First Look at Kingdom Hearts Browser Game!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Plums, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Hey everyone, more KH news for you all!

    Scans have surfaced of a preview of the Kingdom Hearts Browser game, that was announced alongside the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix.


    Credit here.

    Thanks to forum member axel91 for the info!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Plums, Oct 3, 2012.

    1. libregkd
    2. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      I much preffer if it was like CoM, It's my favorite gameplay off all kingdom hearts! It's not just smashing buttons (but you can play it that way if you wish) you first have to think "what kind of deck do I want to use? What are their strenghts? And weakness?" Of all games in the series I never felt so powerfull either! When you make a right deck you feel like a god among gods >(! And it's quite easy really, you just need to pay attention and unlock the sleids.
      I've made two optimal decks by the end: One was just full of SONIC BLADE! And it was waaay too powerfull , best deck against organization members (and most of the people in game if they don't fly) 6 powerfull strikes with cards that vary 7-9 so only zeroes are going to break you, If they can use a card I mean... you're going to end them so fast that they will not have ground to attack you.

      While this deck will work at 97% of your enimies, and even when not you can still smash buttons as you still have a deck full of cards with big numbers, I had other powerfull deck that I thought to be more fun... basicaly was full of RAIDS (fire, ice, etc), and MEGAFLARE (That attack with mushu that kills everything that take its full blow) , I would sometimes put that TERROR in the middle so that the heartless would be left open to my attacks... just so much fun @_@! There are a huge number of combinations that you can play... I have only one complain about the game.. they should had started with Riku's path then sora.. as Riku's path begins waaay easier than sora's, and in the end is waaay more difficult (as you can't change your cards), Sora's path is quite difficult at the begining (fighting Jafar >_<!) as you are almost whithout sleids, cards, and can't even equipe them.... I think they should have throw us a bone and let us play with Riku first.. he doesn't have to "make a deck" and that makes him more balanced.. he doesn't have to "recharge his deck" when his cards are gone also, and have that sweet power of DARKNESS >_<! I Think the learning curve would go softer on most people that didn't like the game if they could get used to the games mechanics first with Riku, and than become GODS OF CARDS with the more chalenging Sora.
    3. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Hmm, let's see.... There were times when I was spending 2+ hours just to get a card just to open one damn door to continue the story. Reloading cards to reload while constantly getting attacked by the enemy (at least this wasn't much of a problem in Riku's story)
    4. libregkd
    5. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      fine. that's your opinion, and I respect it. I just personally have very bad experiences with the card system that I would rather it never return, which is why I was relieved this game is said to have a different card battle system than CoM
    6. The Twin
      The Twin
      The customizable avatar idea looks cool...but it's also feeding my suspicion that it could very well be a Facebook game.

      I don't mind the card system here, especially for a browser game. Probably will be a bit easier than button-smashing (and your keyboard will thank you for it,too.)
    7. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      Kawaii avatar style, yay~~! I wonder where I would be able to get this...
    8. Calxiyn
      [​IMG] It kind of looks like a more advance and KH verison of the old Spider Riders game. And the Characters look like the mimes you could make in RE:Coded.
    9. Saxima
      Thanks for the HQ shots, Libre.

      Anyway, this little browser doohicky looks like it might be a fun way to kill time between now and the never when Kingdom Hearts III is released. I'm very excited for it, and hope they do a multilingual release. • u •
    10. VenVen
      Looks cool. Hope it'll be available in English!
    11. NightCrisis
      I hope that we can customize characters and whatnot because I'd not want to look the same like everyone else in the game.
    12. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      I have a feeling it just might end up being part of a Facebook game or something, if localised... I hope we're wrong with out assumptions though, as I really want to check this game out. Looks very interesting, hope we'll be able to do character customisations or something!!