultimate ninja storm 2 had the same effect on me ... when Itachi died and when the pervy sage died omg the feels. I havn't beat full burst yet .... maybe I will do that right now.