And this is what I do for it. Spoiler Castle Oblivion AmusePalutuna SoupsButternut squash and Pearsona soup Chicken noodle with grand theft orzo Tales of the lobster a-bisque AppetizersTriforce vegTossed lost woods Pan fried Pidgeys Pita with black materia bean dip and white materia Pikmin tray EntreesLexaeus wraps Commander Shepard’s pie Lemon herb Chocobo with super mash bro The world ends with chicken cordon bleu Spaghetti with Pokeballs Mega Manicotti Butternut squash R-violi Troutland Samus Salad Tuna Mario brother Burgers and Sandwiches Teriyaki Balboa Burger Crash Barbeque Burger Dragonburger Vegeta burger Pac-mandwich Salmon seeker of darkness sandwich Mario combo Triple Triforce chicken quesadilla DessertsSeasonal fruit with laguna sherbetLemon Sherbet made in house topped with seasonal fruits.Sea salt ice cream oVanilla ice cream topped with olive oil and sea salt Dovahcake Berry crumble with weiss cream Paopu panna cotta The drunken Moogle Loveless cocktail Paopu fruit cocktail Anti sora cocktail Metal blade cocktail The portal 2 cocktail Morgana’s Dark Binding cocktail Singed’s Insanity Potion Cocktail I was suppose to create a restaurant and a menu to go along with the theme and this is what I came up with. Chef is going to understand none of this. Hopefully I still get a decent mark though
I'll take a Triple Triforce Chicken Quesadilla with Paopu Panna Cotta for dessert please. This is a neat idea! Very nice. Creative!! The Castle Oblivion.....coolness. Hope you get a good grade! Lot's of thinking put into this. You deserve it!
I am so proud of our diabolical minds coming up with this. If Chef doesn't give you a good grade, I'll get Ren to turn him into a nameless :3
I would have added a Bioshock food option in there, myself. Like Andrew Ryan Filet-o-Fish. I like to imagine Commander Shepard pie would come in two flavor: Blue Berry Paragon or Renegade Cherry.
Biu you are a genius. One day, this restaurant will be real. Just so we can pay Square to make good FF games. and Nintendo to be Nintendo.