[Watchmen doesn't get boring to me at all. I just watched it for probably the 4th time this week and it's still awesome. Also did it annoy you that you couldn't hover over my thread title to see what this was about, forcing you to actually have to open the thread to see?]
I also want to read the book first before I see the movie...I cant seem to watch a movie if it was a book first. But damn, its freaking almost $40.00 here B(
I've never seen Watchman, so I can't really say anything about that. (Much less if it is odd or not you still enjoy it after the fourth viewing.) Yes, it did annoy me. >.< But it wasn't a wasted click, so I'm ok with it now. :3
1) No TV in room 2) Dad stays up till I go to bed 3) no driver's license. But it is something I am working on. My mom is swayable with the right pressure :=D: