Seriously, if it's any1's fault, it's the parents... Aside from all that, kids are bound to know these things in our modern-day society...
Lol, wow... it's funny that sexual predators waste their time playing Halo. xD Seriously idiotic.... and like White Rook said, turn it off. Not that difficult.
We need to edumacate dem dur kids 'bout doz racial slurs. It be bad for Translation: Go **** yourselves, fox news. =D
*sigh* It's freezes after 23 seconds. I will watch again later. But you can tell it's one of those terrible not thought out stories to generate views. >_>
I find it funny that people would actually say things like that from playing a video game. Yes i'm aware loads of people do it, i've heard it.
Here is what happened to me when i played Halo 3...i sniped someone in the head and this what that ****head said : "I hope you ****ing die to hell hitler" and another one when i killed someone : " Oh my god , did you're mom teach you that?" Crazy isn't?
The person said that the best way to counter it is an active parent made the most sense in the whole video. That sort of language is heard all the time, yes when you play you get into it and will probably swear more than usual. But you hear that sort of language at school or in the street. Oh I know. Lets mute streets, make talking illegal in public places that will stop it. >_>
Just played Halo 3 for like 4 hours , killed somebody and that dude said : "Ching Chong Ching Chong ****head"
Funny. People talk as they are going to. It doesn't mean the teenagers that play haven't already heard what happened and the teens had the best suggestion of all really. One said 'I just ignore it'. Parents can teach their kids this language does exist and it's not right to use and the responsible teen is going to know that and just disregard stupid talk. Trash talk always has happened in competitive games including sports. It's not going to stop. As long as you know -your- kid is able to just ignore it or tell the other to shut up and move on, well, it's fine. Besides, when someone says stupid crap like that in games I play, it usually gives me more motivation to kill them and take their stuff. Good fun and karma.