Does anyone have a video of the attack where Xemnas knocks the keyblade out of Sora's hand and Riku tosses it back, where the player doesn't use a reaction Command to dodge?
..just follow this link and there would be a link in the description where you can download it...hope it helps.
??mm wel that is confusing because you said that you wanted the part where riku throws the keyblade back to sora....>>
I don't remember if there is a cutscene with that. But, you can look at, there is a www at the beginning) It has all the boss battles along with the cutscenes. You would want to check "Final Battle", under Kingdom Hearts 2. Hope it helps.
I would suggest you play the game and save before each boss battle in a new file so you can play against them any time you want. Thats what I did.