Y'know, after havin' surfin' throughout the web n' all....I think most gamers today have lost sight and/or purpose of gaming I mean, it's gotten rather ridiculous nowadays. What happened to havin' fun? Whatever happen to havin' good ol' fashioned, competitive, yet, safe fun? I've been playin' games since I was we lil'. The ol' classics, I've been mainly playin' Super Mario games and some Sonic here in there as well as other now-obscure games. But I have never been aware of Console Wars till like somewhere in 03 nor have I heard of wars between fans of several series. And the ones to blame are the fanboys who dedicate WAY too much of their lives suckin' up to some overrated series and some such One of the more prominent, modern fanbases is the HALO fanbase. From the start, I never really did like XBox or HALO when they first came out, and I was dead on right. XD Oh sure HALO has always had nice graphics and a massive online multiplayer going on, but there lies the problem. But before I get to that, I'm gonna say that HALO isn't really all that great as an FPS. It really doesn't give us anything new, except, perhaps what is now considered to be part of the scary side of the internet, which spawned from the online play. Thing is, the online servers of the HALO online thingy have been overrun by (mostly) foul-mouthed, immature brats. What's even worse is that these fanboys believe that HALO completely dominates everything, despite the facts that they're MUCH better FPS out there, even before HALO was conceived. Yeah, they'll most likely block out the greater games out there like DOOM, Quake and even GoldenEye, and continue to worship and kiss the feet of Master Chief, who appears to be rather really generic. Speakin' of which, someone had the balls to go and make a shrine just because he died in the last game. But in all seriousness: WHY ARE WE AGAINST EACH OTHER OVER CONSOLES AND GAMES?! DX
Bah, there will always be contention between game systems and fanboys. Everyone has their preferences and some people like to shout it out while others don't. The only way you're gonna stop things like this is by having one gaming system and one gaming company. Hell will freeze over before that happens. xD
So long as there are men there will be wars. ~Albert Einstein I think this quote would be appropriate for this conversation since this is basically true. There will always be controversy as long as there are items or materials that another wants and will fight to get for it or defend it. The console wars are like wars in other countries, deduct a lot of bloodshed. Yes, people have gotten killed during these console wars. The night of the PS3 launch, more than seven people died. It only proves that our society hasn't evolved to understand the consequences of each action we do.
Yes cause fangirls of pixels are much better, trust me fanboys/girls as horrible people to be brought into existance, fangirls made yaoi exist and fanboys promote hentai, they should burn.
Saying there are much better FPS's out there is mainly an opinion,not a fact,even if it's true.Fans can enjoy whatever they want,saying there are better ones down there and insulting their favorite game is..well,insulting.And the shrine is a little much...just move along..you didnt see anything. And people will always argue over what console or game is the best.I dont think that will stop this millenia.Just let people have their opinion and dont try to convert them to yours.
I WOULD be able to respect their opinions if they weren't ******bags about it and shovin' it down people's throats. XD
Accept the fact that they are oblivious to everyone elses opinion,and then become oblivious to they're opinion.Just dont care about it if you know they're a crazed fanboy.
I'd say "Console Wars" atleast made a little bit of sense, or atleast you could understand where they were coming from, when Console makers had direct-attack advertising campaigns against one another, where there was legitimate animosity and direct competition between the console makers for the people's attention ("Genesis does what Nintendon't", "If your console doesn't have Turbo-GrafX, you're just a wiener", etc.) Nowadays, I seriously doubt Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo give a crap what each other is doing, they practically don't have to directly compete because either way all of them are making fat sacks of cash either way. And then their respective legions of fans will fight regardless, fueled simply by the need to feel that their <faceless souless electronic device> is superior to other's <facelss souless electronic device> So, back in the day I could see you being a kid and hating Sega as a Nintendo fan because "Nintendo is, what Genesisn't", but nowadays the same person doing the same excuse has no similar justification, it's just shameless jackassery
..Lmfao! Halo has fanboys yes, but it's not the only series to have them xD 'FFVII IS TEH BESTEST RPG OUT THERE IT HAS MAN IN BLACK COAT!!!!' 'FFXII rules go diezzz!' 'OKAMI RUELZ YOU PHAILZ' 'KINGDOM HEARTS 2 IS THE GREATEST GAME EVAR MADE!!!!' 'POKEMANZ GOTTA CATCH EM ALL!!!' 'WARHAWK!!!!!!!!!!' "GH3 IS BEST IT HAS FIRE AND FLAMEZ ON EXPERT!!! HARD-DEST DING EVAR!!!!" ..Seriously, it started long before Halo and you attacknig the Halo fanbase is pure bullsh*t and ruins your whole rant, you clearly have issues with it yourself. Halo has immature brats on there yes, but they're also many regulars, watch a video of Halo smetime and see the true regs of it. And a halo shrine bad?(which only proves the dude is stupid because master chief lived...) PSH! Look at people who spend hundreds of dollars to get just the perfect look of Tidus or Cloud. Your point is very invalid and is very egotistical. Halo may not have been the first FPS, but it was sure a damn good one, it started alot of points used today such as regenerating over health packs. There's a reason it appears in most top 100 games lists. Yes, it is not the best FPS out there(that's a toss up between Metroid of HL2), but it started a basis many use today. And Iwouldn't call out Halo before calling out FFVII... Ever.... Now as for console wars... OHH COME ON IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. When you have three different products out there on the market it's going to happen. Hell, even back in the old days we'd say nintendo was better than sega or vice versa. Now true it wasn't as strong as today's, but it's going to happen. It's all in marketing, it's going to happen. Get over it... Now I hate fanboys myself, but get over it. Calling someone a fanboy is ridiculous just because they liek a series. I bet right now you think I'm a Halo fanboy just because of my avy. In truth, if you were to call me a fanboy it better be a jak fanboy especially sicne I stated the day it's announced I am literally running to wal-mart screaming 'jak 4!!!!!!' to buy a PS3 and on my way back yelling 'I GET TO PLAY JAK4!!!!' and currently, I don't even have Halo 3, I lent it to a friend and have been quite addicted to Gears of War for a month now.
fanboys can be annoying sometimes, they flip out on you just for stating your opinion. and if you disagree with them there's nothing in the world that can make them understand why. the nice ones are cool tho, the ones who simply follow a series and like to chat about it friendly. i have to admit i'm somewhat a KH fanboy but who here isn't?
Hey, I have no problems with Halo. I thought it was fun, until I played the Multiplayer, and got cussed out by a 11 year old, for killing him. Halo Fans = Not bad. Immature brats with internet connection who play Halo and love to swear = bad. And the Console Wars are really just the journalists way to phrase which console is outselling which. The fanboys just take it out of proportion, like always.
Present and accounted for! Lol, they;re 12 years old raving on every onlnie game. Halo, Gears, CoD4, R6V2, Warhawk, TF2, everywhere. Halo is just unfortunate enough to have the worst rep for them.
omg, i COMPLETELY AGREE WITH EVERYTHING. i thot 12 year kids needed permission from their parents to even go on the internet to begin with. they're ******s, and since those kids are the future: THIS FUTURE WILL BE F**KED UP. ppl really do take the Console Wars thing too seriously, all they need to know is that the Wii is winning simply because it appeals to more ppl, end of discussion, but then others say "no, PS3 is gonna make a comeback because of it's graphics". rraggh!!! *stones to death*
I'm not getting into this debate and if you respond top this post I wil lnot answer back so do what you will. So sorry, I enjoyed KH2, but I am smart enough to know it is pretty damn repeatitive, dull, and easy and the most entertainment I got out of it was the hacks Skiller produced.
i was joking........ also fanboys like saying FFS alot (or something like that) when they are arguing. what the heck does that mean?
Exactly what i though. Ever since i got rock band, i havent touched the kingdom hearts games. An\d with console wars, even though i own a ps3, i see why people like 360s
oooooh thx for that. i also noticed those HELLA annoying Naruto fanboys always talk about something called "fillers" and i asked what that was and they were like "get out from under that rock you live under" and i was wondering "was that common knowledge?" anyways, disgruntled fanboys=ANNOYING i haven't found a game to replace KH yet, tho i have been getting addicted to the Zelda series so maybe that will be my next position to be a fanboy in.