Thus far, (to my knowledge), Gears of War (um what?) and BioShock have won GotY honors thus far. So, a little early yes, which 2007 game will rack up the most wins? Also what's your game of the year? I think BioShock will win the most GotY honors. My favorite game would have to be The Orange Box, PC version. Specifically Portal. (Why the PC version? You can hack the portal gun in Half-Life 2!!) Personally, I think whatever game it is that comes out number one will be on the 360...
Hah, funny because Bioshock is the game of the year, not GoW. GoW got the Best New Action Game award. Both games are great though. But thinking that whatever game that comes out number one will be on 360...well, that made me lol hard.
I'm think MGS4 has a big chance of getting it next year, though White Knight is looking very promising.
I don't know next year, I wanna see the story and stuff in Assasins Creed cause well we all know if looks godly. Just gotta hope the story and control is good.
Well, I think Call of Duty 4 or Super Smash Bros Brawl will take it next year. Assassin's Creed could also maybe be up there, but I'm not entirely sure. I haven't heard too much about it to like it as much. I read the whole plotline, but I'm just sorta not so sure yet. PC games have been around since the early 90's, so YEAH people care about PC games. The most important PC game might be Crysis next year. I haven't seen any other PC games besides the Orange Box, but Crysis's graphics and the gameplay look awesome.