So, how has everyone here made friends at school? I know this will sound odd, but my way has always been by people's faces. For example, if someone's faces look nice, I will want to become friends with them. Also, if I recall correctly, my mom said it's because people's faces can really tell a lot about their personality.
Um, I met my friends in school because I'm nice with almost everyone, and we clicked, rather than staying "acquaintances." It also had to do with personality and interests as well.
No offense, but picking friends off of their faces is pretty damn shallow. I understand why though, you want someone who happens to be pleasing to the eyes. I've made a lot of friends in school, whom are now scattered mainly between Europe and USA. I've made a few enemies, actually, as well, but mostly friends.
I can't really say. I didn't "make" very many friends in school, I was always bullied, beat up and whatnot that I was pretty much convinced everyone hated me for one thing or another. The friends I did make were the ones who came out of nowhere, chased the bullies off, and warned them they'd have their hides if they ever pulled those stunts again. They then got to know me for me, something bullies never bother to do, and we've been stuck together since. My bestest friend was a boy I met when I first moved to my hometown in 2nd grade, and we bonded because we were so much alike. We had our birthdays one day, one hour and 26 minutes apart (yeah, we counted. We're awesome), and he was born three rooms down the hall from me. We met when we were seven. We're both 23 now. Now he lives on the other side of the state, but every so often we meet up in our old stomping grounds and of course reconnect through Facebook quite often. My closest friend I consider my big brother since I met him in high school. He called himself "the demon", and thought what the bullies did was immature. Frankly, he was downright scary, and I stayed around him simply because he scared everyone else to death. No one knew what he was thinking, or if he would strike. I still had the same fear "AMG he's gonna kill me" until one day he said "If I was going to do that, I would have done it by now" and just grinned at me. I couldn't help but laugh, as sick as that was. He liked that someone else appreciated his sick sense of humor, and once again we stuck. Now it's become one of those "You mess with them, you're dead" kind of relationships. The rest of my friends I met in high school and college, and that was through going to club meetings that sounded interesting as a freshman.
Quick run down of Plums' best friends at school: Well, the first one was because I made a sex joke to her face in eighth grade about her and, well, this one kid that was incredibly strange. She was pissed at me (and we were more frenemies) until we were suddenly "bro les be franz" in ninth grade and have stuck ever since. I talked to the second one just saying hi off and on, until towards the end of ninth grade where we bonded over mutual dislike for a creative writing assignment, and after subsequent conversations about how to take down Modern Corporate Disney, dancing demon crabs and many, many terrible things: friendship. Also she was the one to get me into Homestuck, so Uh, the third was new to my school in ninth grade and she is more or less Misty (in the essence she looks like a baby and is a huge hipster). But she is also one of my best friends, and I consider her a sister to be perfectly honest. Fourth one is the above's boyfriend, and I have known him since middle school. Basically our conversations involve vast expletives about people stupidity and trying to figure out why he likes writing heavily detailed rape/trip fics and why he is interested in what are the most horrifying internet fetishes ever. Fifth one that is starting up is my other friend, who is the BIGGEST hipster and I enjoy her friendship and general presence a great deal. oh also we all agree that our age group is absolutely horrible and we all want to graduate already
I have loads of friends in my school, which is obviously a good thing. I don't really know how I became so close with everyone i guess I just talk a lot with different people and then we're friends... Strange. ^•^'
I have a very small group of friends at college. Then there are the people who I happen to know but don't call friends
Hm... let's see... Yeah, my way has always been looking at people's face. To be more clear, is the person's eye. Always when I meet someone, I look at his eyes. I believe that's where we can "see" their true personality. They says that "the eyes are the heart's window", but they also says that "never judge a book by its cover". So when I though that the person is nice, by just feeling they are, I will want to become friends with. Speaking of this, you remind me that I don't knew why, but I remember until now how did I meet my best friends, I remember when I first looked at theirs eyes. I never knew why I remembered the time I met them. This was... 10 years ago, when I was 3. But the funny is that when I first looked at Trulyyy on my school's stairs, we face each other for some seconds and we kept our ways. :3 I never thought he would become my best friend. He Evil Twin and Lexibrag are my best friends, now I know why I can remember the first time I saw them, it's a important moment in my life that I will never forget. =]
I made a few friends in school but when I first started alot hated me because I was the new kid but over the years the mellowed out and became friendly towards me. I have a small circle of friends but most have moved and so fourth. The only true friend I had was when I first moved to my town and he was was the first kid I saw. We hung out and had a bond grow between us and even though he's moved and started doing different things if I see him again it would be like only a day had passed since he left. Like Spock said, "You are and always shall be, my friend."
I usually make friends depending on how often I see them, in class or at lunch. If I have someone for a class and we get along, we usually become friends. From there, I'll meet mutual friends and we will also get along most of the time. School projects can also bring people closer together as friends, but my group projects have just been very hands-on.
Ahh, friendships at school . . . Well, in elementary, it was easy to make a friend out of anyone, I think, for the most part anyway. All I had to do was play with a kid on the playground for five minutes, and bam, it was like we were soul mates or something. But then I moved away and changed schools when I was in the fourth grade. At my new school, it wasn't so easy. It felt like some of the kids didn't like me because I was new. I'd met two girls, Caroline and Katie, who had 'inducted' me into their little group by putting some invisible crown on my head, and they were my friends. But not really. I'd actually become a better friend with a girl named Crystal by, of course, the play ground. I changed schools again, back to the city I was living in before, and the playground deal was as good as gold again. In middle school, I only stuck with my elementary school friends, but made some by partner work or new meetings at lunch. Through the eighth grade, my graduating class had become extremely tight; everyone knew everyone, blah, blah . . . Through the two years, it'd become harder to make friends, and with me being in the hospital most of my seventh grade year and eighth grade year, it was no easy feat reacquainting myself with them. Nowadays, I can talk to just about anyone who looks nice, it's simple for me to strike up a conversation about anything, and I have a likable personality, I suppose. I've been able to retain all of my high school friends, and you guys, so I can't be all bad.
I have no idea how I made my friends. One day I did not have them, and the next day I did have them. I must have dragged them in with curiosity. I do not remember approaching any of my closest friends even once. Somehow things worked out. I suppose I was extremely lucky. Some of my closest friends I met by chance. It is so rare that I marvel, thinking about how I found someone so like me. It is uncanny. I would not have it any other way. I never went to a full-time school, which probably affected this quite a bit. I was home schooled, and I met these friends at a home school co-op. The first thing that I look for in potential friends is abnormality. I like to get closer to people who strike me, people who challenge and question my notions on things. People who are exceptions to the rule. I am sure you know what kind of people I mean. But I am not sure how I would manage it, just that I would. Would I bait them, get them to approach me, or bother with directly approaching? Or would I subtly take their side in an argument of some kind? Opportunistic qualities rooted deeply. I often approach people who can surprise me or make me less bored, but that does not last long. In time, nearly everyone reveals themselves to be the same. You just have to find out which school they learned from to predict what kind of person they will be. Be it a church or a school, it is the same. It is depressing. In other words, I have no idea how I make friends. My best guess is to say that I put on a bit of a show and catch the eye of people whom I might find interesting, causing them to approach me. Or perhaps they do a work of art and I have some comments on it. That is common enough. Or we talk about a book they happen to be reading at the time. Friend in a deeper sense, I am still lost on. My closest friends miraculously turned out to be my closest friends. There was no way to plan out such a thing. Unless my intuition was incredibly far-reaching.
I choose my friends by people who share common interests, obviously. I couldn't stand having a friend but nothing to talk about. Most of my friends are good at heart, they try to act all cool and uninterested but that is just the way they are. Also I don't go to a very large (less than 2,000 students) school, so you see the same people often. I don't know about the whole face thing but I understand you can sometimes tell a persons personality and stuff from looking at their face but there are people who have the kind of face that says "I don't care about anyone but myself" yet they would actually give you the shirt off there back, so to speak, if you asked.
I'm nice with everyone I meet. That's how I usually make friends and then down the road we have common interests.
i remember making friends at school by playing Yu-gi-oh cards with them at lunch during middle school. we would go to each other's houses and play each other there and when we grew out of Yu-gi-oh cards, we still found that we enjoyed each other's company and just kept hanging out since then.
In all honesty,I do not set out to make friends. And yet I end up with tons of them. If I really try and think about it,its probebly down to the fact that I am very polite to everyone,always smile and say hello,and more often than not burst into song or randomly hug people. And say,with people I have seen around and stuff,I find it quite easy to start up a conversation about nothing,where we both end up in hysterics. But,while I may be friends with nearly everyone in my year(in the sense I will talk,and laugh with them etc) I have only ever really had three or four or five people who I actually consider my real friends...and out of those five,I honestly only trust Ingrid. So basically,being a paranoid stalker who sings and hugs randomers a lot apperently attracts people to me. ..... Alright then. Makes my job of world domination easier.
I don't really have friends? haha. I guess I do. As a kid it was pretty much the hey let's play tag and also possibly be best friends type deal. My first really good friend lived a few houses down from me. She had an older sister, who was friends with my older sister, so we just kind of fell together. We were close for pretty much all of elementary school, and a good chunk of middle school. At the end of middle school we started to drift apart, befriending different people and getting involved in different things. We still say hello sometimes but that's really it. In the last year of elementary school I sat next to this other girl, Madison, because our last names were close in the alphabet. Through her I met Amanda, who I got to be pretty close with, and in middle school we fell into this one particular friend group. I didn't really know many of the people in it, but I was connected to them through Amanda mostly. In freshman year of high school there was this silly fight between a few girls in said friend group. I had been moving apart from Amanda from some time then, and that was the final nail in the coffin. I ended up pretty suddenly becoming good friends with another girl, ... (same name? haha). We'd talked a bit in the past, pretty much because we had the same name, so it's not like we were strangers or anything, and we were in the same friend group so there were occasional conversations. In freshmen year we started to realize how much we had in common and it just went from there. We've been close since then (about four years). I'm still in the same friends group, I suppose, though I am pretty disconnected from most of the people in it. Not much but a few passing words & working together on group projects when I can't work alone. I've also recently become re-acquainted with a friend I had as a kid, that I maintained loose ties with. I ended up getting him a job where I work so we've been seeing more of one another. So, the point of the ramble is that I am not great at meeting people. I tend to end up friends with people through some weird stroke of luck, and coast by with just a few friends. So I don't really know how I form friendships, or how I tell "oh hey, that person looks worth approaching."
I don't exactly remember how,But I remember I made most of them because we had the same interest and skill level.I would've not ever became freinds with my best friend if We had not back in 1st grade GT. Also what everyone else said - I was just nice.
His name's Hunter, I've been friends ever since he didn't forget to bring his Yu-Gi-Oh cards to school. Pretty much, other than the teachers, the rest of the students disturb me in some way, like, being noobs at their work (I shouldn't call them that, really, sorry)... There's Also Aiden, I like him, even now, ever since I started to like Yu-Gi-Oh after telling everyone it's my new interest. Spoiler P.S.: The school I attend is Y.A.L.E. Elementary School (Mascot: Bulldog)