So, I need help to find a movie. I have tried to find this movie for so long, but I just can't find it at all. I can give a few things that I remember about it, but I need help because I want to see it again. The things I can remember about it are that in the movie these people use these watches, or something, to stop time. The beginning of the movie was something like an old man trying to get on a plane, he checks his watch, freaks out, and tries to run on the plane, but something happens and time stops, and suddenly he gets pulled back into a car and gets into a chat with someone. There's also the guy's son, who finds another watch that stops time, and they try to use it to stop these people that try to stop time for something(I can't remember). I also remember near the end the father, son, and some girl are trapped in like this bubble or something where time is already stopped, and the boy uses his watch, and he ends up becoming insanely fast or something because of it, or something like that. Sorry for not being too specific, I saw this movie a long time ago, like in Nevada or something, so I can't remember too much about it. Can anyone figure out what this movie is from this?
Clockstoppers. I remember that movie. Boom. Problem solved.
My friend, if I knew where you lived, I would go over there and hug you to death. Thank you very much Edit: oh hey, they have Worst Day Ever. Didn't think I'd see that on this. And there's smashmouth too, that's interesting
Smash Mouth. Also, Clockstoppers was one of my favorite movies as a kid. When we went to Blockbuster every weekend, it would almost always be one of the three movies I rented on VHS.