Well, my dog has reached the end of the road. He's probably going to die tonight. I just...I hate how I feel right now. Somebody say something reassuring, please...
Like program said, he's going to a better place. He won't be in any more pain. I know what it's like to lose a family pet, you have my condolences. I'm sorry if this hasn't helped you much
Nothing and no one lasts forever. The important thing isn't how long your pet's life lasts; it's how much enjoyment he got out of it.
I usually laugh at people who make these threads and then make them feel worse but dying dogs is serious ****. Just remember that all dogs go to heaven. And if you don't believe in heaven then at least he lived a nice life and you will never lose the great memories you have. I know that feel.
I'm sorry for your loss. Your dog lived a good life, I'm sure. Like everyone else said, he's going to a better place. I'm sure he died happy having you as his owner. It may be painful, but you just have to find a way to move on.
He's moving on to a place where he won't have to suffer of old age or pain anymore. And I know how you feel. My cat had to be put to sleep a few years ago cuz he had a big tumor in his jaw. By the time I woke up that day, they had already done it. I never even got to say goodbye... I'd known him since the day I came home from the hospital and I cried. Enjoy the time he's with you. Make the most of it, but remember that he'll be in a better place before you say goodbye...
Could you at least TRY to seem like it's sad to you...? This is a sensitive topic for people who have a loyal pet or have been through this. It may be the spamzone, but we can have our serious moments here too...
Excuse me for trying to keep this thread serious because it's a serious topic with no other place to be posted... except maybe in the Help With Real Life part of Discussion.
Well it's in the spam zone so I can post whatever I please, so move aside good citizen. I have random bullshit to post.
http://allthatglittersisnotgold.tumblr.com/post/5873165408 Your dog is probably a very happy one, despite all the pain - he has a family that has been with him for years, even through tough times like this, that has loved him all his life. And dogs know a lot more than people generally think; they know when you've done all you can for them. He will pass on knowing he will be missed and loved, and he'll be able to watch over you without being in pain. And ignore any trolling bullshit that's posted in here, if you need to talk later, let me know, I'm here for you.
He actually died about five minutes after I posted that last night. Luckily, since I knew it was going to happen somehow, I got to say goodbye to him while he was alive, just minutes before he died. I guess that's more than many could ask for. It sucks. It really does. Cried myself to sleep last night. We buried him this morning. After the burial and praying and everything, I feel a little better. But seeing his hairs all around the house is really hard. Thank you everyone for your kind words and condolences. It means a lot. Wolfie, yours made me tear up a little. Haley, I'm going to be naive and assume you're just trying to make me laugh in an attempt to cheer me up. Let me believe my lie to myself. :|