Final Mix+ Videos: Official Update Newspost

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Deathspank Banned

    Aug 16, 2006
    Final Mix+ Videos: Official Update Newspost *Updated 4/10/07 8:00 PM*

    Be sure to still check the newsposts below this as this one will stay on top regardless of how old it gets!

    4/30/07 11:03 PM - Before I head off to sleep, I added to the Re:CoM - RR subbed section Basement Ten, Basement Nine, and Basement Eight. Enjoy.

    3:25 PM - Ok guys, after a lot of waiting, the time has finally come that we start releasing the Reverse/Rebirth videos with English subtitles. I've just added the Introduction, Basement 12 and Basement 11 to the Reverse/Rebirth subbed section, now available in the navigation to the left. More will come tomorrow. Enjoy.

    5:56 PM - No video update right now, but there's an ongoing problem that I've noticed, and that's that a lot of people are complaining about certain videos not being available, broken links, wrong links... I'd like it if everyone could help me out and compile a list of all the dysfunctional videos. That way I can figure out which ones need fixing a lot faster, and get onto it. Thanks for your assistance.

    2:11 PM - Reverse/Rebirth boss battles are online. Enjoy.

    2:58 PM - Wow, what a big time lapse. Sorry guys, I've been majorly busy this week. Bad news for all of you guys waiting for the subs too; they won't be coming just so soon because we no longer have a translator. Pazuzu helped out a lot though, so big ups to him. If anyone is willing to maybe help out to get the cutscenes subbed, that'd be great. Anyways, I've just put up the downloadable versions of the Reverse/Rebirth cutscenes that you guys have been waiting so patiently for. If this were any other day except Friday, I'd also release the rest of the boss battles too, but, considering this is gonna be the busiest day of my week, I won't be able to release those until tomorrow. I'm really, really sorry for the inconvenience to everyone. Happy holidays =).

    9:43 AM - Okay, I know I promised you guys all the scenes earlier, but due to time constraints I couldn't get them out so soon. Now, though, all scenes for Reverse/Rebirth have been added in the Reverse/Rebirth cutscenes unsubbed section. Subbed versions of these cutscenes will come over the course of the next few days, as well as the important boss battles. I know I also missed a couple scenes for Final Mix as well, and I'll get working on those once I finish up the Reverse/Rebirth subs. Enjoy everyone.

    3:00 PM - Hey guys, massive video update. Instead of releasing just a few videos a day, I've decided to release all of Reverse/Rebirth today. Here's what's been uploaded so far:

    Introduction || [player=N5lHUFfCB0g]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Twelve || [player=zUtWIFicg-M]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Eleven || [player=9HrhDvvGCqI]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Ten || [player=GmC32C9lgkM]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Nine || [player=Da3fUPsPuGw]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Eight
    || [player=nlChEyfLYAQ]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Seven || [player=oybuzY1-WQg]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Six || [player=B0DK-WacrxU]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Five || [player=qPq62BLvVxg]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Four || [player=9mL6uhxCcRs]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Three || [player=s3AN5qEZHcU]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Destiny Islands || [player=q8JkknxUa5Y]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Basement Two || [player=wDAptEaey6A]VIEW NOW[/player]
    Twilight Town || [player=xJ0nwnIcPHQ]VIEW NOW[/player]

    Keep checking back as we continue adding more of Reverse/Rebirth throughout today. Also, these videos' subbed versions will be available throughout the next few days, so keep checking back!

    5:20 AM - Alright, I've just added the rest of Sora's story. Castle Oblivion and the Ending are available in both the subbed and unsubbed sections, as well the Credits and Epilogue available in the unsubbed section. Stay tuned as we start Reverse/Rebirth tomorrrow!
    EDIT (2:56 PM) - The problem with Castle Oblivion subbed version has been fixed. Sorry about the inconvenience.

    8:00 PM - I've started back up on the Re:CoM videos. You can now find Floor Thirteen available in both the subbed and unsubbed Re:CoM cutscene sections. Castle Oblivion will also be available within the next 6-8 hours. We will also be finishing off Sora's side tomorrow by adding the Ending, Credits, and Epilogue.
    Note: The videos will more than likely still be processing when you guys see this news update. Please be patient until they become available.

    6:20 AM - Before I run off to classes this morning, I wanted to get these videos up. In both the subbed and unsubbed KH2FM cutscenes section I've added six more new voiced KH2FM cutscenes. At the time that I'm making this post, there's probably still some videos that are processing. So, if it's not up for you when you check it out, just keep checking back. New Re:CoM videos will resume(hopefully) tomorrow.
    Edit: Just a quick note. Due to the massive amount of videos that I have to grade for the top five(over 150), it won't be ready until tomorrow(Tuesday). Sorry for the delays!

    7:10 AM - Alright, before I go off to celebrate Easter(odd considering I'm Atheist), I've got a couple cool videos for you guys. Remember a few days ago when we figured out that the new scenes actually do have Japanese voices? Well, I've started recording them, and three of them are online. I repeat, three of the new KH2FM scenes with Japanese voices and subtitles are available in the KH2FM cutscenes subbed section. Another little update on new Re:CoM videos... our translator has become a little busy lately, so I can't release them just yet. I know I know, you guys don't care about subs, but this isn't about that. It's about the fact that maybe three minutes after I release the video on YouTube some kiddy will rip it off of there, sub it, and claim it as their own. We try to avoid that as much as possible. Anyway, enjoy those three new videos, and I promise that there's much more to come as we conclude the videos for this fantastic new release.

    1:52 AM - HUMONGOUS UPDATE. I've added every remaining important boss battle from Sora's side of Re:CoM into the boss battle section. This includes Riku Replica #3 and #4, Larxene #2, Axel #2, and Marluxia #1, #2 and #3. We've also added Floor 12 and Destiny Islands in both the subbed and unsubbed sections, as well as a downloadable version of Twilight Town. Enjoy this massive amount of videos people. Later.

    9:30 PM - Just added Twilight Town into the subbed and unsubbed cutscene sections. Check it out for those who are interested in Vexen's death. I also added downloads for both Floor Ten and Eleven.

    2:46 AM - Sup kiddos. I've just added Castle Oblivion: Floor Four (Subtitles) to the Re:CoM Cutscene Subs page. I've also got a little surprise for everyone, since I noticed that no one's put this video up yet...

    Riku Vs. Roxas

    Check back later today when we add Twilight Town and Castle Oblivion: Floor Twelve. Later.

    8:39 PM - Hey all. I've finally decided to instead of post a ton of threads about certain video updates, that I do it all in one uniform thread that will stay posted at the top of the news. That's this one right here. Anyway, let's get started. The Re:CoM Cutscenes and Boss Battle pages have been updated with all of our latest videos. Castle Oblivion: Floor Eleven has also just been added in both the subbed and unsubbed pages. Check it out. Castle Oblivion: Floor Four (Subtitles) and Twilight Town will be added soon.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Apr 3, 2007.

    1. The 13th Soul
      The 13th Soul
      yeah i saw vexens death one looks cool that axel could just snap his fingurers and he would be engulfed by flames that was cool and i was surprised sora actully said hell lol he's not such a good boy after all mayby lol
    2. keyblade master 93
      keyblade master 93
      lol yeh i was very suprised sora said somthing like what the hell is up with you people
    3. bennyjr123
      Alright, hold on a sec. Are you sure it was translated rite. Sora would never say h*** (sorry can't bring myself to say it) Maybe axel would, but sora can't. One, hes with donald and goofy, two thats not his character. Is it just in the japanese version?
    4. 159635741

      Probably it was just because it was japanese, if it does come out here, it would be, "heck".
    5. Etnalacse
      Media Fire isn't cooperating...x_x how come they're not on FileFront anymore?
    6. Xata of Organization 14
    7. # IV Ixbran
      # IV Ixbran
      A very intresting Idea ... though it will be a bit confusing for me as I am new here .... new in a sence that I've just become a member of this site. I love this site and the work it dose, which is why I am joining.

      Keep up the good work Deathspank, you and the other members of this staff do a great job managing this site.

      ((Yes, i know my spellings not all that good, please dont critasize, thank you.))

      Personaly, I fealt sorry for Vexen. Sure he may be an @$$ hole, and may have manipulated Sora in more ways than one. But he actualy tryed warning sora about Marluxas plan to use him, he prpbably would have told him everything if Axel hadent showen up.

      And you know what suprises me the most ... the fact that Axel teams up with Sora in KH2 in that one battle agenst that group of Nobodys in that strange Vortex world, the one betwene "Twilight Town" and "The World That Never Was". If Axel hadent destroyed Vexen, its safe to assume Vexen would have done somthing in a similer manner, like becoming a Friend Card for the finnal confrontation agenst Marluxa.

      But then again this is just my opinon.
    8. Lazzchan
      Thanks for the video! I have to say, we really appreciate your hard work in and devoting so much time to this. =D
    9. Darkcloud
      I guess you have a point. I found out last night that Robin Williams was on a cocaine addiction while he did some of the Disney movies, so I guess Haley being Sora's voice again is extremely likely. Sorry if I raised some concerns.

      About the "h***" thing, yeah I can't see Sora saying that either. The Japanese really aren't that big on censorship, are they (Plus Axel says that on Gameboy Advance version of CoM)
    10. Marluxia's Scythe
      Marluxia's Scythe
      Did anyone else think Vexen's death in Chain of Memories for the GBA was better then what was shown here?
    11. Ryuu Tenshi
      Ryuu Tenshi
      Ok, opinions...

      1. Dialouge was better in GBA CoM (particularly the not respecting your elders bit)

      2. Actual killing more impressive in this version. Guys, Axel immolates Vexen. Do you have any idea how painful it is to be lit on fire?! If you've ever gotten a serious burn you should at least know that it HURTS. And imagine that being all over you...
      And now imagine how it is for Vexen, who is frost-elemental in nature. That... is a truly horrific way to die.
    12. Marluxia's Scythe
      Marluxia's Scythe
      I have to agree with you on the "respecting my elders" line.

      But I didn't like how Axel killed Vexen. Here he just snaps his fingers and Vexen is set on fire. When did he ever have that attack? And Vexen couldn't see the chakram coming from right in front of him to begin with? I liked how it caught him off guard by hitting him in the back in the GBA version. What I liked more was the change in finishing blow: Vexen is on his knees begging for his life with Axel standing behind him, and Axel exicutes him with a big slice with his chakram.
      Plus that great line, "Now you can be a nothing instead of a Nobody" isn't present here, and I really wonder why.
    13. bennyjr123
      What a way to die. But who knew axel had that kinda power? I would've killed the organization with that stuff.
    14. Laurence_Fox
      Fire to a frost elemental is never good. anytime fire is matched up against ice fire always wins.

      I agree that the death of Vexen was more spectacular here and also ties in with Axel being the one to clean up the Organization's messes. Like in one of the new scenes in KH2, Xemnas sends him to either bring Roxas back or kill him. Marluxia does the same thing here, I still think that whole 'Our Superior put me in charge here' thing was a bluff.

      And as for Sora saying a curse word, I don't really think it's a big deal. I mean sure it's 'E' for everybody but one or two words aren't likely to mentally scar anyone.

      I'm quite pleased how the Twilight Town scene played out. Can't wait for Riku's side with the Ansem scenes.
    15. Axel's#1fangirl
      ROTFLUSE!!!!! Vexen dying was hilarious!!!! *lol*
    16. Marluxia's Scythe
      Marluxia's Scythe
      Here are gifs of Vexen's death:

      Part 1:

      Part 2:
    17. Darkcloud
      Hey, I just realized, is there a chance there will be a secret movie in CoM? I mean, they threw in a new ending for FM+, would there be a new movie at the end of CoM?
    18. keyblade master 93
      keyblade master 93
      i just recived final mix+ today woo hoo! i am gonna do final mix then re:com i am currently doing the 3rd mode of difficulty and finding it a little hard equipping abilites and items cause its japenese man axel rules owning vexen
    19. ForgottenHero
      I wish i ordered Final Mix+
      Except i don't wanna go thru the trouble of buying Swap Magic AND the game.
      Oh well.
    20. rikusgirl
      i actually felt rather sorry 4 vexen...

      after all, all he was doin was tryin 2 help the organization wiv his riku replica, n cos the organization found him annoyin dey accused him of betrayin them, n decided 2 kill him.

      god axel is so evil in this game...thnk god roxas makes him hav a change of heart in KH2 :p hes reali evil in re:com...

      i hav 2 admit tho, the death scene was quite funny :D :D :D