Ever since I was young, I thought that making friends was really easy. Wasn't it? "Hi my name is Sabrina, would you like to be friends?" Being a kid was fun, you played with who you wanted to and people wanted to play with you. Is every friend to make easy to trust? I find it very difficult for certain people to be trusted. Who will stay by your side or will they turn your back on you? I've had it done before and I bet many others have been in the situation as well. Grade 4, the friends that I have made since kindergarten decided not to be my friend anymore. Thy wouldn't tell me in my face, only by running away from everytime I approached them. So, being me as a person who gets called a cry baby, I cried. Then the next day they started to talk to me again. what bull ****, when I remember this. I've heard people say that they don't like me because I cried too much. Well I am ****ing sorry that I am very sensitive, because of people like this I've tried really hard to correct myself to being a person who everyone would like. It's not that easy. I can't just stop not being able to cry at things so easily. You have no idea how happy I was get out of Grade 8 and into high school. Everyone wanted a new start or a second chance. My second chance was that I wanted to make friends that I was able to trust and be with throughout my highschool years and maybe even the rest of my life. I don't want to think ahead, just enjoy it while it lasts, right? Well High school is pure bullshit. You will have those people that will screw your ass over if you don't be careful. Luckly, there are people you trust. My two best friends in the whole world. One guy, one girl. The girl, we didn't have any classes together except for one and it was instrumental. Somehow we just clicked and we are biffles. The guy.. LOL omg I had a crush on him and confessed my love to him. Though I got rejected and he became a gay man, somehow I think that brought us closer together. He and I are really close, like sibling and sometimes like a couple. But, don't you really hate when people try to sorta break the bond you have with the person? It's happened twice, and yes, I did get jealous. I've put my heart and soul on these friend ships that I have made. It first happened to my girl best friend and now it's happening to my guy best friend. I love them both so much that I will actually protect them from a bullet if they are being shot at... I hope not. What's really stupid is that... I am trying my best to be their number one. It's soo hard. I hate competition. I can't be a funny person, that will make you laugh non-stop. I'm not going to act like a ****ing drunk person when clearly I am sober. I don't want to be someone I don't want to be just to compete with another person which seems my best friends have intersts for. I don't want them to get close to them, it's probably all I wish for. I want everything to be normal again. I don't care if they had lunch with them, I just want to be the person they are the closest to. 2 peas in a pod, or any other analogy there is. I honestly don't know what to do. They're my best friends, and I want them forever. Guys, I'm sorry for my semi-rant and emotions stuff. I really don't know what I'm asking right now. Advice would be nice, but I just kinda needed to type this out. Thanks for reading it though and probably wasted your time <3 ~SabbyMuffin
um....well...this didn't waste any of my time, because i remember my own experinces when i was a young *******... see...um...miss... trust is actually very hard as you said....because what can you actually confirm from the other...you might had shared secrets....and then again...the firend you though you had simply shared them with someone else... some people...or kids just want to controll everyone else...or at least those that they approve... so just to be cool, ,most other kids will follow him/her and do whatever he/she does... i am sorry that you were left out, miss... but i think...that if you keep clinging to just the two of your friends....wither you might lose them...or you will be too afriad to make any new friends... or...you might seperate from each-other when you start studying in college... it's understandable that you want to keep them as friends... and even moe so that you want them with yourself... but you need to let them go....and have their time as well... and if they are real friends...then....well they will never forget you...and always come back to you... i'm sorry for my bad advice, miss... i hope....that this problem will be sorted out...
Don't listen to what everyone else is saying, first of all. Just cuz you're sensitive doesn't mean they are right, sounds like they know bullshit. Trust is hard to earn, and hard to keep, but if you keep trying, and be yourself, you're sure to find some real friends. Sounds like your old friends weren't worth it. The new friends you have, congrats. Don't listen to anyone else, and make sure you're friends know how much you care about them. If they are true friends, they won't mind you telling them how much you care. I used to tell my bff i loved her every day, (and no, we were not lesbians) because in the world we live in i never knew if i would see her the next day. I'm not saying you have to do that, but just make sure your friends also see that people are trying to break up your friendships sorry the for sucky advice, but i hope it helps.
Sweetie I will talk to you later and I am running late but I love you sweetie pie and you are an amazing friend and don't let anyone tell you otherwise <3
Try to just get close. If whoever you are friends with are such best friends, things will click automatically. But don't have yourself trying to keep up with their competition. A good friend would also try to compete for you too.