Doesn't matter what game you use as an example in the comparison I just what to know which style best suits you. Please provide reasoning for either one you choose.
Could you explain a bit more about what you want us to decide about the first and second play through of a game?
I'm not sure if I completely understand what you're asking, but I'll say this much: I beat games for a first time to beat it. If I replay it, it's usually to discover more things, get 100% clears, different endings, etc. etc. But of course, I don't always replay games I've beaten. In fact, I'd bet that most of the video games I've beaten I've only beaten once.
Sorry about that but you could use anything which could help you come to the conclusion that "x" play through is better than "y" play through. This can be determined through deciding which play through is more comfortable to you, do you enjoy playing the game for the story on the first play through then collecting everything on the second, or vice-versa, or do you like doing it all in just one mega play through then playing again for the fun of it. I'm sorry if I can't really answer your question however it is mainly up to you as the player to decide which play through suits you.[DOUBLEPOST=1378268712][/DOUBLEPOST] That's a good example now which play through do you like more? The first time you played it (just to beat it and see the story) or the second time ( to get 100% completion)? There's no right answer the way you play games maybe the reverse for others.
It depends on the game, but usually the first time since I don't know what's coming. The element of surprise, everything you love about it will amaze you at its best at this time, etc. etc. There are plenty of exceptions, though. The best ones being the Devil Survivor games, since you now know about the different ending possibilities, different routes, easier battles, and so on.