Fullmetal Alchemist: The Midnight Eclipse

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hiro ✩, Aug 31, 2011.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "He'll be fine! Stay here." Xiomara pleaded, once they were outside. It was hard to breathe with her wounds. Her stomach still ached on top of it. "What in the hell happened?" Xioimara asked out loud. She leaned up against the wall of a building and collapsed to the ground. "I need help..." Xioimara added, her voice sounding weaker and tinier.

    Alphonse looked at Xioimara. She was badly hurt. The stab marks in her chests could've resembled that of a bullet. He never heard any gunfire though. "Brother, what do we do?" He looked to Ed, unsure of what to make of all this. This night just kept getting more and more intense.

    "Well, this didn't go quite exactly as planned..." Lust pouted, she jumped back as Armstrong took a swing at her. "Sloth! Let's go!" Lust wasn't prepared to fight someone of such immense power. A weak wolf was one thing.

    "You're not going anywhere!" Armstrong struck at Lust once more. He was surprised at how agile she was, he was also more surprised at the powers that she held.
  2. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ed was in shock. Mom attacked us? and she was with that lady from the train. "I don't know Al... something wierd's going on..."he said.
    Sloth's head hurt. Trisha's memories were coming out. "We're making such a mess." she said before she turned into water towash Armstrong away from her companion.
    Wrath heard the noises. At what mommy had told him, he turned in the keys and took their stuff outside. All he had to do was wait or them now.
    Ling heard nothing of what happend.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Armstrong avoided the water hastily and once he looked around for the mysterious woman again, she was gone. Armstrong was cautious as he made his way to Ling's room. He knocked on the door before opening. "Hurry. We're leaving." Armstrong said. He hurried outside to see what state the brothers and Xioimara were in. "How is everyone?"

    "She looked like mom..." Alphonse noted to his brother. The Major was quick to appear. "We're fine, but Xioimara isn't..." Alphonse said, looking over at the disstressed teen.

    Lust escaped with Sloth. They met Sloth's 'son' out back of the hotel. He had listened well and they were ready to leave. "That couldn't have gone any worse." Lust said to Sloth.

    Xioimara didn't say anything to Armstrong. She could still feel her wounds bleeding out. The pain was immense and almost unbearable. She had been biting her tongue to keep from screaming. Her heart thundered in her chest and her world seeped in and out of conciousness. "My fucking body hurts...!" She cried, writhing a tiny bit with pain. "What in the Hell was wrong with that woman?!" Xioimara wanted to murder Lust for the pain she was being put through.
  4. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "But so does Bradley's secretary..." Ed took out some medical supplies he had. He couldn't completely heal the wound but he could keep it from bleeding. "Okay, this may sting, but it'll stop the bleeding." he told her. He dabbed at her with some foul smelling liquid that stung. He had used it on himself many times before. He pulled up her shirt and wrapped a bandage around her. Now all they had to do was find a doctor. "There." he said.

    Sloth was holding her head. She couldn't take it anymore. "Tell me why I have these memories!" she screamed at Lust.
    Wrath nodded to Lust. He saw 'mommy' holding her head. A few seconds later, she demanded to know why she had "memories". What does she mean? he wondered.

    Back at the ranch, Ling turned in the keys. he stepped outside with the bags. "What happened to her?" he asked after he saw Xioimara.
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara face turned red and she bit her tongue. She could feel tears form in her eyes. "Thanks." She said to Ed. It still hurt, if anything a little bit more but her panic factor lowered itself now that she knew she wouldn't die from bleeding out. Xioimara looked at Ling as he came out of the hotel. 'How could he have not heard any of that?' Xioimara was helped to her feet by Armstrong and then picked up. Her face turned even redder. "I can still walk...!" She told him.

    "We can't risk you overexerting yourself and you'd just slow us down." Armstrong informed Xioimara. He could see that she was thoroughly embarrased by this whole sitation. He pitied her a little bit and turned to the brothers. "Do you two happen to know any doctors in this town?"

    "I'm not sure, but I think she was stabbed by this lady..." Alphonse said to Ling. He looked at Armstrong. "Do you think Teach-Izumi would know any doctors?" Alphonse asked his brother.

    "You're the failed result of the Elric brothers attempt to transmutate their mother back to life." Lust said plainly. "I think you're starting to see that though."
  6. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "Take me to Father. Now." she told Lust.

    "Maybe. But I'd hate to bother Teacher at this hour." he looked at Xioimara. "But we have to. Ling, Major, hold her while we walk to Teacher's will you?" he asked them.
    Ling was taken aback. "Harsh." he said. Ling nodded to Ed. "Ok" he said as he put an arm around her to keep her steady.
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara looked at Ed and Al as they went to go talk to their teacher. "That woman's nails... Stabbed me, didn't they?" She asked, a little shocked at this memory. It didn't seem real. Her stomach cramped up and she fell silent with pain.

    Alphonse agreed and left to go wake up Teacher.

    "If you wish."
  8. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ed left with Al. He hoped Sig would answer the door since he would be more calm about it.
    "You sure you're ok?" Ling asked her.
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "I feel fine and dandy." Xioimara smiled to Ling. She huffed and cringed as the pain came back to her like a punch. From Armstrong. At least, that's what it felt like. "I'll kill that bitch!" Xioimara exclaimed and decided to stop yelling so loudly before the neighborhood would wake up. She was quite surprised to see that no one in the town had awoken, let alone any other residents of the hotel.

    Alphonse knocked on the door. "I hope they answer..." Alphonse said quietly. "This is turning into quite a night." He was relieved when the door opened to Mr. Sig.

    "What is it?"
  10. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "Mr. Sig! one of our friends is hurt and we need help. Is there anyway yourself and Teacher could let her stay here till we find a doctor?" he asked.

    "Please do." Sloth said.
  11. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Mr. Sig looked at Edward. He nodded. "I will tell Izumi of this in the morning. She doesn't need anymore stress right now." He told them. "Bring them here."

    "Thank you!" Alphonse said and hurried back to tell the Major and Ling to bring Xioimara. "She can stay with Teacher and Mr. Sig until we find a doctor." He said to Armstrong and Ling.

    "Everything will be better soon." Armstrong reassured. He started forward with Xioimara towards the house.

    Xioimara didn't say anything to Alphonse as he gave them the good news. Her mood had swung to the thoughts of just sleeping off the pain.
  12. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "Thanks!" he ran back with Al. "Ok, bring her here." he told them.
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Armstrong brought Xioimara to the house as quickly and carefully(hardly careful on that note) as possible. He set her down, as instructed by Mr. Sig, on the couch. "We'll try to bring back help as soon as possible, Xioimara." He told her. "We are adebted to you, Mr. Sig." He said with a nod.

    Mr. Sig nodded back. "I'm sorry I can't be of much assisstance. I will keep an eye on her."

    "Thank you." Alphonse said to Mr. Sig. He wanted to find help as quickly as possible. He was worried about their new comrade and the fact that this simple visit had dug them into deep trouble.
  14. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "Al, let's go." Ed beckoned to his brother. "Major, Lin, watch her." he told thm as he left.
    "Roger chief." ling said. "Good luck Al." he told the younger brother.
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Alphonse nodded. "Thanks." He left shortly after. Alphonse did recall seeing signs for a small doctors office closer to the center of town but wasn't so sure if anyone would be there. "Where is there a hospital?" He pondered.

    "Father," Lust spoke as she entered an old abandoned warehouse. "Sloth wishes to speak with you."

    The major looked down at Xioimara. She was faring well, considering that the wounds had eased in through one part of her shoulder and chest and out the other. "What can we do to help right now?"

    Xioimara found pain even laying on her back. Her wounds wouldn't work with her no matter how she laid. "Darkness..." Xioimara murmured. Her head pounded and her stomach ached. She felt tired and groggy. She was thankful when the lights were turned off. Darkness decreased her headache a little bit and she felt calmer.
  16. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    OOC: You be Father now. He's way too easy for me.

    An old man looked at them. "Yes... Sloth..?" he spoke slowly and appeared to be having difficulties stringing the words together.

    "I have no idea, but we better hurry." Ed told his brother.

    "Hello Ling. Fancy seeing you here." said Xoram as he entered the house.
    "Xoram?" Ling asked.
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Iight.

    The old man caught his breath as he awaited Sloth to speak.

    Xioimara recognized Xoram's voice and scent from earlier. "Go away!" Xioimara strained to say. She turned on the couch so that her back was facing the newcomer. She hid her pain well for the most part but found herself whining quietly.

    "Quite a surprise seeing you here, Xoram." Armstrong saluted his fellow comrade. "I suggest you step outside though if you plan on talking." He added, looking at Xioimara.

    Alphonse recognized the sign to the doctor's office he had been thinking of through the darkness. "There!" He pointed out and rushed to the door. He knocked on. "Please, help us! Our friend is badly hurt!" He added. No reply. "Brother, do you think a regular doctor can heal her wounds?" Alphonse asked, remembering the clear in and out inscisions on Xioimara's body.
  18. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ed just looked at Al. "Probably. I mean, they aren't too big right?" he said.

    "A surprise seeing you as well Major." Xoram replied Saluting Armstrong. "What's with her?" he asked.
    Ling stayed quiet as the Military Men talked.
  19. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Leave!" Xioimara cried, her voice progressivley becoming louder with stress, pain and anxiety. She still wasn't exaclty fond of Xoram and the whole escape. Her memory still didn't recall him at all. Xioimara whined with pain as it started to overwhelm her.

    "Please, step outside if you're going to continue talking. I don't want us to wake Izumi." Sig noted as Xioimara's stress levels shot its nerves. If she got any louder they could be in trouble.

    Armstrong waved his hand. "We'll talk once the Elrics are back with a doctor."

    "From what I saw they went straight through her." Alphonse started. He paused as the door opened and a man stood in the doorway. "Please help us." Alphonse started.

    The man looked at the two tiredly. "I can't help with emergency situations... There's a small hospital a few blocks away." He shut the door.

    Alphonse was relieved they at least knew where to go now. He moved quickly to go find a doctor. "Brother, do you think those women were following us?"

    Lust placed a hand on her hip. "Sloth?"
  20. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "Why do I have the memories of Trisha Elric!?" she blurted out.

    "Maybe. The other one I get but why the Fuhrer's secretary?" he said. "You know, the one who looks like mom." he added.

    "Ok." Xoram said.
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