For Ioan: Yahoo! Answers War

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Jasper Cullen, May 21, 2009.

  1. Jasper Cullen Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 29, 2007
    at my house
    Come, sit down, and here the story of an untold war. Now, this is not just a story this is real life or real internet life. All I type is true, and I do type from my perspective, because there are very few people who were in this that I now know. However, first I must teach you something’s that may provide use.

    As you know my alias on this site is KingRiku, but how did it get to that? Was there once a Riku? Yes, there once was, this is my story, my life before I was a king. Some may know that the reason I’m KingRiku is because I wanted to be Riku on here but it was taken so I tried King Mickey but it was also taken so I combined them and made KingRiku. However, this is false, here is the truth. After I left Yahoo! Answers I found this place, a real forum. Yahoo! Answers is not a forum, it’s an ask/answer site but we made it into a forum. And I was Riku on this site so since I upgraded my website, I should update my name. Now some may know me on KHC as KamiRiku, and now you’re thinking, what about that? Well I’m a coder so I needed to advance once again. From king to god. Now that you know my past I shall now begin on my story.

    Finding Yahoo! Answers (Y!Answers from now on) was crazy, it just popped up one day, and I clicked on it. In the beginning of summer (June through early July) I stayed in Video and Online Games (V&OG from now on). It was fun, instead of making friends I made a rival that is now most likely my best internet friend, his name is Star. Well Starrodkiroby86 on Y!Answers, but he was my rival because every time I found a question and answered it he answered it 2 seconds earlier which made him my rival. Since the latest Pokémon game had come out a few months earlier, there were a bunch of Pokémon questions. As I am a Pokémon freak, I had beaten the game and owned two guides. So I answered nearly all the questions. However, things changed in late June when Star left on vacation. Now I was planning on going to New York in late July so this part of summer I didn’t have to do anything. When he left there was no one to rival, I was the fastest poster, and I knew all the right answers. It became boring so I did something that changed me forever.

    I found a place called Polls and surveys (P&S from now on) this place was like an internet New York or something. Millions of questions popping up every time you refresh. This is like the spam zone, but much different. They had a game that I found two other of my good friends. Now they were Justin T., and Brad Pitt, now if your thinking, “no way Justin Timberlake and Brad Pitt are on Y!Answers!” you’re really gullible. Now the game was called Avatar Game, but it broke one of the rules. “Chatting”, if you’re wondering how this is how. Now the rules are the game is you post the questions “Avatar Game?” (Question marks appear after every question) and then post something that a poster can do with the other users. For example, pick five people who posted here say which one you would… take surfing, sun bathing, partying, getting high, etc. There was a lot more, however if you went to Y!Answers now you’d never or barely find any Avatar games because of two people. One of them is the Administrators’ of Y!Answers, and the other was Troll Patrol. Now the next question is who Troll Patrol is, well I’ll tell you later there not into the story yet. Now right after I found this game, I invited my friend over to show him this. He also liked it but he wasn’t about the internet as much as me. So for about a week I lived in a Utopia of just waking up a six am, because everyone did it and was online just a little after six. Now if you’re going to try to contradict me and ask what about the east coast people, or how did you know it wasn’t the east coast people doing the questions. One because I knew most of them and they had told me they lived on the west coast, and the other was that most would talk about going to work that lived on the east coast. Late July came and I went off to New York, since I didn’t have my laptop yet I could only get on when I found a computer I could use my time on was shortened.

    When I got back the worst happened a gang appeared, a gang of people trying to protect justice. But there justice was short lived; they were just like the Ravinia from Pendragaon. They sought to destroy the trolls from the site, but there were only three trolls. And they were actually kind of funny ones, they would make sex/rape questions but I always ended up laughing at them. Now you probably know the phrase, don’t feed the trolls, or whatever it was. That was one of the troll patrols jobs but to the extreme. They would report anyone who answered the troll’s question. The other flaw they had was they would report anyone they didn’t like, and one way you know they like you is if there leader added you. Now this is where most people get scared at when this happened to them, it happened to me. If you didn’t at join them, they would hate you and report everything you did and all your friends. However we had one or two ways to stop this, from hurting you and your friends you could do two things; one was make your profile private and/or block the leader. Or you could make it so no one could add you, but that would suck since you couldn’t have any friends. If I was in a real life war one thing I know I would have said if I sent a letter home was, I met someone. Now the way I know it became a war was that people were asking other people to become spies. Her name was Avril, and her avatar was the singer Avril. Actually now that I think of it I met two females, the other one was called Eliza I think. All I remember about Eliza is that she used her real picture. I was more friends with Avril then Eliza but she was still the only other girl on my contact list. After meeting them I met my final friend, though I can’t remember his name. I guess the people who have the greatest impact on you; you can never remember their names. Now once he got banned for the first time he never came back, which hit me hard. He was my Star on P&S. A little info about Y!Answers ban system. First, if you get reported and caught (I guess that’s how you would say it) more than twice in a month your perma banned. There was no one day ban there was just perma banned. After a month went by it was reset. Some day in late august the war ended, however at a cost. There would be no more avatar games, not because we were afraid of Troll Patrol returning. Just we had lost so many users; we didn’t want to lose anymore.

    After the war ended I found a nice place in the Yahoo! Answers section that I helped in, before I left the site in early November I had to check on P&S one more time. What I found was just as I left it, but she was nowhere to be found. Things had also changed for the good, there was a new troll but she was the only one. While the war was still going on I had met a girl who was named Haku and she was obsessed with him, she filled me in with all the details since I was gone. I guess one day she was banned but she never came back.

    If you’re wondering why I wrote this well for many reasons. This was brought up in a conversation with Ioan, May is the month I joined two years ago and I wanted to go back but I needed this to be written first. Now that I think about it, maybe what happened there was for a good thing. I now know that even trying to do some justice in the world fails with corruption. If you’re wondering how the war ended, they finally gave up. Perhaps they were just school kids and knew they had to go back to school soon so they gave up. One day after I left P&S I saw a question that I could not help but have a tear in my eye. “What was the Troll Patrol?” Four other people had answered it before me all of them wrong. I posted an abridged version of this without the self intro. That question led me to return to P&S to find out about Avril. If you’re wondering about why I didn’t return to V&OG is because Star had left Y!Answers without him answering questions would be boring.
  2. 9th Genesis Banned

    May 19, 2009
    Uh... er... hm... where DO I live?
    Hey there, not a bad story.

    I myself am not much for criticizing work people probably put a lot of effort into(like this one).

    But, I will say, some separation of paragraphs and maybe some more punctuation would help out. I kept getting lost while trying to transition to a new sentence.

    But, that's just me. Either way, it looks pretty good, and it seems your imagination isn't wasted either.

    I give it four stars. :D

    ****(There, four stars.)
  3. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    Great story. like 9th Genesis said though, seperation of paragraphs would help when telling a story. I found myself reading the same line twice a couple of times. And more punctuation. [ a LOT more ].

    It's pretty good though, giving 3 stars sounds harsh, so 3.9 stars it gets from me xD.
  4. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Dude it made me laugh at some parts; the commentary was hilarious. I would say 4.5 stars, because you just need to use grammer and punction.
  5. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Wall of text.

    Split it up into smaller parts and use proper punctuation and I'll read it.
  6. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Even when you tell a true story, it still takes imagination and creativity to form words together into sentences and paragraphs.

    I used to go on Y!Answers, but I was so young and such a noob that I completely missed what you were talking about.

    As others have said, it would be better if you used better seperation and puncuation so it doesn't seem like someone threw up letters on the page.
  7. Jasper Cullen Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 29, 2007
    at my house
    Fixed the wall of text it looked much better on word(and i did post it right before i went to sleep) andwhat punctuation problems?
    He thought i made the whole story up, which i didn't. I know what you mean about that to write you need imagination.

    Really what parts were funny, I do think I over used "if you're thinking".

    Lol my yahoo answers account-;_ylt=AsKwVbdA3r00BbrNFtN.FDjpy6IX;_ylv=3
    and my famous question the person asked-;_ylv=3?qid=20071107154938AAHXwFB