If there is a thread about this I am sorry. A staff member may deal with it then. I just think it is stupid. Who would get mad if someone show someone else their middle finger? I was just wondering about how they made this up and well here I am making a thread about it. Add to it if you want. I can't be bother to at the moment >< EDIT somehow it posted by itself so I had to edit in all of that so sorry if you all read it before I could edit it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger_(gesture) Wiki is your friend. To sum up the origin, apparently it was used in ancient Rome. "The origin of this gesture is speculative, and quite possibly thousands of years old. It is identified as the digitus impudicus ("impudent finger") in Ancient Roman writings and reference is made to using the finger in the Ancient Greek comedy The Clouds by Aristophanes. It was defined there as a gesture intended to insult another person. The widespread usage of the finger in many cultures is likely due to the geographical influence of the Roman Empire and Greco-Roman civilization. Another possible origin of this gesture can be found in the first-century Mediterranean world, where extending the digitus impudicus was one of many methods used to divert the ever present threat of the evil eye. A popular urban legend incorrectly states that during the Hundred Years' War, the French would cut off the middle fingers of captured English archers so they would be unable to use their bows, and that after the Battle of Agincourt, the victorious English showed the French that their middle fingers were still intact." It's an insult just like any worded phrase, you just happen to be doing it using your hands rather then your tongue. I don't see why it's any different.
I used to call it "flicking" until I was told it was "flipping." :sideways: And from what I've watched in sociology class, the very action of doing it represents a man's erect...er...manhood. Mainly in North America it is taken as an insult. However, (don't quote me on this) in the rest of the world, it is a meaningless gesture. Personally, I don't do it and I'm too nice to everyone around me for them to do it to me. Yeah, I know it's more commonplace now than it was in the last decade, but I find it insulting if someone does that to me or my family. :huh: It's a lack of respect... ...but it's okay if you're among friends, I guess.
It says no explantion thing exists for it. Gotta love the Romans eh? Kinda weird. Hey look I'm showing you my finger. Pointless really
Cin messed up the URL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger_(gesture) The story I was told is referenced in that Wiki article: "During the Hundred Years' War, the French would cut off the middle fingers of captured English archers so they would be unable to use their bows, and that after the Battle of Agincourt, the victorious English showed the French that their middle fingers were still intact."
yes that is true how we came up with the middle finger but i have to say it is ******ed in a way i mean it the same the as f u so why don't you say that lol
It's not that ******ed. We have all sorts of words people get offended by and hand gestures to go with. Body language is a part of human language and speech. It's an easy hand gesture and 'profane' so it gets the word across easily when used. Apes make gestures and such to indicate someone is really ticking them off too, without having to go over and just beat the tar out of the being yet. That's what the symbol is like. It makes sense. I did hear it came from the Roman Empire and it would make sense, so I'd back the wiki article. Just, if you think about it, flipping someone off is a lot better than hopping around, fists pumping at the air and making your face turn red etc. It's also fun to get their reactions.
Flipping people off with your middle finger is just like saying F*** you without using words. I've seen it being used mostly when people are driving and get irritated with other drivers. And since the drivers are angry and the other driver won't hear what they are saying, they simple use that gesture to get their point across. To me its just another gesture that has a phrase. I guess I can see where you're coming from, but I don't find it really pointless.
It's just like biting your thumb or swearing, it really has no meaning in and of itself but nothing does really the interpreted meaning is what counts and people define things as offensive, non-offensive and whatever. Flipping the bird is just a way to communicate an idea and it's generally accepted so it's not stupid, saying that is like saying it's stupid to think that stupid means someone lacking in intelligence just because you don't happen to like it.
im the middle finger should not have a meaning it should just be a finger like in japan or china if you lift you pinky it means the same thing as our middle finger
Actually, I've heard that lifting up your pinky in Japan means that you're talking about someone's girlfriend.
i don't know why people get mad i personally think this is stupid i mean it's just a finger...well that's what people always told me and it is just a finger so what's so bad about it..
Are you sure this wikipedia post is extremely accurate? Just wondering.. Well, the middle finger, like Cin said, is an insult which I agree with.