It's so beautiful... So realistic... If he makes the Way to the Dawn keyblade... My life is complete!!! XD
I can see if my welding teacher will allow me to make a Keyblade. We have all those sorts of Metals there, and the furnace, and the oil, water, TIG Welder, MIG Welder, Spot Welder, and I'm missing one, but yesh This video is super G Money I love the way it came out ^=^ Woo...
Make it happen dude fohreal. Its like... just the way he makes it and then smashes stuff at the end makes it seem like the keyblade was a long lost cuture's secret sword crafting and it's an ax and a sword at the same time oooooooooooogogmm.
I have to see how much its gonna cost me because from that metal he used I know that's already triple digits right there. And Since I'm in Autobody I get a discount for the paint and I can make it any color I want XD
I can't help you because I made it up. It could mean a lot of things, but how can you speak slang if you're typing out words I never understood that concept at all.
Well, the word "speak" in this sense uses its second definition as a transitive verb, ie, "to converse or be able to converse in (a language)." The sentence, "I do not speak slang," should be understood as "I am unable to converse by means of slang."
Cool copy and pasting job Krabs XD I wish I could do what you do gosh darn it c: Anyways G money I guess is good Money well spent. That video is good money well spent because of the Keyblade.
KH thread in the Spam zo- Holy crap that is good! I love how they were smashing stuff at the end! It's true what he was saying too that people usually don't consider the keyblade to be all that dangerous-but omg that was soo cool!!!! I want one!!!
Actually, I retyped it because I was hoping to paraphrase the definition, but couldn't think of a simpler way to put it.
All right, now watch the last minute or so and tell me it wouldn't hurt to get smacked with that giant metal rod. Remember kids: It doesn't have to be sharp to take your head off.