Fullmetal Alchemist: The Midnight Eclipse

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hiro ✩, Aug 31, 2011.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "I think we know our way, thank you though, Lieutenant." Al said happily to Hawkeye.

    "And if not then I know the way." Arsmtrong gladly reassured.

    Xioimara looked back at Ling as he attempted to butt in on the conversation. She scoffed and kicked up some dirt near the steps of headquarters. 'I'm pretty sure there's a rule that prohibits anybody except military personnel and state achemists from coming inside.' Xioimara convinced herself. She did know that the rule at least applied for different wings such as the library.

    Hawkeye looked at Ling Yao as he greeted her. Riza looked around at the group, a little clueless on who this was. "Hello. And you are?"
  2. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "Ready?"Xoram aked Charlie.

    "oh, pardon me," Ling said. "I'm Ling Yao, Prince of Xing." he told Hawkeye.
    Idiot prince. Ed thought as he followed Al into the building.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara followed after Edward and Al as they headed into the building. She stopped. "I need to go for a run." Xioimara announced looking at Arsmtrong, her legs felt like rubber and she was shaking. Xioimara had started to feel extremley nervous as they neared the office.

    "Then perhaps under my supervision, after you see Colonel Mustang." Armstrong told Xioimara, placing a hand on her shoulder to force her to keep walking as they came up to the door of Colonel Mustang's office.

    "I think you may be overthinking this." Al told Xioimara. "I don't think it'll be all that bad. Sometimes we make things out to be a lot worse than they really are."
  4. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ed looked at Xioimara. "Yeah, just relax Wolfie." he told her. "I mean, the Colonel's not that bad." secretly, he hated Mustang, but he had to admit, Mustang was a pretty skilled alchemist.

    "So what do you do around here Leutanaint?" Ling asked Hawkeye.
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Riza Hawkeye looked at Ling. 'Hmm...' She paused before answering him. "I'm sorry but that's personal for obvious reasons." She informed Ling. Riza was well aware if she went around telling everyone what she did and that she had important ties with the Colonel there was a high possibility that she might get hurt. "It was nice meeting you, but if you'll excuse me, I need to get these errands done before nightfall." Hawkeye nodded to Ling Yao and continued down the steps.

    "Right." Armstrong agreed with the Elrics. He opened the door to the Colonels office and gently pushed Xioimara forward through the doorway.

    Alphonse waited for his brother to go into the office before going in. He wasn't sure what would happen to Xioimara but he was sure it would all be okay. Everything always worked out in the end.

    Xioimara was tempted to grab onto the wall to avoid being pushed inside the office. She sighed and dragged her feet forward through the doorway to see her least-favorite man. 'Captain Sarcasm. Captain I'm-In-Charge. Captain Handso-' Xioimara shook her head, disgusted with herself. She avoided Mustang's eyes as she came to a halt in from of his desk, as if he might not see her.
  6. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ed sat down in a chair next to Xioimara. He looked at Colonel Mustang who apparently hadn't noticed them come in.

    "Right." Ling said. He noticed everyone had gone and followed them inside.
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Great. I came. He saw. I can go now." Xioimara started for the door at this but was, of course, stopped. She glared at Armstrong as he stopped her. She stayed put, facing the doorway, ready to leave once Mustang said something or she was dismissed.

    Alphonse watched as Xioimara tried to leave again. "Just try to last five minutes." He insisted, taking notice of Xioimara's raised red flags of aggravation.
  8. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ed was getting impatient. Mustang still hadn't noticed them. "Uh, Colonel Mustang? Have you even noticed us?" he asked.
    Roy Mustang looked up and saw a bunch of people in his office. "Hey Fullmetal, when did you get here?" he asked.
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara became frustrated and almost completely lost her temper at this. She span on her heel to look at Mustang. "You go through all the trouble of having the military come after me and try to put me back on a damn leash and now that I'm sitting right in front of you like an obediant dog, you just ignore it?!" She was heated but decided to give Mustang a chance to speak before going off into a full-blown rant, if it was needed. Xioimara bit down on her tongue to keep herself from talking out.

    She still had the decency to know he could kick her ass to Mars if he so well pleased.

    "I'm sorry, Colonel. She's still wound out from earlier!" Armstrong started to apologize yet again for Xioimara's attitude. He was hushed by his lower-ranking comrade.

    "Stop!" Xioimara glared at Armstrong. "Stop apologizing for my behaviour. You're NOT in charge of me!" Xioimara looked back from the now disbelieving-shocked Armstrong back to Mustang. "Now what could you possible want from me?"
  10. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Mustang wasn't mad. She was just frustrated. "Honestly, I wanted to see if you were ok. But seeing as to how you're so polite..." he said, "You have to assit Fullmetal and his brother with the Midnight Eclipse case." he stopped. Major Armstrong, keep an eye on her." he looked at Xioimara. "Dissmissed." he told her.

    Ed just stared. Xioimara, with HIM and Al? Things seemed to have taken a turn for the worse.

    OOC: BRB
  11. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara's jaw dropped at this. She was a little taken aback by his concern. Her face reddened a little bit and she pushed that aside. "T-That was it?!" Xioimara was held back by Armstrong, as he seemed to have a sixth sense for when she was almost about to attack somebody.

    "How about that run you wanted to go on earlier?" Armstrong held Xioimara back, a little surprised at her strength despite her size. He was relieved that she relaxed at this.

    Xioimara glared at Mustang for a moment or two more. She exhaled and shook herself from Armstrong's grip. "Thanks." Xioimara left the room abruptley, not waiting for Armstrong, Edward, or Alphonse. They would have to meet up one way or another now. Xioimara wasn't too thrilled to be working with the Elrics and to be under Armstrong's watch most of all. Xioimara sulked. Sometimes she was aware when she was acting like a little child, and she knew this was one of those times. She didn't care though.

    The wolf took off down the corridor and out the building. Xioimara had a pretty good idea of where the Elrics would be at night or knew to drag her sorry ass back to the Colonel if she couldn't find them. The red wolf ran through the streets, taking the back alleys when possible. Dog catchers always loved to catch a huge dog like her.

    Armstrong quickly followed after Xioimara seeing her dart off and given his new orders, it was his duty to catch her now. "Follow if you will or I will catch up with you later!" Armstrong announced to the Elrics and ran after Xioimara, soon finding that he would have no idea where she went.

    "I wonder why she's so mad about having to come back to Central...?" Alphonse asked himself as well as anybody that was listening. He looked to Mustang. "Do you have any new leads of where to go to investigate, Colonel?"

  12. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "I'm afraid not." Mustang said, "Where were you going before this happened?"
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Alphonse thought hard for a few moments as to remember where they were supposed to be going. He found himself stumped and turned to his brother. "Brother, where were we going?" He had forgotten in the midst of the chaos of meeting the girl and Armstrong. He did regret forgetting the name for about the third time. Alphonse needed to start paying attention more. He was getting a tad bit annoyed with himself for being so oblivious to his surroundings.

    Xioimara continued to run throughout Central. She started to cool off and catch her head after a few minutes, if only for a little bit. She did take this as an opportunity to get to know Central a little bit better if anything and get some air away from her new companions, the Elrics, and bodyguard, she supposed, Alexander Armstrong.

    'How can she disappear like that so fast?' Armstrong continued through Central. He had a good feeling that she would come back. Maybe. He hoped she would in the least. It would be on him if he lost her now. Armstrong pulled out a small sketchbook from his jacket as well as a pencil and started to sketch up pictures of Xioimara in both of her forms to show to people for a clue to where she might be.
  14. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "To Reole. Supposedly there's a Philosopher's Stone there." Ed said.
    "Ah. Well good luck with that. Now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of work to do. Dissmissed." said Colonel Mustang.
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    'Well, so much for help.' Alphonse thought for a second. "Thank you, Colonel." Alphonse said as he left, in respect for Mustang. Alphonse waited outside the doorway for his brother. "Brother, did the Colonel seem, I don't know, I guess a little bit more distant than usual?" Alphonse asked his brother. Maybe it was all of the rumors of the Midnight Eclipse. Mustang might be busy trying to cover it up, he supposed.

    "Have you seen this girl?" Armstrong asked a random pedestrian on the sidewalk, once he had finished his drawings. The man shook his head. "How about this dog?" He flipped the page for the man to see. The man pointed to an alleyway not too far away. "Thank you, sir!"
  16. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "Yup." Ed said. "Wouldn't you cover it up?"
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Hmm..." Xioimara stalked through an alleyway for a chance at a hunt, even if it was just a rat. It helped burn off stress and cleaned up the city of disease, if justby one rat. She moved down the alley quietly and in the shadows, scannning for something to stalk or scare. Xioimara could feel a sly wolfish smile moving over her lips as she moved. She was already starting to feel better.

    Armstrong hurried to an alleyway that a pedestrian had pointed him towards but found nothing. He went back to trying to find the girl through drawings showed to passerby's.

    "I guess..." Alphonse started and paused for a moment. "But if he expects us to work on the case I would have expected more... Information, I guess." He said and decided maybe to drop the topic. "Brother, we never learned the name of that girl we're going to be working with now." He recalled as his mind swam through their new task they had to defeat before they could go back to searching for their bodies.
  18. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ling saw Xioimara. "Hey Wolf Girl, In here," he whispered.
    Xoram smiled."Thanks Ling," he said.

    Ed realized his brother was right."Then let's go find her," he said.
  19. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara growled at Ling as the voice shook her from her concentration. "Why?" The wolf stalked forward a few steps and stopped. Her hackles rose as did her lips. She bared her teeth. "Who else is there?" She demanded.

    "Sounds like a plan but where did she go off to?" Al wondered outloud as they headed out of headquarters. Alphonse took notice to Armstrong's huge figure standing in the streets trying to find out where the girl was with a notebook of his famous sketches. He was a good artist without a doubt.
  20. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "You wanna escape don't you?" Ling asked.
    "Hey Xioimara," Xoram said, "Remember me? The Storm Alchemist?" he hoped his colleauge remembered him.

    "Lose somehting General?" Ed asked. He hoped that Xioimara would be found soon, he really wanted to get going to Reole.
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