Back in late October/early November a few of my friends had a huge fight. It was over something stupid -- some guy liked one of them, and she was getting a little freaked out by him. We'll call her C. C overreacted a bit, people started taking sides, and everyone kind of split down the middle. Two of my friends (we'll call them M and V) were basically on one side. M and V are practically joined at the hip, and at the time I wasn't really great friends with C or M. I've grown closer to the two since then, making the things even more uncomfortable, because I never really took sides in the fight. I thought the whole situation was handled poorly and that they all were just being silly. Now V is going out with the guy that originally liked C. It's difficult for me because I feel like I'm stuck in the middle. M and V are still very bitter about it all and they're constantly saying degrading things about C. I've grown really close to C and it annoys me when they do this, which I've vocalized. I've never really asked her directly about it, but I can tell that C thinks that everything was blown out of proportion too. It's hard for me to do things with my friends now because if I invite C somewhere, M and V won't want to come, and vice-versa. It seemed to add fuel to the fire when someone signed C up for multiple porn email subscriptions. C suspected M and V and after about a month of getting repeated emails she yelled at M and V. That situation was dealt with, though. I've told them that they should just try to forgive one another because it's stupid to hold grudges and it puts me in uncomfortable positions, but they tell me to butt out and that I shouldn't talk about things I don't know about. I know that it's not really my place to shove them together, but I'd like if they would at least try to be pleasant with one another. Sorry for the long post, and thanks for reading. I really just need helping in how (and if) I should confront them. :/
I think you sould talk to them...But seperately...Especially if your close to C she'll be prepared to listen to you...But if it continues they're just gonna blame every little possible ting on eachother unti it breaks into a fight and people get hurt. When people get hurt your a witness and if your asked who started it you'd be in a orrible situation to take a side and the side you take will be happy and the other will think of you as a traitor...You really need to find a way for them to LISTEN to what you have to say before they decide that you should butt out.
Thanks for the input. :3 I forgot to mention, though, that nothing is really going on in terms of them fighting. M and V just basically ignore C ( we all sit at the same lunch table ), and only talk about her behind her back. I'd feel bad about bringing the situation back up. :/
Well, you should slap some sense into them. Tell them how it hurts you, because you thing the 3 of them are great friends to you, but are butchering it by fighting with each other. And that you don't wish to choose beetwen your friends, because its not right. Or you could put yourself in a situation where you're in danger and the only way to save you is by working together *shrugs* It works on TV. <----I'm joking. But either way, its not fair for you.
Quite a bit of going on there drama. It would probably be best if you don't get involved. that leads to only more drama. Just do your best to ignore the comments that M and V dish out, and if it gets to be too much, then just leave. That's about all I have to say on this one.
I say to talk to each of them and get things cleared. If they are still upset then they can just talk it out and there's no point in holding grudges. Keep them controlled and calm this situation. Just have them fix it with compromising a solution.
This is a tough situation. Having 2 friends not liking each other is tricky work. If not careful, you'll end up losing both. Try conforting one friend to become friends with the other friend. If that doesn't work, well, then tought decisions will have to be made.