I just saw that movie, and I have got to say. It was pretty darn well done. The action, the guns and shooting, the epic dialogue...and somewhat jokes. The only thing that bothered me was the fact that the "badass" superhero/main character didn't do such a good job with acting...:( The sequel is going to be good...
I thought the movie was okay. There were some things in it that were kind of meh, but all in all, it was enjoyable to watch. The action was good and there were some amusing parts. Some things though were just off though. It was kind of how Transformers was to me.. where some things were very cool and others were just not needed. I didn't go with high expectations for the movie so it passed, as Tranformers did.
I haven't seen it yet because my friends are losers... but it looks like a really good movie... I like the jumpy bits in the adverts
I might be going to see it with my boyfriend in a few weeks time, I saw the trailer when I went to go see Terminator and I have to admit, it does look like it would be a pretty good movie.
It was decent. I can't say much for the main character though, since Channing Tatum's acting is...well, just about the same for every role I've seen him in, just ok. Also, too much CGI and not enough live-action. I wish I could see more Snake Eyes VS Storm Shadow, the best part of the movie no doubt. By the way, can I get a brofist for who else thinks Baroness and Scarlett should always be in skin-tight leather?
I lol'd...a LOT. I must say that the graphics were really cool, with all the bits and pieces blowing up, people dying and things falling...but it was missing the real live-ACTION. I'd say that a good 80% [or higher] of the movie was all CGI. Not that that's a bad thing, but it really could've been better. The movie was also very predictable...with which character is on who's side and whatnot; but then again, all movies adapted from comics are predictable. Oh, and I lol'd for the predictability and the fact that a mime died. :lolface: @Hayabusa:: My gawd, YES. Fights between Snake Eyes and Strom Shadow were the BEST scenes. It just NEVER lasted long enough. ;~; I guess, I'll watch the sequel. I like things blowing up...so why not?
Snake Eyes vs Storm Shadow is the total reason I went to go see the movie. xD Baroness and Scarlett looked pretty cool. Other than that.. yeah, some of the jokes were funny. Too much cgi in it. I did think the plot was too predictable but mostly because they gave out too many clues in it as if making sure we could not miss them. I will probably buy the movie on bluray though when it comes out so I can actually watch the fight scenes better because I was stuck in a crappy seat too close to see stuff right when I went. :/
Ah, yes...The Baroness and Scarlett were pretty awesome too. Seeing chicks in action movies where they know how to really kick ass is really interesting. Also because of the fact that the females on the "evil" side are always a little psycho. I just love evil characters, so Anna would have to be my favorite, but then it kind of died when she went back with Duke. Really? I mean REALLY? I hope she double crosses in the second movie and stays totally evil forever. Heh.
I want to see it. But i'm sick now :( I saw the trailer and it looked really cool with the bits where they avoid all the misslies :D