Fullmetal Alchemist: The Midnight Eclipse

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hiro ✩, Aug 31, 2011.

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  1. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "Hey, if the guy can help us with the Midnight Eclipse, let him. Don't be rude Wolfie." he said.
    "I wasn't eavesdropping, I caught the Words Midnight Eclipse when I was walking by. And also, I'm the Prince of Xing so watch what you say." he said seriously.

    OOC: XD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyUO8S7mPl0
  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// lol Your alchemy is useless here!


    "Power doesn't scare me." Xioimara growled and leaned back. She wasn't dominant here and as far as things went she was the lowest ranking in the group. Therefore, her word wasn't final. Xioimara was well aware of this.

    "Not to be rude, but what are you doing all the way out here if you're from Xing?" Alphonse asked Ling trying to be as least intruding on his personal life as possible.
  3. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "I was bored. Lan Fan and Foo wouldn't quit following me so here i am, doing my little dance." Ling started dancing as soon as he finished talking.
    Ed looked at Ling as if he were wierd. "What the hell are you doing?" he asked. He knew Al'd tell him to not say that, but he didn't care. Ling was wierd.

    OOC: His dance looks like this:
  4. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara gave Ling a doubtful look as he started to do his little thing. She looked to exchange glances with Edward. He read her mind it almost seemed.

    "You shouldn't be so rude, brother..." Alphonse said quietly to Edward. Everyone was weird in one form of another though this might have topped them all... Maybe.

    Armstrong flexed his pectorals and biceps a little. He wouldn't let someone's special dance steal his muscle's glory.
  5. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ed was going crazy. He decided to shut up and just wait for the train to stop. When it finally did about 5 minutes later, he looked at Ling. "Are you coming or what?" he asked.
    Ling saw Ed sit down with a "Kill me now" look on his face. He kept dancing and when the trained stop, he answered Ed. "Okay, thanks for the invite." he smiled and instantly stopped dancing.
  6. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    The General was fine with Ling Yao staying with them for now. He didn't know too much about this Prince after all.
    Alphonse found Ling's dance a bit amusing. It cheered him up in the least.
    Xioimara almost slapped Ed for inviting Ling to stay. Well, at least the dancing stopped and Armstrong came to the conclusion that no matter what, his muscles would not be outdone. Was she really the only one that didn't need to get bit in the ass to know something was up with this Ling Yao fellow?

    Well, if he came to talk about the Midnight Eclipse then he would have it. As far as things went, Xioimara had little to no idea about what the Midnight Eclipse was except a night when she was stronger than usual. She had only heard about it now. "What is the Midnight Eclipse anyways?" Xioimara decided she needed a briefing on this.
  7. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "It's the one night of the year where there's a full moon even if it's not scheduled to be a full moon. Then the shadow of the erath passes over it. Also, there's a big festival with games and such. People keep disappearing on that night though." Ed said.
    Ling looked at Ed. "Yeah, it's basically what he said. There's also an automail competition and a throwing stars competition." Ling told them.
    "Hear that Al? Winry'll go nuts over the automail competition." Ed said to his brother, "We should invite her."
  8. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "I see." Xioimara simply nodded. "I can see why people would disappear on that night however..." Xioimara started. "I mean," She thought for a second. "Children disappear in cities everyday." Xioimara paused, she wasn't sure how to say what she was thinking but it was slowly coming to her. "Women disappear in busy areas and are never seen again as are the children, or at least, most of the time." Xioimara thought for a moment. "Men are murdered or beaten and sometimes disappear."

    "Point is, I can see why people would be disappearing at the festival. Music, parties, drunkards, noise. It'd be so easy to overlook someone screaming for help and someone screaming with laughter. It can't be simply assumed that it is just one person who is taking this people. It could be multiple people, unless those who disappear have a common link such as hair colour, or eye colour, or even shape." Xioimara breathed. She barley knew anything about this but was already aware of what could be happening.

    Alphonse nodded as Xioimara said her statement. It was true they had been thinking it was just one person. Maybe it was multiple people. Who knew?
  9. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    OOC: YOu be Hawkeye, I'll be Mustang. Or do you want it the other way around?
    Ed looked a Xioimara. "They've all been Alchemists at one point or are Alchemists." he dug around in his bag, and pulled out a list of people he made. "This is a list of people that disappeared in the last 5 years along with their families if they had one.Tim Marcoh, the Crystal Alchemist. Isaac MacDougal, the Freezing Alchemist. Golio Comanche, the Silver Alchemist. Basque Grand, the Iron Blood Alchemist. And Shou Tucker, the Sewing Life Alchemist." he put down the paper and raised an eyebrow.
    Ling looked at Ed and listened to the names. "Wow, creepy." he said.
  10. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Hmm... I'll try Hawkeye. ROy would be too easy for me xP


    Xioimara and Armstrong took a look at the list. Alphonse had seen it already and was well aware of the people on the list.

    Xioimara thought as she took the list and looked at the names, as if staring at their names would give her all the information she needed. "I've only heard of Marchoh, Grand and Tucker. I don't know a lot about them except that the military had problems with them at some point or another, yes?" She inquired.

    "Somewhat." Armstrong mentioned. "The military eventually lost interest at one point or another."
  11. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    OOC: Ok.
    Ed noticed that the bus had stopped. "We better get off." he said while getting up. He got off the bus, deep in thought. Teacher's not a state alchemist, but she's an alchemist so would the get her and Mr. Sig as well?"Hey Al, come here, I need to talk to you about something."
    Ling saw Ed get out of the train rather abruptly. He turned to the others. "We better get off too." he heard Ed call out for Al. "Hey Tin Man, I think your brother needs you." he told him, using a nickname for Al he came up with himself.
  12. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Ah I'll stay lol
    Alphonse walked up next to his brother as they moved a small distance away from the group. "What is it, brother?" He asked. Alphonse was worried about his brother being a State Alchemist, not that he couldn't defend himself but there was always a chance.

    Armstrong stood up after the Elric brothers and Ling Yao. He motioned Xioimara to walk in front of him. He didn't have much to say on the topic of the Midnight Eclipse but was proud to see that the Elrics as well as Xioimara were already striving to start to find the person(s) that were to be found guilty of kidnapping these State Alchemist.

    Xioimara had a hawk's eye on her as Armstrong made sure she wouldn't dart. He obviously had enough trust not to handcuff her or keep a grip on her. She was thankful of that at least. Xioimara watched as Alphonse caught up with Ed to hear what he had to say. Xioimara kept an eye on Ling to make sure he wouldn't try to pull anything. Xioimara still wanted him to leave. Maybe he wouldn't be allowed into headquarters since he wasn't a State Alchemist. That would be a reasonable rule, right?

    She put her hands in her pockets as she walked. Xioimara felt tired still from her short nap as well as weak from obvious reasons.
  13. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ed heard his brother behind him."What if they go after Teacher and Mr. Sig? Teacher's an Alchemist, and all these guys were alchemists too." he told Al.
    Ling looked at Armstrong. "So uh... why did you go after the wild wolf of the east?" he asked.
  14. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "I never thought about that, Brother..." Alphose thought for a second. "I think she will be okay. She's one of the best alchemists I know. She's not part of the military anyways..." He tried to reassure Edward that she would be fine.

    "Why they are after me is none of your buisness, Prince." Xioimara retorted towards Ling. She wanted to make it clear she would probably never be fond of him nor trust him.

    "She's bitter about it. She joined and never answers us when we call her." Armstrong answered Ling Yao, despite Xioimara's discomfits with this. "I wasn't well briefed on why they need her but it's either for protection, spying on others, or because of her brain."
  15. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    "You're right... but they may interrogate her about us. I think that after we're done here we should head to Dublith to see her." he said. He turned and saw Lt. Riza Hawkeye standing in the doorway. "Hey Lt." he said. "How's it going?"

    Well mannered as he was, Ling couldn't resist this perfect opportunity. Looking serious and yet sarcastic somehow, he looked up at Armstrong. "What brain?" he asked.
  16. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "She invented her own form of Alchemy and has been the upper hand to solving many of our cases, if she's around." Armstrong noted though he did catch the sarcasm in Ling's voice it wasn't very appreciated. One of his major pet peeves was joking about somebody.

    "Do you want to hear a story, Ling?" Xioimara asked looking back at him. She was quite good at seizing opportunities of people making game out of her as a chance to depress them. Or to screw with them. Xioimara smiled a little and kept walking ahead of the two. There wasn't enough room between Armstrong and the Elric's to escape.

    "I think that's a good idea, brother..." Alphonse agreed. He did have a good point. What if they were after his brother? This concerned Alphonse deeply. He wouldn't be able to lose his brother. It would kill him. "Oh hello, Leuitenant." Alphonse kindly greeted Lt. Hawkeye. She was a welcomed sight any day.

    "Hello, you two." The Leiutenant cast an eye from Armstrong, and the stranger next to him down to Xioimara. "So he wasn't joking..." She said with traces of joy in her voice that they had finally gotten a hold of the Wild Wolf of the East.
  17. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ling noted that Armstrong didn't like the sarcasm in his voice. He turned to Xioimara. "No thanks, I'm good." he said. She was doing what he'd do, tell the person that teased him a depressing story. Elementary School tricks.

    "You seem happy that he found Wolfie over there. She literally ran into me and Al when he found her," he explained, "Where's Colonel Mustang? I'd like to talk to him if that's ok." He had always had great respect for the Lt. since she was one of the only females in the Military that was actually on the front lines.
  18. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara smirked at Ling. "Good eyes." Xioimara had a deep dread nagging at her as she came up next to the two brothers, finally meeting with Hawkeye again. Xioimara nodded to Hawkeye, not wanting to speak with her or anybody at the moment. Xioimara really did not want to see Mustang but knew it would only be cowardice to run now.

    "I see...." Hawkeye smiled at the two. "He's in his office as usual, I was just about to go run some errands for him. You remember the way still, right?" She made sure. The Lieutenant nodded back to Xioimara. She had mixed feelings for Xioimara. She could be nice or a total rebel. It wasn't something that Hawkeye favored...

    Armstrong saluted Lt. Hawkeye as he stopped next to the brothers. "Nice to see you, Lieutenant." He smiled and lowered his hand.
  19. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ling poked his head out from behind everyone at Lt. Hawkeye. "Hiya." he said with a smile.
  20. program Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 8, 2009
    Charlene had nodded at this and felt the train stop. She patiently waited as everyone left, and watched closely as the group got off and walked on. She followed slowly behind them, easily having an excuse if they asked who she was and if she was following them, though she wasnt at all really. What had the woman, Xioimara, seen? Was she really connected to the Midnight Eclipse? Charlie would give her annual report on the criminals she had put to justice to Mustang, and of course she would be met up with her cousin.

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