I'm not too sure if this is only happening to me or not, but whenever I used to open up khv, I'd already be signed in since I had clicked the remember me box. So when I'd open it, I'd see my rep, the amount of posts, etc. that would show after we had upgraded the site before the hack. However, now that the hack happened and I open khv, I get this. I have the remember me box checked and when I click on "What's New" I'm signed in. I figured something must have gotten messed up after my name change so I just copied and pasted my name, it "signed me in" but I still got that. It says I'm not signed in when I first open khv, yet when I click somewhere else, I actually am. Curious to know if this is happening to anybody else and if this can be fixed.
You know what dude your not alone it's happened to me too I just didn't report it because I didn't think it was a big deal but that's just me but you know I beleave this most likely belongs in the suggestions section of this forum so a mode should move this there.
Yeah, this has been happening to me, too. I assumed it was because of the hack, but I don't know. It's just one extra click, but it still annoys me.
I've always used firefox. I never use IE since it crashes on me a lot. But I checked with that browser and I got the same thing.
Something similar would happen to me occasionally, I would log in, hit Remember Me, it'd bring me to the "Thank you for logging in, Misty." page, then when I got back to the forum index I would be logged out again. It appears as though if I just clicked to go to another section I'd be logged in again and didn't have any problems. In any case, try clearing your cookies, and if you've got Firefox saving your password/username information, change it to reflect your name change.
And make sure your cookies are enabled in the first place... I've never had this problem, double check your browser settings.
I cleared my cookies, got back on khv, clicked the remember me box and it signed me in at first. I figured it was fixed, but then I exited the browser, reopened khv again and got the same thing again. It said I wasn't logged in even though I had the remember me box checked.
In Firefox: Tools --> Options --> Privacy Tab Should look like this: Change any settings that are different on yours.
Sorry I'm writing this in a rush but I have no time Check this thread out http://www.vbseo.com/f77/cookie-login-problem-18387/ I'm not sure if it will help thogh haven't had time to check all of it
At first, it was as "Firefox will: Remember history" switched it to "Use custom settings for history" and everything was the same, but it's still not working for me.
Problem has been reported in other forums running vb4 as well. Setting the cookie domain to .kh-vids.net is most likely to fix the problem.
I had a different version of this problem over the weekend. I was trying to sign on through my girlfriend's laptop. She uses internet explorer. I would sign in, it would say the "Thank you for logging, LilBueno. Please CLick here if your browser doesn't redirect you" or whatever thing, then it would take me to the front page AGAIN as if I didn't log in. However, if I clicked somewhere else, I would still be logged out. Someone told me they saw that I was "attempting to log in" or whatever in my current activity at the time. I'm guessing it was her browser and its settings since usually, I can log in, but I don't know for sure. Has this happened to anyone else this way?
Cookies don't seem to be the problem. It happens with or without them. In another computer that I use(only when I'm composing or writing a story), the first thing I do when I get on the computer is make sure that the cookies are enabled since my dad usually turns them off. I log in, the site says I logged in, but when the page loads I'm not logged in. However it's not much of a problem since I can just click into the forums or some other link and I'll be logged in because of the cookies. All this talk of cookies is making me hungry for them. Whose bright idea was it to call them that?