Forum Wars - Civil War OOC/Sign-ups

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xannytoes, Dec 21, 2015.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Added some weaknesses to Reitan
  2. Xannytoes Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014
    Good to go!
  3. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    Name: Ashleigh Reaver

    Title: The Conductress

    Faction: Order of the Hammer

    Age: Lots

    Gender: Female

    Description: maybe this
    She also has two human bodyguards called "The Knighthawks", these knights are heavily armoured in dark and evil-looking armour.

    Personality: The daughter of Nighthawk, Ashleigh is often said to share some of his attributes. Ashleigh has a similar level of cunning and devious intentions, but is much more rational and level-headed. Ashleigh loves nothing more than being in control of a situation and will stop at nothing to achieve this. She is very calm under pressure and it takes a lot to set her off. Ashleigh's greatest passion is music and within music she sees a level of harmony and perfection that she strives to create in real life. Ashleigh hungers for control over people the way she can control music.

    Weapons: While Ashleigh does not use weapons herself, and is not in the least bit trained to use the, she does have the Knighthawks constantly around her. These bodyguards wield polearms.

    Armour: Ashleigh usually just wears her suit, her Knighthawks wear dark heavy metal armour.


    Level 5 immortality
    Overexertion - If Ashleigh uses more than three abilities in too quick succession, she may faint as she has overexerted herself.
    Orchestra - Ashleigh can only have one "Tune" active at any time, and must wait until its completion before changing it.
    - Ashleigh can view the battlefield from a bird's eye view, as long as one of the Knighthawks are there
    Dischord - Lauches a high-pitched note, this disorients and may temporarily deafen a target
    Lullaby - Makes a target drowsy
    Silence - Stops a target, and Ashleigh, from using their abilities for a while
    Bass - Propels a target away from Ashleigh
    Ominous Tune - Chance to make everyone nearby afraid, can be used by her or through a Knighthawk
    Melodious Tune - An alluring song that can lure anyone nearby towards her, or can be used from a Knighthawk
    Battle Tune - makes a Knighthawk and its nearby allies temporarily stronger and more motivated, the Knighthawk moves in time to the music
    Harmonious Tune - Chance to calm everyone nearby
    Crescendo - A powerful song that shakes the very earth and makes everyone feel intense emotions. The Knighthawks are unaffected. After using it Ashleigh is overexerted so it is only a last resort
    If Crescendo is cast from Ashleigh a constant blast of sound is expelled from Ashleigh which damages and blows everyone away, this fuels the emotions of everyone nearby
    If Crescendo is cast through a Knighthawk by Ashleigh, the Knighthawk grows and expels a weaker blast of music that does similar.

    Strengths: Ashleigh is a master strategist and is incredibly intelligent, she possesses an impressive level of cunning and is quick to come up with plans and back-up plans for any situation. She's also a pretty good musician and excels at magic.

    Weaknesses: Ashleigh is definitely not very strong, or tough, or fast. In fact she possesses no athletic ability. She has not yet perfected her magic and can let it get out of hand. Additionally she is often seen as untrustworthy and her brutal reputation can precede her. Ashleigh can often be too greedy for her own good and may take unnecessary risks to achieve her goals.

    History: Being a daughter of Nighthawk started her off in a pretty bad place in terms of reputation. As a child Ashleigh was sent away and did not live with her father, which probably was for the best let's be honest. Growing up, Ashleigh had very little interaction with other people and did not get to meet any of her family, as such she grew up quite comfortable in solitude and loneliness, never wishing to be close with others. Ashleigh instead found comfort in music and magic, which she believed came hand in hand. She spent much of her life practising this combination until she was needed in the Order of the Hammer. Due to her high status as a demigod she already had some authority, and due to her hunger for power and control she quickly rose through the ranks. Nobody is quite sure where the Knighthawks came from but it is generally accepted they were loyal to Nighthawk and therefore gravitated to Ashleigh when she rose to power. Ashleigh desires complete control over the Order of the Hammer and conspires against Jayce.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
  4. Xannytoes Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014
    Accepted :D
  5. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Name: Veera Velen
    Title: The White Wolf
    Faction (Order of The Hammer, The Shards of Hope or neither): Order of the Hammer, because why not.
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Description: Yay
    Personality: Veera thrives on battle, and though she manages to keep her head, nothing thrills her more then the kill. She prefers to work in tandem with groups, though loneliness doesn't bother her. In her quiet time, she likes reading to increase her knowledge.
    Weapons: The two swords kind of pictured in the picture.
    Armour: What's in the picture, with matching pant armour.
    Abilities (passive and active):
    • The Song of the Hunt: Veera focuses on her prey, ignoring all other distractions. Her agility is strengthened the more she wounds her victim.
    • Cry Wolf: Veera distracts her prey by making them focus on her, taking the attention off her comrades.
    • Full Moon: Veera takes on all the traits of a wolf, and becomes nearly unstoppable in the hunt for her prey. This mode can only be activated at night, and is deactivated after she depletes her energy, or is cut or pierced with silver.
    • Sight: Veera enhances her eyesight for a few minutes in order to see better in the dark.
    • Alpha: Veera doesn't take kindly to orders from others, and prefers to lead rather than follow.
    • Pawprints: Veera can run much more quickly then other humans.
    • Tracked: Veera has an enhanced sense of hearing, and smell in order to find the ones she intends to hunt.
    • Wintersong: Veera doesn't feel the cold as intensely as others, keeping her from slowing down even on the most frozen of nights.
    Strengths: Veera is quick with her blades, and has strong conviction in her beliefs. She is also very loyal, putting her at odds with her alpha self.
    Weaknesses: Veera fights between her alpha self and her loyalty, causing indecisiveness. She has no magical talent besides her abilities, and tends to be short of words, keeping her from making many friends.
    History: Veera was born in a middle class family, and was brought up to respect the wilderness. In her early years she would hunt with her father and brothers in the woods, honing her skills and living off the land. After she turned into an adult, she left home to make her own way, as was their clan's tradition. She found herself in the Order of the Hammer, and although she wants to return home one day, she feels a stronger desire to stay with the people whom she is slowly considering her new pack.
    Other: Plz.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Name: Xross Veilsing
    Title: The Joker
    Faction (Order of The Hammer, The Shards of Hope or neither): The Side of Me, Myself and I otherwise known as Neutral
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Description: ~
    Personality: Putting it bluntly Xross is both a cynical and calculative man or a sick twisted fuck, either one's accurate. He's been like this for as long as he could remember. Human interaction was something he'd rather observe and watch fall to pieces instead of actually participating himself. Though on the rare case that he did interact with others, he made sure to use them to get whatever he needed at the time before casting them aside. He loves to toy with people in order to entertain himself.

    Weapons: Whatever he can find.

    Armour: See Image
    Abilities (passive and active): TBA
    Strengths: TBA
    Weaknesses: TBA
    History: and...TBA
  7. drew_DX Moogle Assistant

    Jan 10, 2016
    Name: Ms. Sally Spooks (Although she much prefers to be just called "Ms. Spooks)
    Title: Ms.
    Faction (Order of The Hammer, The Shards of Hope or neither): Neither
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Ms. Spooks is very kind, calm and relaxed 99% of the time. She's often called upon by locals when a dispute needs settling, as she very rarely likes to take sides and instead tries to solve an issue as peacefully and fairly as possible. She's very smart, although she can be a little naive and air-headed at times. That rare, 1% of the time however, is not pretty. Every once in a long while, Ms. Spooks may lose her temper and crack, in which she releases her full power upon those who can't seem to settle their argument no matter what she does, to the point where they begin to hurt many others in said argument. She also has a major sweet tooth and absolutely loves to eat.
    Weapons: While Ms. Spooks rarely uses them for combat, she does indeed carry two steel knives on her at all times, though they're more often used for cutting cake than flesh. She also carries a magical harmonica that can play 3 different types of magical melodies.
    Armour: Ms. Spooks wear no true armor, however her race developed skin highly resistant to physical strikes and blows. A sword may cut her skin, but the wound is rarely very deep, and often heals before any true damage is done.

    Abilities (passive and active):
    Thick Skin: As stated above, Ms. Spook's skin is naturally tough and can take a beating from most physical strikes. She's been known to stop potentially lethal arguments before by grabbing the blades of swords and pulling them away. Magic, flame, explosives, etc, is much more effective at hurting her.
    Soothing Aura: Ms. Spooks radiates an aura that will often soothe and calm petty and simple arguments just by her being present. It will not stop extremely passionate or complicated arguments.

    Tranquil Melody: When this relaxing song is played from her harmonica, Ms. Spooks can soothe and calm aggravated and heated opponents. While it will not stop a fight or solve problems, it may allow for peace long enough for Ms. Spooks to step in and try to settle things peacefully.
    Nightmare Melody: This song is much more frightening, fast pace, and can induce horrifying visions and illusions to those who hear it. The effect is broken, however, as soon as the victim recognizes the illusion as fake; which often happens after a few seconds to those locked in combat, but may take longer to those not expecting an attack.
    Spirits Melody: A light, happy song to raise the moral, spirits, and energy of those who Ms. Spooks wishes to hear it, in true D&D bardic fashion. While it will not allow someone passed out to get back up and fight with full strength, or someone collapsed to their knees to stand back up and continue swordplay, but it may give that slight energy boost necessary to deliver one more blow to an opponent who thinks they've won the fight, or enough strength to roll away from a finishing blow, allowing someone else to step in.
    Seeds of Sapping: One of three of her race's active abilities, Ms. Spooks can materialize seeds that, when thrown, will sprout vines that ensnare a victim and then proceed to sap that victim of their strength and energy, transferring it to Ms. Spooks. She only uses these in self defense or when enraged.
    Shield: The second of three of her race's active abilities, Ms. Spooks has the ability to create a translucent bubble around herself and anyone she touches, that will protect against any sort of attack until it has sustained sufficient damage, from which it will shatter.
    Will-O-Wisp: Ms. Spooks' third race ability, Will-O-Wisp allows her to create and control a floating, orb of flame that on contact will deliver hash, stinging burns. As with Seeds of Sapping, she only uses this ability against other creatures when enraged or in self defense. Otherwise, she only uses it to light her stove for baking.
    Shadow Maul: An ability inherited by her father, only when enraged or when at her last resort to save someone will she use this powerful ability. Her arms become cloaked in shadowy darkness, and can extend and slash and deliver crushing blows, and to touch can deliver a burn like that of Will-O-Wisp. Her shadowy claws can attack rapidly and brutally, ripping apart unprepared opponents.

    Strengths: Ms. Spooks is very tough against physical blows, she is very calm and smart and is very good at ending arguments peacefully. When enraged, her power can be quite scary. Her songs are also very effective for an area of effect.
    Weaknesses: Ms. Spooks can take a sword blade much better than a bullet or magical blast of flame or electricity. Her kindness and determination to be peaceful can be abused. She also has a huge sweet tooth/appetite and thus is the the most physically fit, and can sometimes be tempted with a yummy treat.

    History: Born half of a rare race that lies hidden away in a remote valley in the mountains, half human, Ms. Spooks grew up around a very peaceful people. Her mother, one of the rare race, raised her in a small village within the remote valley, teaching her to always be kind, and to hold her temper even when angry or frustrated, as such qualities would help her in life. Ms. Spooks really only ever knew her mother, as she's only met her father once as a young child, when he dropped by to see her mom. The only two things she could remember about him was his messy black hair and one golden eye, and one red eye. Her mom called him Kai. As Ms. Spooks grew up, she was taught how to make a garden, and soon she'd grow her own food, bake her own sweets, and soon grew a huge sweet tooth and gained some weight. She became known throughout her village as being the mediator of any argument that popped up. After several months of hard work, she even managed to restore friendship and ties between the neighboring village. She was loved by all. Until one night, everything changed. A drunk man, the apprentice of the local wizard, stumbled out of the tavern as Ms. Spooks and her mother were walking by. Ms. Spooks' mother walked over to try and guide the man back inside, when the man shot a bolt of lightning straight through her. Ms. Spooks' mother dropped immediately, smoking. Horrified, Ms. Spooks blacked out. When she woke up, buildings were on fire and mutilated bodies laid before her. Her arms were covered in a shadowy darkness shaped into long, jagged claws. Her hands were stained with blood. When she put two and two together, she vomited. She heard voices crying out, sounding closer and closer. And so she ran. Ms. Spooks ran back to her home and grabbed her belongings. She ran out of the village she'd known her whole life. She ran up the mountain that hid her home from the rest of the world. Out of breath, she camped out for the night, unable to fathom what had happened. The next morning, she left for the nearest town, resolving to do everything in her power to continue with her mother's teaching of peace and kindness, and to spread it as far and wide as she could and put what happened into her past as soon as possible. And thus, she was able to start up her own tavern in a town and get her life back on track. And so she gained a reputation again, as the mediator, and she lived peacefully once again, eating yummy cake every day and solving arguments between villagers. However, there was one argument she still wished to solve. One of the most famous in history. If she could solve it, then she'd finally be at rest with her promise to spread peace for her mother.
    Other: I'm BAAAAAACK :D

    Note: Only just now noticed a character above who also uses music with different affects x-x I swear I didn't read that beforehand and Ms. Spooks' melodies were my own ideas D: If they are a problem lemme know and I'll change them, but I hope they're different enough and if you want to know where the inspiration came from for her melodies just ask me, Xan! ^-^
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  8. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Name: Zahariel
    Title: Primus Angelus Custodes
    Faction: The Shards of Hope
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Description: Long black hair that frames a pale face, flowing to just below the shoulders. Underneath a heavy brow a pair of red eyes stare out into the world. His muscular frame stands a head and a half taller than the average man, it still bears scars from ancient battles. From his back a pair of snow white wings has taken root, though these can be hidden to appear more human.
    Personality:I'll act it out
    -Dies Irae, an ancient sword with a sanguine coloured blade with stars engraved upon it, the guard resembles a hooded angel made out of ivory and a silvery metal laid in with black pearls, the grip is wrapped in green leather with a moon sewn on it with golden thread and the pommel is shaped like a skull with a ruby in its mouth. Despite it age it has not chipped or lost it's deadly edge.
    His armour consists of several layers of robes starting with bone coloured underrobes, followed by dark green robes, over this he wears a blood red cloak with a golden dragon embroidered on his back, the hood obscuring the face lying underneath. Around his waist there is an adamantium chain functioning as belt which also bears the scabbard for Dies Irae. The robes are all richly decorated with embroidered patterns and between the robes and the cloak Zahariel wears a sleeveless coat covered in scales made of the same sanguine metal as Dies Irae's blade.
    -Level 5 Immortality
    -Ancient God - Zahariel is naturally stronger, faster and his spells more powerful than those of men, and only slightly more powerful than those of Demi Gods.
    -Fallen God - Zahariel, once one of the immortal Ancient Gods, has been reduced to a shell of his former self. He possesses nowhere near the amount of power he once had.(#BlameXan)
    -Custodians Eye - Zahariel can sense darkness in whatever form it may take root.
    - Ancient God technique: Terrorsight - This ability slows Zahariel's perception of time and boosts his awareness, this allows him to deduce a possible course of current events. Using this will result in a really really bad migraine. Repeated use will result into temporary blindness.
    - Ancient God Technique: Flames of Fury - This ability summons a torrent of fire towards his foes
    - Ancient God Technique: Aegis Arm - This ability will cover one of Zahariel's arms in magical energies to ward off melee attacks, this prevents the hand from being used for any other purpose, like wielding a weapon, opening a door(well normally that is), etc.
    - Ancient God Technique: Charge to Keep - Zahariel will draw upon inner reserves of stamina in a time of need, converting darker thoughts and feelings to stamina in a grim determination.
    - Ancient God Technique: Ancient Shadows - Zahariel will cast a shadow around himself, which indiscriminately assaults other people's minds with sheer terror and nameless torment.
    - Master of Swordsmanship
    - Perceptive
    -Reliance on melee
    -Medium armour offering only limited protection to ballistics
    -Sees himself standing above both humans and Demi-gods not needing to justify his actions to anyone, which can lead to conflicts
    Zahariel was born in a time that is considered to be a myth, the Ancient Gods still watching over the lands. The Demi-gods had not yet appeared, the current war still far far away into the future. As he grew and learned he took the trial of the paths and it resulted in his role as Custodian, he would train in the arts of swordfighting and long lost magical abilities whose potency was unrivaled. As time passed on and he did his part, guarding the Lifeshapers who created the Demi-gods amongst other things. As the Demi-gods grew the Ancient Gods kept a close eye on their progress, intent to leave their legacy to them and have them guide the world to the next era. When they were content with what they had created the Ancient Gods left, however not all they left one of their own behind, the Custodian Zahariel with final instructions to watch the progress of this world and a mandate to act in any way he sees fit if the situation requires it. Zahariel followed his orders and kept watch, but the station was a lonely one and he traveled the world he watched over, taking many different guises to hide his true self. Generally giving himself out as a mercenary to keep his skills with the sword honed all the while keeping a watchful eye mainly upon the Demi-gods, whom he distrusted. His distrust turned out to be just as they planned on sacrificing humanity for their own selfish goals. Before he could act however an internal struggle appeared as the Demi-gods seemed to have discord in their ranks regarding the plan. Zahariel assesed the conflict, but before he could do anything the Demi-gods had been culled by one of their own. Zahariel not wishing to leave it all to chance intended to destroy the last of the Demi-gods as well as their purity had been tainted, they had been corrupted and therefor had to be cast in the fire to be purified. Zahariel having used a lot of his energy still gave it his all, but was outdone by a mere Demi-god in the struggle the bones of his wings were shattered and he doubted he would fly ever again. To add insult to injury the Demi-god fearing Zahariel's power managed to seal away large swathes of it, leaving him only a bit stronger than a Demi-god. The two parted ways but Zahariel vowed he would take his revenge. He kept more to himself, but when he heard the Demi-gods had fallen even further he joined Aidan Samarost in his endeavor to rid the world of Demi-gods.
  9. Xannytoes Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014
    Could do with another weakness (just for your Full Moon mode), but otherwise accepted.


  10. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Fixed, thank you!
  11. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    For once the battle is done, (because things are already hectic enough as it is there).
    Name: Shiro Reika
    Title: The Ascendant
    Faction: Shards of Hope
    Age: 87
    Gender: Female
    Description: Around 175 cm tall. For all else there's this.
    Not the most stable of people. Shiro is not a person who seems to get angry easily, and is in fact pretty chill most of the time. She lacks any sort of tact, however, and comes off as somewhat rude. That being said, she seems to not really value the lives of others, and seems to have zero problem killing friend or foe, and never quite shows remorse for doing so. Furthermore, she has a complete and utter contempt of the demigod's lives, thinking them pretty much worthless and unneeded in the world. As such, she has quite the fun time with the Order of the Hammer.
    Shiro used to just be regular human being who had just kind of lived her life as normally as she could. Of course, what with the Civil War going on and all, normal was only a temporary thing. And so, eventually blah blah, family town blown up by war, blah blah, looks like you've been caught in the crossfire, blah blah blah, Shiro impossibly and barely survived the destruction of the area. So anyway, as it turned out, there was a man passing through the area as her hometown had been destroyed, and he took note of the tenacious soul that was Shiro.

    This man, while he had the looks of an angel, had the feeling of a devil, and made an offer quite like one. His offer was simple. Discard her humanity, and in return, become something that transcends it. Of course, the dying girl took the offer in a heartbeat, and the man went to work. From that point on, Shiro was never the same person, both in physicality and mentality. Her body was now fueled by some sort of new arcane energy that flowed through her body and she herself had felt much more powerful. She was reborn with new purpose. Not much is known about Shiro after that incident, but what is known, is that she made a sudden appearance on the battlefield 30 years ago, assisting the shards in their effort to end the demigods.
    Empyrean: It's heavier than it looks, (roughly the size, if not a little larger than Shiro herself.)
    Armour: Please, this is me we're talking about.
    • Beyond Human: Due to the fact that Shiro is less human and more magical being, her strength far exceeds that of human limitations and is essentially on par with that of a demigod. This means she can run far faster than most and is able to wield even her greataxe with little effort. She also posses increased resistances to poisons and diseases.This also causes her to age at a pretty non-existent rate.
    • Arcane Being: Due to the fact that Shiro is a magical being, she has increased resistances against all forms of magic. This does not extend to healing magic.
    • Regeneration: Shiro posses an above average rate of self healing when compared to that of a normal human, though this doesn't entirely function all that well during moments of stress being put on the body, (ie. in combat.)
    • Mastery of the Axery
    • Ruinous Force: Shiro swings her axe with one powerful swing, causing a massive shockwave and push of air rush at everything in front of the swing. Mainly used to knock things off balance, blow things away and just generally look cool.
    • World Breaker: Shiro strikes the ground with her axe, breaking the surrounding ground around her and causing a massive tremor to be sent in the surrounding area. Once again, mainly used to knock things off balance and just look cool.
    • Comet Drop: When Shiro lands, she completely goes against Newton's laws, and takes any force that would be applied to her and instead pushes it into the ground instead. This effectively makes her immune to fall damage, and the farther she falls the harder the ground breaks underneath her.
    • Superhuman capabilities
    • Magic resistance
    • Good at crowd control
    • Killing!
    • Skyheart branded lack of physical armor. Because much anime means little armor.
    • Ironically, because her body doesn't really function like that of a normal human, natural regeneration and healing magic are the only ways that she can patched up.
    • While she's pretty proficient with most weapons, (as she's had the time to learn quite a few,) she is much worse with smaller or one handed weapons then just needlessly large ones.
    • Anti-magic weapons.
  12. Xannytoes Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014
    Rolled for Anthem blocking the bolt fired at Jayce. Used a d20, with 18+ resulting in a success. Rolled 19. Anthem blocked Carrisa's crossbow bolt.
  13. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Name: Princess Calxiyn The 5th Masutāzu
    Title: Princess of Masutāzu no tochi,
    Faction (Order of The Hammer, The Shards of Hope or neither): Neither
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female

    Calxiyn The 5th's personality by itself is much different then The Original Calxiyn's, and when the Original comes and goes her personality seems to change.

    Calxiyn the 5th is slightly spoiled, as she was training to become the Empress. This also makes her highly intelligent due to all of the schooling in subjects as wide as Latin to Politics, Geography, Math, Science, Strategy in battle as well as other things useful to run a country. She doesn't seem practically adventurous as she doesn't wish for her brother to go to the "outside world". She also seems to not be able to keep her mouth shut and brags about her psychic powers, such as "The Visions". She seems overly cocky, and acts overly high of herself, and also overly positive which links her back to a childlike personality.

    On her 21st birthday, when she will be named Empress, Calxiyn's Original Soul will no longer be dormant.

    The memories of Aidan leaving Calxiyn alone with a child has made her bitter, and though her soul is hundreds of years old she hasn't forgotten what was done to her. When she finds out that she is on her way to fight for the Shards she throws herself into chaos. Though, without the bitter memories, she is courageous, and willing to risk her life for people she doesn't know yet. She has a remarkable capacity to forgive, and thus her bitterness towards Aidan, though it comes and goes is also forgotten about in her forgiveness from time to time. She is old and so she has wisdom beyond her years.
    Both: Kingdom Key:
    Calxiyn The Wise: Redemption:

    Armour: Keyblade Master's Armor

    Abilities (passive and active):
    Though Old Calxiyn (Also known as Calxiyn Reincarnated or Calxiyn The Wise) has access to all of Calxiyn's The 5th's Memories, Calxiyn The 5th only has the ability to see choice memories and does not have Old Calxiyn's abilities for fighting. Calxiyn The Wise can only be accessed every so often, and on it's own takes a lot of power.

    Calxiyn The 5th:

    The ability to 'summon' Old Calxiyn's Spirit

    Fire, Ice, Thunder, Healing and other elemental spells.

    Future/Fortune Telling abilities.

    Calxiyn The Wise:

    Can duel-wield the Keyblades due to having two souls

    Extreme Endurance and Durability

    Can Glide at Fast Speeds

    Uses Brute Force

    Keyblade Levitation: Spins 2 Actual Keyblades and 13 made of light, spinning them rapidly to attack enemies.

    Strengths: Uses mediocre magic in her Calxiyn The 5th Form. Since she is very energetic she has a lot of speed and doesn't easily tired. She's skilled with the battle skills she does have, though they are not plentiful she has 'mastered them'. She has the strength of being able to, at times, tell the future and because of her strong connection with her brother knows what he is writing in his journal.

    Calxiyn The Wise uses strong magic, has experience in battle and uses brute and strong attacks.

    Weaknesses: Calxiyn The 5th has only the training she's had with knights in her army (who probably let her win anyway), and so doesn't have the same reaction times or battle skills as Calxiyn The Wise. She doesn't really know what she's doing, and similar to her brother relies on her Keyblade and Magical energy. Though has no idea about anything outside of her homeland (Swords, Technology, some animals, plants, etc). Is too trusting, arrogant and ignorant.

    Calxiyn The Wise: Lets her emotions come in the way of her battling, won't practically want to fight for Carissa or Jaden and so her loyalty to them can't be trusted and what she'll do to sabotage the Shards of Hope cannot be either, which could ruin battles or fights (putting her in harms way). She can only use her powers for a limited amount of time and even doing this drains her, which makes her susceptible to quick attacks. Her only way of attacks in the moment are with brute force and she undermines her enemies, making her easily disarmable.

    Family Line:
    Sister: Princess Calxiyn The 5th
    Mother: Empress Calxiyn The 4th Masutāzu
    Father: Emperor Consort Stolos Masutāzu
    Grandmother: Empress Calxiyn Masutāzu The 3rd

    Grandfather: Emperor Consort Thestor Masutāzu
    Great-Grandmother: Empress Calxiyn Masutāzu The 2nd
    Great-Grandfather: Emperor Consort Zeuxis Masutāzu
    Great-Great-Grandmother: Calxiyn Masutāzu the 1st
    Great-Great-Grandfather: Aidan Samarost
    Princess Calxiyn The 5th is some distant relative of Carissa, as sometime after Aidan's wife died over 100 years ago, Aidan found himself in the company of the Calxiyn The 1st, his old flame, and Calxiyn The 1st bore Calxiyn The 2nd, who moved back to Calxiyn the 1st's old homeland which was filled with Keyblade Masters. She reclaimed the throne of her mother and grandparents and was treated like a Saviour. Calxiyn The 2nd had Calxiyn The 3rd, who had Calxiyn The 4's, who had her brother and herself. The Keyblade was passed onto his sister, as the people thought that any female in the line was Calxiyn The 1st Reincarnated. No one in the royal line has ever had a second child for this reason and because after the next Calxiyn is reincarnated into the baby, the mother will die.

    She has always been the favorite of her father and even her brother, and though Calxiyn's soul is dormant in her until her 21st birthday, which is close to now, she holds most of Calxiyn's personality. Though the Empress does not change into Calxiyn completely, and keeps their 'old soul', combined with their new soul which seems to "come and go"

    She's worried about her brother because of what he wrote in his journal, which she can see psychically.

  14. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014

    occ: lord of champagne returns. I will offer champagne to the load of pink underwear :)
  15. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Name: Teliana Jereign
    Title: N/A
    Faction (Order of The Hammer, The Shards of Hope or neither): Order of the Hammer
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Description: ~
    Personality: Teliana tends to favor diplomacy to open battle, but she isn't afraid to fight for her beliefs. She's loyal to her friends and the Order, and believes more in chance then in fate, preferring to think that she can make her own way.
    Weapons: The ones she creates with her blood. (hehe)
    Armour: Simple leather armor and clothing underneath.
    Abilities (passive and active):

    • Hemokinesis: Teliana, after creating an incision in her skin, can use the resulting blood to form a weapon, i.e sword, spear, shield. The ability is limited by the amount of blood Teliana has in her own body.
    • Dragon Eyes (Active): Teliana has the power to paralyze people by looking directly into their eyes; the victims are then subject to fatal hallucinations. In extreme cases she can cause their entire bodies to stop functioning, including their hearts. When she finishes using this ability, she herself becomes paralyzed as a result, making the power a double-edged sword. This has a sister passive ability.
    • Conversion: Teliana's body creates blood faster then most, allowing her to heal at a slightly higher rate and regenerate lost blood. However, this also causes her to require more food and nutrients in order to function properly. She tries to eat six times a day instead of just three.
    • Dragon Eyes (Passive): The sister ability to the active mode, Teliana can see people and objects from miles away.
    Strengths: Her loyalty and willingness to befriend anyone.
    Weaknesses: Her nearly constant need to eat and a commonly brought upon state of anemia. She also extremely dislikes anything flying at her face.

    History: Teliana dreamed of seeing the world and finding new places, making new friends. The only daughter in a middle class family, she inherited the gift of Cursed Blood through her mother, and became the cherished heir to the family legacy. Rather then spend her days trying to decide which suitor to marry and reproduce with, she joined the Order of the Hammer the first chance she got, using her abilities to (in her eyes) make the universe a better place and protect people from the evils of the Shards. Her parents, in an effort to get her back, hired mercenaries to kidnap their daughter. Ana managed to fight them off with the help of others, but was permanently blinded as a result.

    She was the recipient of a pair of donor eyes, and though it wasn't known where they came from, she agreed to go through with the surgery in order to replace her ruined eyesight. It wasn't long after she discovered the new gift she had received with her restore vision, and she has spent the last few years working on getting her Dragon Eyes under control.
    Other: Edited for historical purposes .
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  16. Xannytoes Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014
    Hmm, Dragon Eyes may need to be nerfed somewhat, but otherwise accepted :)
  17. Xannytoes Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014
    Attention to all members of the Order of the Hammer (who weren't captured like little b****es). Jayce has requested thine presence on the command bridge. If you're not already there, move your asses!

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