Baby crows do exist. (as proved by my last thread.) The shorter and drunker a person is, the funnier it is. It's never good if someone asks you to look up "Fork in Lung". Clint Eastwood is OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD. If your wife/girlfriend asks something, there's never a right answer. Fire=Bad. Running with scissors has never resulted in someone getting their eye stabbed out. Using these materials: A ball of twine, a roll of duct tape, a paper clip, and a lunchbox, you can solve any problem. Feel free to add more.
- Women like to say they can do two things at once, but in fact they can't. - You can never win a staring contest with a dog. - Trying to do the things they do in a cartoon WILL result in death. - Star Wars isn't real. - Santa Claus is actually the builder and inventor of nuclear bombs. - Play-Doh cookies taste like sh*t.