All right, I'm pretty sure that there have to be other fans on this site, and seeing as how there aren't any topics on them, I might as well start one. So, who else listens to this group? I, personally, adore them. They are a great rock group with a great message for each of their songs. And their vocalist is just fantastic. My favorite song by them would have to be Forever. Other favorites would be Stand Up, You Decide, Unbreakable, More Than a Love Song, and a few others. Here's their song Unbreakable.
I love them! I like You Decide, Serenity, Unbreakable, Brand New Day, Forever, and Wrapped in Your Arms.
Hey I like the sound of these guys. I have never really listened to them before, so I am only just now checking them out but I rather like their sound. I love this song Unbreakable, You Decide sounds pretty good too. Thanks <3
All of those songs are awesome. I don't like Brand New Day that much, but it's still good. I thought that you would like them. You're welcome. ^^
I didn't like it at first either, it sounds like a kind of different style compared to their other songs. But now I love it because the message really applies to me and stuff.
Yeah the only song i heard was "You Decide" and they sounded really good to me. i will listen to "Unbreakable" on youtube if i get a chance. the you decide music video is funny to me cuz thye guy keeps moving his hands and its just funny. You Decide Music Video
I really like them, I only really got into them in October after I saw a thread about them and checked them out. I love Unbreakable, but I think most people do. I also really like Stand Up, Undecided and Brand New Day In all honesty, there isn't a song that I haven't liked o: Wrapped in Your Arms is a nice song too <3 p.s I'm merging your thread with the old one <3
i love the song unbreakable and its you!! i remember i palyed it over and over again the first time i heard it
I recently started liking them after seeing an amv of unbreakable on youtube. Right now my favorites are you decide and unbreakable. Actually, these are the only two i've been able to afford, :D