Started off with Dream Drop Distance and Pokemon Y. Just wanted to share that with y'all. (it's red. I love red.)
First games i got were DDD, Tales of the Abyss, Kid Icarus, and Fire Emblem. Also, what's your 3DS friend code? I must add in people to get friends.......restarting Pokemon X butchered my friends list. So everyone that had my name no longer has the right code. Now their friend Tylar is just all alone
I'll be your friend. I grant those with the Pokemon of Taloflame, Magmar, and Charmeleon. 4511-0583-2371. Same goes to Boy Wonder over there.
It's cheaper, the shoulder buttons feel better, and some people don't care for the 3D feature. The only downside I'd find is the lack of a clamp shell design, but a cheap case can easily mitigate this.
Friend code is 4983-6333-6358 I grant people with non-Kalos Pokémon, and my friend Safari gives Bergmite, Cloyster, and Snorunt.
Couldn't afford the 3DS, and I didn't really care about the 3D feature. I actually got used to the feel of the design, and it's pretty comfortable.
Yeah, I got a 3DS when it came out back in March 3 years ago so my library is a bit more advance. LoZ: Ocarina of Time, MarioKart 7, Kid Icarus Uprising, DDD, LoZ: Link Between Worlds, Pokemon X, Fire Emblem Awakening, Tales of the Abyss And then since its an Ambassador 3DS, I got those 20 free games and Excitebike + LoZ: Four Swords. Also being part of Club Nintendo acquired LoZ: Link's Awakening for free. Also purchased LoZ: Oracle of Seasons... My librbray is a bit too large now that I think about it.