As of yet untitled, a new Fire Emblem title was announced in today's Nintendo Direct. For the 3DS family, the game will see the return of several staff members from Fire Emblem: Awakening. The game will feature a new storyline and "asks players to make decisions that will affect the game's world in new ways." More details have yet to be announced.
I'm intrigued about this new title. I'll have to be sure to buy it. And if these games keep coming out, I'm going to need a new pack to hold all my games in
2015; the year when game developers make games, including this, that will make all the gamers in the world broke.
here's some analysis about the player character possibly being the Lord in this game! Spoiler if this is right, i wonder if we'll get to customize our unit or just pick boy/girl...
The game in Japan is titled Fire Emblem if...and is divided into two games! ...Sort of. The game will have two retail releases: Fire Emblem if: Kingdom of Hoshido and Fire Emblem if: Kingdom of Nohr. Each version is locked into one of the game's two paths. The download version, Fire Emblem if, is not locked into either path until you hit Chapter 6 of the game and are forced to choose between Hoshido and Nohr. There will be discounted DLC available for all of these releases allowing the other story to be played through, however, as will a third DLC with yet another story path. And then there will also be a special edition of the game including both stories and the third DLC campaign. These will all be released on June 25 in Japan. The Hoshido story will have a more traditional "Kingdom/freedom fighters vs. Empire" story and be more of a traditional Fire Emblem title, while the Nohr story will have a more challenging campaign, limited experience points, and a more morally complex story, revolving around good people trying to reform the militaristic empire from within.
I don't really like the idea of one story being more difficult than the other, as it kind of simplifies the "choose a path" aspect. For many players, if they want a more difficult path, they're just going to pick Nohr, and if they want an easier game they'll pick Hoshido. Though each of those players may prefer the other side, and then have to pick a side that they ultimately won't be completely satisfied with. I don't mind the side picking mind you, it can lead to some challenging moral dilemmas, and I feel that making one side this and one side that, sort of destroys the point of a moral dilemma. The whole point is that it isn't simple, and from a story perspective it may be, but from a gameplay perspective it seems really cut and dry, which is not a good thing. It also seems somewhat bizarre that the player will get the exact same units no matter what path they take. I think it would work immensely better if some, not all mind you, were unique to a certain path, and perhaps even make the other path units bosses on the other.
what i want to know is are we going to have the normal-hard-lunatic settings from awakening? as for the games themselve, it will be a 70% of people buying both the games because nintendo goal is to make people wanna buy two of the same thing (ORAS). i might actually buy the two versions if i had some more money, but i would mostly pick nohr over hoshido.
The decision is actually out of your hands. Only one version of the game is getting released outside of Japan, the Hoshido version. The Nohr version is going to be DLC, as will a third storyline.
Because it hasn't been announced. Sometimes the lack of announcement is just as telling as an actual announcement. While, yes, I have to acknowledge that it is possible we'll see the two box release, I highly doubt they they wouldn't have explained this along side the explanation of the Japanese release. There are a few other possibilities for them doing things this way, but the most likely is that they're going to release one version (in fairness, it is purely speculation that we're getting the Hoshido side, but I think that's a fair assumption) as even the Japanese versions will have the opposite story as DLC, two different versions would be redundant. Redundant releases tend to be accepted in Japan, but western markets tend to ignore them unless it saves them money or gives them better value (IE, why Game of the Year and Definitive Editions have popped up). In this case, as we can probably assume the DLC versions of each campaign will be cheaper than the physical versions, the option with better value is to buy one version and download the DLC version of the opposite version. So, yes, I am speaking on speculation (and no, it's not just my speculation, people are saying the same thing all over the place) and some clarification would be nice, but, like I said, sometimes a lack of announcement is just as telling as an actual announcement.
Given how Nintendo hasn't announced that the game will be split into two for the regions outside Japan, I'm inclined to agree that we'll likely get only one game...but I think it'll be Japan's downloadable version that has no story split until the decision in chapter 6, rather than releasing only one of the game's stories. Also, Japan already confirmed that the DLC for the opposite story from what you buy will be discounted.
source: gamnesia the weapon triangle change; swords and magic > axes and bows > lances and concealed weapons new classes: maid, butler, shinobi weapon uses are unlimited now
The game will have a feature called My Castle. It allows you to create and customize your own castle to use as a home base. It can include shops, a bath house, and more. One particularly...odd...feature is that you can invite units into your bedroom their faces via the touch screen, a la Pokemon Amie. My Castle will also support StreetPass, allowing you to participate in short skirmishes with other players and purchase items from their castles. The game will also have amiibo functionality: Just like in Code Name S.T.E.A.M., any Fire Emblem character amiibo will unlock said character within your game.
Fire Emblem Fates will be having its own manga series in Japan on september. Fates will also be the first Fire Emblem game to have same-sex relationship. Source