For people who are getting 1.5 remix

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by benjizz, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Miles Cull a Duty 2 : Electric Boogaloo

    Jul 31, 2011
    People who only play the game and want more or better are going to whine. They don't understand that there are things that cant be helped because PS3 cant do what the PS2 did. I know its weird but its true. People false advertise ( or over exaggerate) all the time. I don't know why they are making a big deal about it now. I mean have you seen the PS2 quality renders of Sora from KH2? That guy tries to point at negative stuff that isn't and the F'd up part about about it is that people are falling for it! Honestly they should be thankful we are not getting a Silent Hill/Ratchet and Clank/or Prince of Persia HD collection. and Square themselves are doing it and not some third party. and i can see (if it ever needs it) Square giving out a patch. But people like " (only) the players" know nothing while the "makers and programmers" do understand why things are the way they are.

    By the way that Sephiroth thing is just a bug and the only bug I have noticed in the game so far. Any guy with good programming knowledge can fix that.
  2. Xenao Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 1, 2013
    United Kingdom
    Non of those things are going to bother me I'm just super excited its almost here.

    i cant see those issues 'Ruining' the experience. they could release it not being a HD REmix and i would still be happy. putting the games onto one console is something that Tetsuya Nomura feels strongly about.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Alright, from a European perspective here, we now actually have the ability to play ReCoM. People complaining about ReCoM stuff not being fixed, well it's a darn site better than not having the game, at all, believe me. So I couldn't care less if the HDification is very good or not, we at least have it in the first place.
    To KH1, i'm happy with the look of the HD version so far, the mouth and facial animations have always been pesky, but this is a PS2 game being reworked onto a PS3, the character skeletons I believe are exactly the same, so completely replacing facial animation would be incredibly time consuming with little reward. Not bothered about that at all.
    Thetre Mode not included? WE HAVE A WEBSITE DEDICATED TO CUTSCENES! If your issue is wanting to see the cutscenes, well we've got you covered. If your issue is why Square didn't include that, is again likely a little reward sort of service and too much time wasting, so it's a bit of a useless thing to worry about.
    Days is a decent consolidation of the game, that's all the movie ever needed to be. These games are primarily to introduce new fans to the series, current fans who might not have all these consoles and played all these crucial games and hardcore fans to a new experience and perspective on the games. Everyone wins in some capacity.

    I'm gonna say wait for the western release, as many fans should see from the KH series, we usually get tweaks to parts of the game here and there that mean we have a 'better' experience. Wait till the actual full release here, because there are likely minor improvements in some places that have been worked on.

    At any rate, buy the game and enjoy it, don't nit pick it till you have had your fun. Don't waste your time worrying and enjoy yourselves
  4. Xenao Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 1, 2013
    United Kingdom
    I couldn't agree more. The vast majority of people will find no issues with it and will be pleased to be playing/watching these games on one console.