It baffles me how folk can find this 'prank' funny. If a kid tried this in our store we'd take him out back and smash him a couple of times.
This should not be funny because I hate wasting things especially like this but I admit I laughed quite a bit. The old lady at 2:30 xD
The idea is funny, and I'd understand a bit more if you bought the stuff first, and then once you did it, explained it was all a prank and cleaned it up yourself, but other than that no. Not cool.
For those of you who don't know, they asked the store owners beforehand if they could do the prank and they were cool with it.
Still, as someone who works in a grocery store, I do not approve. I do not find destruction of property for a prank funny. Until you purchase something, it is the property of the store. They bought it from a reseller, it is theirs until you, in turn, purchase it. Chocolate milk alone at our store is nearly 5.00(US) a gallon. Milk itself is not cheap. Not to mention milk is a pain in the ass to clean up. I know this for a fact as I've had to do it before. Not to mention the fact if someone got hurt by one of those gallons of milk and sued the store. Now a big chain store might be able to weather the impact but a small Mom and Pop store like the one I work for would have no option but to turn the key. And I'm sure that if people decide to imitate this prank, I'm sure they're not going to ask for permission before hand. And any store owner/manager should have the sense to say no. Because they are losing product which in turn means a loss of money. I see any kids doing this in my store during my shifts. They are going to pay for any and all damaged product and then I am going to hand them a mop. Then I am going to watch them like a hawk until it's all cleaned up and spotless.