First time I have ever written lyrics for a song before, so if you can tell me what to improve on, i'd give you a hug! ^^ Forgive Me (Chorus) I’m so sorry, I was always alone, So alone, So lonely, That’s why I…I… Forgive me (Chorus ends) I stay, down this path, I’m a pawn, to you and your memories That created heavens light, Made me join the god forsaken fight, Following my, my heart remembers, To sweet paradise, Fake and fake and fake and fake, Of the jewel I bought (Chorus) You came for me, so happy for you, But now you’re alone, In the darkness of light, You’ve never got it right, Made something for you, moved closer for you, Left my parents for you, died for you, Done it all for you, (Chorus) Motivated by pain, Created by your sadistic nature, Does it feel good, to be loved this much, By the creature on your chain controlled hand, Can’t move, can’t see what’s here, I got taken from my sight, Will it be bad, to fade in your light, And live as your shadow, I’m so sorry, I was always alone, So alone, So lonely, That’s why I…I… Forgive me Forgive me Forgive me Forgive me Didn’t mean to lie… Just for you
Raw. Very very emotionally raw, i like it. It would be interesting to hear this to music, because i can see it being a sad dramatic version and a heavy metal or goth song? What were you envisioning it to be?
something metal, I'm not sure really... But I was listening to Rose by A Perfect Circle, which I love *points at sig* and it has this type of continous creaky and metallic sounds, like you'd find in a haunted house film, or something creepy. (listen to the song if you can) I got this idea of a woman dominating this man by him loving her, but she uses him for selfish things and the song kinda goes in his view point and I imagined it like a rebellious shouting song but than a love tpye serenading song. A conflict within this man that loves this woman but knows she is suing him and wants to get away. ANd well you can guess what happens in the end. Kinda hard to explain, hope that helped! XD It feels dark to me, but I am a dark person anyway. You look at all my poems I bet 90% of them are dark.